import pygame # Import the android module. If we can't import it, set it to None - this # lets us test it, and check to see if we want android-specific behavior. try: import android except ImportError: android = None def main(): pygame.init() # Set the screen size. screen = pygame.display.set_mode((480, 800)) # Map the back button to the escape key. if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_ESCAPE) if android: yum = android.mixer.Sound("yum.wav") else: pygame.mixer.init() yum = pygame.mixer.Sound("yum.wav") while True: ev = pygame.event.wait() # Android-specific: if android: droid = android.Android() if android.check_pause(): android.wait_for_resume() # When the user hits back, ESCAPE is sent. Handle it and end # the game. elif ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and ev.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE: break # This isn't run on Android. if __name__ == "__main__": main()