' ################################################################################### ' ' mAntiSH ' Description: This is a basic module which detects speed hack library if its injected ' to our application. ' Coded by LeadMX ' Website: hackhound.org ' Special Thanks To: the unXplained, Mus7afa, Viotto, omc, steve10120 ' Email: leadmx@yahoo.com ' MSN: leadmx_msn@hotmail.com ' ' ################################################################################### Public Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpModuleName As String) As Long Public Function IsSHInjected() As Boolean If Not GetModuleHandle("speedhack.dll") = 0 Then ' Check if speedhack.dll is loaded IsSHInjected = True ' If its loaded, we will return True value Else IsSHInjected = False ' If its not loaded, we will return False value End If End Function