rem rem Screenshot of the results when having an "Access Denied" error and "The system cannot find the file specified." error when using 'ren' command, both cases DO set the ERRORLEVEL to "1": rem @echo OFF SET directory=d:\downloads\testdir SET rename_what_filename=bla.txt SET rename_what_path=%directory%\%rename_what_filename% SET rename_to=sad.txt echo Renaming "%rename_what_filename%" to "%rename_to%" in the following directory: "%directory%" ren %rename_what_path% %rename_to% if not %errorlevel%==0 ( echo There was a problem renaming the file. ) else ( echo Renaming was successful. ) echo Errorlevel: "%errorlevel%" echo. SET rename_what_filename=test.txt SET rename_what_path=%directory%\%rename_what_filename% SET rename_to=asdsad.txt echo Renaming "%rename_what_filename%" to "%rename_to%" in the following directory: "%directory%" ren %rename_what_path% %rename_to% if not %errorlevel%==0 ( echo There was a problem renaming the file. ) else ( echo Renaming was successful. ) echo Errorlevel: "%errorlevel%"