def detex(tex): """Use pandoc (if available) to modify LaTeX text strings for use as plain text, e.g. as printed to the terminal. Taken from original code in Rivet (, hence the particle physics bias in the macros used to do the replacements! TODO: Maybe group many strings to be processed together, to save on system call / pandoc startup? """ from distutils.spawn import find_executable if not find_executable("pandoc"): return tex texheader = r""" \newcommand{\text}[1]{#1} \newcommand{\ensuremath}[1]{#1} \newcommand{\emph}[1]{_#1_} \newcommand{\textrm}[1]{#1} \newcommand{\textit}[1]{_#1_} \newcommand{\textbf}[1]{*#1*} \newcommand{\mathrm}[1]{#1} \newcommand{\mathit}[1]{_#1_} \newcommand{\mathbf}[1]{*#1*} \newcommand{\bm}[1]{*#1*} \newcommand{\frac}[2]{#1/#2} \newcommand{\sqrt}[1]{sqrt(#1)} \newcommand{\hat}[1]{#1hat} \newcommand{\bar}[1]{#1bar} \newcommand{\d}[1]{d#1} \newcommand{\degree}{^\circ } \newcommand{\infty}{oo } \newcommand{\exp}{exp } \newcommand{\log}{log } \newcommand{\ln}{ln } \newcommand{\sin}{sin } \newcommand{\cos}{cos } \newcommand{\tan}{tan } \newcommand{\sinh}{sinh } \newcommand{\cosh}{cosh } \newcommand{\tanh}{tanh } \newcommand{\ell}{l} \newcommand{\varphi}{\phi} \newcommand{\varepsilon}{\epsilon} \newcommand{\sim}{~} \newcommand{\lesssim}{<~ } \newcommand{\gtrsim}{>~ } \newcommand{\neq}{!= } \newcommand{\ge}{>= } \newcommand{\gg}{>> } \newcommand{\le}{<= } \newcommand{\ll}{<< } \newcommand{\pm}{+- } \newcommand{\mp}{-+ } \newcommand{\times}{x } \newcommand{\cdot}{. } \newcommand{\langle}{<} \newcommand{\rangle}{>} \newcommand{\gets}{<- } \newcommand{\to}{-> } \newcommand{\leftarrow}{<- } \newcommand{\rightarrow}{-> } \newcommand{\leftrightarrow}{<-> } \newcommand{\Leftarrow}{<= } \newcommand{\Rightarrow}{=> } \newcommand{\Leftrightarrow}{ } \newcommand{\left}{} \newcommand{\right}{} \newcommand{\!}{} \newcommand{\/}{} \newcommand{\rm}{} \newcommand{\it}{} \newcommand{\,}{ } \newcommand{\;}{ } \newcommand{\ }{ } \newcommand{\unit}[2]{#1 #2} \newcommand{\bar}[1]{#1bar} \newcommand{\pT}{pT } \newcommand{\perp}{T} \newcommand{\MeV}{MeV } \newcommand{\GeV}{GeV } \newcommand{\TeV}{TeV } """ import subprocess, shlex p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split("pandoc -f latex -t plain --no-wrap"), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) plain, err = p.communicate((texheader + tex).replace("\n", "")) plain = plain.replace(r"\&", "&") # TODO: Replace \gamma, \mu, \tau, \Upsilon, \rho, \psi, \pi, \eta, \Delta, \Omega, \omega? # TODO: Replace e^+- -> e+-? return plain[:-1] if plain[-1] == "\n" else plain # print detex(r"Foo \! $\int \text{bar} \d{x} \sim \; \frac{1}{3} \neq \emph{foo}$ \to \gg bar") # => 'Foo \int bar dx ~ 1/3 != _foo_ -> >> bar'