Data is being collected:

LoadAVG is running however there is insufficient data at the moment to draw the charts.

Please try reloading this page in 10-15 minutes."; //exit; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run through the data once to set some minimum and maximum values. if ($m && $vps) { $oomgmax = "1"; $oomgmin = "99999999"; $oomgsum = 0; $privmax = "1"; $privmin = "99999999"; $privsum = 0; } else { $memmax = "1"; $memmin = "99999999"; $loadmax = "0.01"; $loadmin = "100"; $loadsum = 0; $txmin = "99999999"; $rxmin = "99999999"; $txmax = "0.01"; $rxmax = "0.01"; } //predefining these variables $memsum = 0; $txsum = 0; $rxsum = 0; foreach($fc as $line) { $line = trim($line); $parts = explode('|',$line); if (!$m) { $ld_parts = explode(",",$parts[1]); if ($ld_parts[$ld] > $loadmax) { $loadmax = $ld_parts[$ld]; $loadmaxstamp = $parts[0]; } if ($ld_parts[$ld] < $loadmin) { $loadmin = $ld_parts[$ld]; $loadminstamp = $parts[0]; } $loadlast = $ld_parts[$ld]; $loadsum = $loadsum + $ld_parts[$ld]; } if ($m && $vps) { if ($parts[2] > $oomgmax) { $oomgmax = $parts[2]; $oomgmaxstamp = $parts[0]; } if ($parts[2] < $oomgmin) { $oomgmin = $parts[2]; $oomgminstamp = $parts[0]; } if ($parts[3] > $privmax) { $privmax = $parts[3]; $privmaxstamp = $parts[0]; } if ($parts[3] < $privmin) { $privmin = $parts[3]; $privminstamp = $parts[0]; } $oomglast = $parts[2]; $oomgsum = $oomgsum + $oomglast; $privlast = $parts[3]; $privsum = $privsum + $privlast; } elseif ($vps) { if ($parts[3] > $memmax) { $memmax = $parts[3]; $memmaxstamp = $parts[0]; } if ($parts[3] < $memmin) { $memmin = $parts[3]; $memminstamp = $parts[0]; } $memlast = $parts[3]; $memsum = $memsum + $memlast; } else { if ($parts[2] > $memmax) { $memmax = $parts[2]; $memmaxstamp = $parts[0]; } if ($parts[2] < $memmin) { $memmin = $parts[2]; $memminstamp = $parts[0]; } $memlast = $parts[2]; $memsum = $memsum + $memlast; } if (!$m) { if ($parts[4] > $txmax && $parts[4] !== 'x') { $txmax = $parts[4]; $txmaxstamp = $parts[0]; } if ($parts[4] < $txmin && $parts[4] !== 'x' && $parts[4] >= 0) { $txmin = $parts[4]; $txminstamp = $parts[0]; } if ($parts[5] > $rxmax && $parts[5] !== 'x') { $rxmax = $parts[5]; $rxmaxstamp = $parts[0]; } if ($parts[5] < $rxmin && $parts[5] !== 'x' && $parts[5] >= 0) { $rxmin = $parts[5]; $rxminstamp = $parts[0]; } $txlast = $parts[4]; $rxlast = $parts[5]; if ($txlast >= 0) $txsum = $txsum + $parts[4]; if ($rxlast >= 0) $rxsum = $rxsum + $parts[5]; } $last = $parts[0]; } // close foreach() // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stuff we need to do now (that we don't do for each iteration). if (!$m) { $memrange = $memmax - $memmin; $memmid = $memmin + ($memrange/2); $loadrange = $loadmax - $loadmin; $loadmid = number_format(round($loadmin + ($loadrange/2),2),2); // for tx/rx charts $txfactor = 100/$txchart; $txmid = $txchart/2; $rxfactor = 100/$rxchart; $rxmid = $rxchart/2; } else { $oomgrange = $oomgmax - $oomgmin; $oomgmid = $oomgmin + ($oomgrange/2); $privrange = $privmax - $privmin; $privmid = $privmin + ($privrange/2); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Go through data again, this time producing HTML output. $loadcols = $loadtime = $memcols = $memtime = $txcols = $txtime = $rxcols = $rxtime = ""; $hour = $minute = 0; foreach($fc as $line) { $last_hour = $hour; $last_minute = $minute; $line = trim($line); if ($line == "") continue; $parts = explode('|',$line); $timestamp = $parts[0]; /*$diff = $timestamp - $last_timestamp; if ($last_timestamp && ($timestamp - $last_timestamp < 150)) { continue; } else $last_timestamp = $timestamp;*/ if (!$m) { $ld_parts = explode(",",$parts[1]); $load = $ld_parts[$ld]; if ($vps) { $mem = $parts[3]; } else { $mem = $parts[2]; } $txbytes = $parts[4]; $rxbytes = $parts[5]; } else { $oomg = $parts[2]; $priv = $parts[3]; } $datetime = date("g:i a",$timestamp); // echo $datetime." - ".$line."
