aRkker's Crack-version HonorBuddy crack-applier (Yes, I know, it's kinky) Instructions: 1) Open the cracked Honorbuddy 2) Press Enter on this program 3) Login with bogus (YES, THEY CAN'T BE REAL!!) details 4) ???? 5) Profit! Press any key to continue . . . Found MSCorlib at: 64F20000 Code-cave scanner found more than 1 occurance of occupied bytes in our code cave ... Code cave initated at: 650BE57C JGE Fixer: 78D53E Time to hook the jump! Everything should be set. Now log in with some bogus details and enjoy your patched HonorBuddy Please support the software developer (The real one, not the fuckheads who "cracked" this program) if you enjoy the program. Press any key to continue . . .