"; $minute = abs(date("i",$timestamp)); $hour = date("G",$timestamp); $gap = false; if ($last_hour + 1 < $hour && $last_hour > 0) { list($loadcols,$loadtime) = drawblankinitially($loadcols, $loadtime, $last_hour, $hour); list($memcols,$memtime) = drawblankinitially($memcols, $memtime, $last_hour, $hour); list($rxcols,$rxtime) = drawblankinitially($rxcols, $rxtime, $last_hour, $hour); list($txcols,$txtime) = drawblankinitially($txcols, $txtime, $last_hour, $hour); $last_minute = 0; $gap = true; } // if ($last_minute > 50) $last_minute = 0; $diff_minute_last_minute = $minute - $last_minute; if ($diff_minute_last_minute > 3 && $loadcols) { $fill = floor($diff_minute_last_minute / 3) - 1; for ($f = 0; $f < $fill;$f++) { $loadcols .= "\n
"; $memcols .= "\n
"; $rxcols .= "\n
"; $txcols .= "\n
"; } } //echo $diff_minute_last_minute; // chart the load average. if (!$m) { $loaddiff = $load - $loadmin; $loadheight = $loadrange ? ceil($loaddiff/$loadrange*100) : $loaddiff; if ($load < $load_yellowline) { $loadclass = 'gr'; } elseif ($load < $load_redline) { $loadclass = 'yl'; } else { $loadclass = 'rd'; } // Hack for IE which can't correctly align a 1px high box... if ($loadheight == 1) { $loadheight = 2; } if ($loadheight == 0) { $loadheight = 2; $loadclass = 'wh'; } // -- $loadtop = 100-$loadheight; if ($loadcols == "") { if ($hour > 0) { for ($c = 0;$c<$hour;$c++) { $loadcols.= "\n
"; $t = ""; if ($c%2==0) $t = $c; $loadtime.= "\n
"; } } if ($minute < 2) { $loadcols .= "\n\n
"; if (is_int($hour/2)) { if ($hour == 0) $loadtime .= "\n
"; else $loadtime .= "\n
"; } } else { if (is_int($hour/2)) $loadtime .= "\n
"; $loadcols .= "\n\n"; for ($c = 0; $c < $minute;$c=$c+6) $loadcols .= "\n
"; $loadcols .= "\n
"; } } elseif ($loadcols && ($minute < 2 || $gap)) { if (!$gap) $loadcols .= "\n\n\n
"; if (is_int($hour/2)) { $loadtime .= "\n
"; } } else { $loadcols .= "\n
"; } // chart memory (privvmpages for VPS) or 'used memory' on a dedicated. list($memcols,$memtime) = chartmem($memcols,$memtime,$mem,$memmax,$memmin,$memmid,$memrange,$oomgbarrier,$privbarrier,$hour,$minute,$timestamp,$last,$gap); // chart transmit rate. // bytes = 'x' when the interface is not found (incorrect $eth setting). if ($rxbytes == 'x') { $rxbytes = 0; } if ($txbytes < 0) $txbytes = 0; if ($txbytes >= $txchart) { $txheight = 100; $txtop = 0; $txclass = 'bl'; $txbighour = 'txbig'.$hour; $$txbighour .= $txbytes .' '; } else { $txheight = ceil($txbytes/$txchart*100); $txtop = 100-$txheight; $txclass = 'gr'; } // echo $txbytes; // Hack for IE... if ($txheight == 1) { $txheight = 2; $txtop = 98; } if ($txheight == 0) { $txheight = 2; $txtop = 98; $txclass = 'wh'; } // -- if ($txcols == "") { if ($hour > 0) { for ($c = 0;$c<$hour;$c++) { $txcols.= "\n
"; $t = ""; if ($c%2==0) $t = $c; $txtime.= "\n
"; } } if ($minute < 2) { $txcols .= "\n\n
"; if (is_int($hour/2)) { if ($hour == 0) $txtime .= "\n
"; else $txtime .= "\n
"; } } else { if (is_int($hour/2)) $txtime .= "\n
"; $txcols .= "\n\n"; for ($c = 0; $c < $minute;$c=$c+6) $txcols .= "\n
"; $txcols .= "\n
"; } } elseif ($txcols && ($minute < 2 || $gap)) { if (!$gap) $txcols .= "\n\n\n
"; if (is_int($hour/2)) { $txtime .= "\n
"; } } else { $txcols .= "\n
"; } // chart receive rate. // bytes = 'x' when the interface is not found (incorrect $eth setting). if ($rxbytes == 'x') { $rxbytes = 0; } if ($rxbytes < 0) $rxbytes = 0; if ($rxbytes >= $rxchart) { $rxheight = 100; $rxtop = 0; $rxclass = 'bl'; $rxbighour = 'rxbig'.$hour; $$rxbighour .= $rxbytes .' '; } else { $rxheight = ceil($rxbytes/$rxchart*100); $rxtop = 100-$rxheight; $rxclass = 'gr'; } // Hack for IE... if ($rxheight == 1) { $rxheight = 2; $rxtop = 98;} if ($rxheight == 0) { $rxheight = 2; $rxtop = 98; $rxclass = 'wh'; } // -- if (!$rxcols) { if ($hour > 0) { for ($c = 0;$c<$hour;$c++) { $rxcols.= "\n
"; $t = ""; if ($c%2==0) $t = $c; $rxtime.= "\n
"; } } if ($minute < 2) { $rxcols .= "\n\n
"; if (is_int($hour/2)) { if ($hour == 0) $rxtime .= "\n
"; else $rxtime .= "\n
"; } } else { if (is_int($hour/2)) $rxtime .= "\n
"; $rxcols .= "\n\n"; for ($c = 0; $c < $minute;$c=$c+6) $rxcols .= "\n
"; $rxcols .= "\n
"; } } elseif ($rxcols && ($minute < 2 || $gap)) { if (!$gap) $rxcols .= "\n\n\n
"; if (is_int($hour/2)) { $rxtime .= "\n
"; } } else { $rxcols .= "\n
"; } } // close if(!$m) else { list($oomgcols,$oomgtime) = chartmem($oomgcols,$oomgtime,$oomg,$oomgmax,$oomgmin,$oomgmid,$oomgrange,$oomgbarrier,$privbarrier,$hour,$minute,$timestamp,$last,$gap); list($privcols,$privtime) = chartmem($privcols,$privtime,$priv,$privmax,$privmin,$privmid,$privrange,$oomgbarrier,$privbarrier,$hour,$minute,$timestamp,$last,$gap); } } // close foreach() // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Various formatting for display, including table completion (blank // hours), mouseovers for out-of-range data on tx & rx charts, the // logfile select form, number formatting, etc. // not sure if tis is the right way to ddo this! if (!$m) { for ($i=0; $i<24; $i++) { // tx/rx out-of-range mousovers. $txbignum = 'txbig'.$i; $rxbignum = 'rxbig'.$i; if ($$txbignum) { $tbiglist = trim($$txbignum); $tbiglist = str_replace(' ',', ',trim($tbiglist)); $tstr = " title=\"Values off-chart: ".$tbiglist."\" style='cursor:help'"; $txcols = str_replace(" TXBIG_$i",$tstr,$txcols); $txmouse =TRUE; } if ($$rxbignum) { $rbiglist = trim($$rxbignum); $rbiglist = str_replace(' ',', ',trim($rbiglist)); $rstr = " title=\"Values off-chart: ".$rbiglist."\" style='cursor:help'"; $rxcols = str_replace(" RXBIG_$i",$rstr,$rxcols); $rxmouse = TRUE; } } $txcols = preg_replace("/ TXBIG_[0-9]{1,2}/", "", $txcols); $rxcols = preg_replace("/ RXBIG_[0-9]{1,2}/", "", $rxcols); list($loadcols,$loadtime) = drawblank($loadcols,$loadtime,$hour,$logfile); list($memcols,$memtime) = drawblank($memcols,$memtime,$hour,$logfile); list($txcols,$txtime) = drawblank($txcols,$txtime,$hour,$logfile); list($rxcols,$rxtime) = drawblank($rxcols,$rxtime,$hour,$logfile); // Info for the summary panes. $loadmax = number_format(doubleval($loadmax),2); $loadmin = number_format(doubleval($loadmin),2); $loadmaxtime = date("g:ia", $loadmaxstamp); $loadmintime = date("g:ia", $loadminstamp); if($cnt > 0) $loadmean = number_format (round(($loadsum/$cnt),2),2); if ($vps) { $memmax = number_format(round(($memmax/256),1),1); $memmin = number_format(round(($memmin/256),1),1); $memmid = number_format(round(($memmid/256),1),1); $memmean = ($memsum/$cnt); $memmean = number_format(round(($memmean/256),1),1); $memlast = number_format(round(($memlast/256),1),1); $oomgbarriermb = round($oomgbarrier/256); $burstlimit = round($privbarrier/256); $burstwarn = round($burstlimit*.75); } else { $memmax = number_format(round(($memmax/1024),1),1); $memmin = number_format(round(($memmin/1024),1),1); $memmid = number_format(round(($memmid/1024),1),1); if($cnt > 0) $memmean = ($memsum/$cnt); $memmean = number_format(round(($memmean/1024),1),1); $memlast = number_format(round(($memlast/1024),1),1); } $memmaxtime = date("g:ia", $memmaxstamp); $memmintime = date("g:ia", $memminstamp); $txmax = number_format($txmax,1); $txmaxtime = date("g:ia", $txmaxstamp); $txmin = number_format($txmin,1); $txmintime = date("g:ia", $txminstamp); if($cnt > 0) $txmean = round(($txsum/$cnt),1); $txdaily = round($txmean*60*60*24/$kbsize); if ($txdaily >= $kbsize) { $txdaily = round($txdaily/$kbsize,1); $txdaily_units = "GB"; } else { $txdaily_units = "MB"; } $rxmax = number_format($rxmax,1); $rxmaxtime = date("g:ia", $rxmaxstamp); $rxmin = number_format($rxmin,1); $rxmintime = date("g:ia", $rxminstamp); if($cnt > 0) $rxmean = round(($rxsum/$cnt),1); $rxdaily = round($rxmean*60*60*24/$kbsize); if ($rxdaily >= $kbsize) { $rxdaily = round($rxdaily/$kbsize,1); $rxdaily_units = "GB"; } else { $rxdaily_units = "MB"; } // list for dropdown log selector. chdir($datadir); $dirlist = `/bin/ls *.log`; $parts = explode("\n",$dirlist); foreach ($parts as $log) { $log = trim($log); if ($log && $log !== 'today.log') { $file_parts = explode(".",$log); $logdate = date("d M Y", $file_parts[0]); $curr_log = explode(".",$logfile); $curr_log = $curr_log[0]; // ------------------------------------------------------ // fix for date bug need to find out exactly why this happens if ($curr_log == '') { $curr_log->setDate(null); } // ------------------------------------------------------ if ($logdate == date("d M Y", (int)$curr_log ) ) { $sel[] = "\n"; } else { $sel[] = "\n"; } } } if (isset($sel)) { $sel = array_reverse($sel); $newsel = join($sel); } if ($logfile == 'today.log') { $refresh = "\n"; } else { if ($_GET['load'] == 1) { $get = "?load=1"; } elseif ($_GET['load'] == 5) { $get = "?load=5"; } elseif ($_GET['load'] == 15) { $get = "?load=15"; } $todaybutton = "   "; } if (isset($newsel)) { if ($_GET['load']) { $hidin = ""; } $form = ""; } elseif ($logfile !== 'today.log') { $form = ""; } else { $form = " "; } } // close if(!$m) else { list($oomgcols,$oomgtime) = drawblank($oomgcols,$oomgtime,$hour,$logfile); list($privcols,$privtime) = drawblank($privcols,$privtime,$hour,$logfile); $oomgmax = number_format(round(($oomgmax/256),1),1); $oomgmin = number_format(round(($oomgmin/256),1),1); $oomgmid = number_format(round(($oomgmid/256),1),1); $oomgmean = ($oomgsum/$cnt); $oomgmean = number_format(round(($oomgmean/256),1),1); $oomglast = number_format(round(($oomglast/256),1),1); $oomgmaxtime = date("g:ia", $oomgmaxstamp); $oomgmintime = date("g:ia", $oomgminstamp); $privmax = number_format(round(($privmax/256),1),1); $privmin = number_format(round(($privmin/256),1),1); $privmid = number_format(round(($privmid/256),1),1); $privmean = ($privsum/$cnt); $privmean = number_format(round(($privmean/256),1),1); $privlast = number_format(round(($privlast/256),1),1); $privmaxtime = date("g:ia", $privmaxstamp); $privmintime = date("g:ia", $privminstamp); } // Construct links. if ($vps && $logfile && $logfile !== 'today.log') { $memlink = "
\n"; } elseif ($vps) { $memlink = "
\n"; } else { $memlink = "
memory usage
"; } if ($logfile !== 'today.log') { if ($ld==0) { $ldlink1 = "1-min"; } else { $ldlink1 = "1-min"; } if ($ld==1) { $ldlink5 = "5-min"; } else { $ldlink5 = "5-min"; } if ($ld==2) { $ldlink15 = "15-min"; } else { $ldlink15 = "15-min"; } } else { if ($ld==0) { $ldlink1 = "1-min"; } else { $ldlink1 = "1-min"; } if ($ld==1) { $ldlink5 = "5-min"; } else { $ldlink5 = "5-min"; } if ($ld==2) { $ldlink15 = "15-min"; } else { $ldlink15 = "15-min"; } } // Time/date of last update (if not a logfile). if (!isset($timedate)) { $tz = date('T',time()); $now = date('l, M. j',$last); $miltime = date('Hi',$last); $aptime = date('g:i a',$last); $timedate = "Today - $now - last update at $miltime ($aptime) $tz"; } // Get the end time for page gen time. $mtime = explode (" ", microtime()); $tend = $mtime[0] + $mtime[1]; $totaltime = round(($tend - $tstart),4); $pagegen = "HTML graphs generated in $totaltime sec."; // Functions ==========================================================-------- function drawblankinitially($cols, $times, $last_hour, $hour) { for ($c = $last_hour;$c<$hour;$c++) { $cols.= "\n
"; if ($c%2==0) $times.= "\n
"; } return array($cols,$times); } // Complete a table to the full 24 hours. function drawblank($cols, $times, $lasthour, $logfile) { $cols .= "\n\n"; $addhours = 23-$lasthour; $disphour = $lasthour+1; while ($addhours > 0) { $cols .= "\n
\n"; if (is_int($disphour/2)) { $times .= "\n
"; } $disphour++; $addhours = $addhours-1; } if ($logfile == 'today.log') { $lastclass = 'timelastdim'; } else { $lastclass = 'timelast'; } $times .= "\n
"; return array($cols,$times); } // Draw a chart for memory usage. function chartmem($memcols,$memtime,$mem,$memmax,$memmin,$memmid,$memrange,$oomgbarrier,$privbarrier,$hour,$minute,$timestamp,$last,$gap) { $memdiff = $mem - $memmin; $memheight = $memrange ? ceil($memdiff/$memrange*100) : $memdiff; $memclass = 'gr'; // Hack for IE... if ($memheight == 1) { $memheight = 2; } if ($memheight == 0) { $memheight = 2; $memclass = 'wh'; } // -- $memtop = 100-$memheight; if (!$memcols) { if ($hour > 0) { for ($c = 0;$c<$hour;$c++) { $memcols.= "\n
"; $t = ""; if ($c%2==0) $t = $c; $memtime.= "\n
"; } } if ($minute < 2) { $memcols .= "\n\n
"; if (is_int($hour/2)) { if ($hour == 0) $memtime .= "\n
"; else $memtime .= "\n
"; } } else { if (is_int($hour/2)) $memtime .= "\n
"; $memcols .= "\n\n"; for ($c = 0; $c < $minute;$c=$c+6) $memcols .= "\n
"; $memcols .= "\n
"; } } elseif ($memcols && ($minute < 2 || $gap)) { if (!$gap) $memcols .= "\n\n\n
"; if (is_int($hour/2)) { $memtime .= "\n
"; } } else { $memcols .= "\n
"; } return array($memcols,$memtime); } ?>