; NOTE: for any relative paths specified are relative to ; sc_trans and not to where the conf file is being stored ; here we will setup where the log and other related files ; will be stored. make sure that these folders exist else ; sc_trans will throw an error and will close itself down. logfile=logs/sc_trans.log ; for the purpose of this test then we will not take into ; account the use of a calendar.xml file and so disable it calendarrewrite=0 ; for testing we will only setup a single encoder though it ; is easy to add in additional encoder configurations and ; we are using an aac plus encoder as the default due to ; the licensing requirements for mp3 encoding as detailed ; in sc_trans.txt - section 2.5). encoder_1=aacp bitrate_1=56000 ; this is where we define the details required for sc_trans ; to connect to the sc_serv instance being used where the ; details must match those specified in sc_serv_basic.conf outprotocol_1=3 serverip_1= ; default is 8000, if not change to sc_serv's 'portbase' serverport_1=8000 ; this is the same as 'password' in sc_serv_basic.conf password_1=testing ; this is the same as 'streamid' in sc_serv_basic.conf for ; the stream we are acting as the source for streamid_1=1 ; this is a name for the source we're creating and is used ; with the AJAX control api or can be left blank to get a ; generic name created in the form of 'endpointX' where 'X' ; is the index of the created source from sc_trans lists. endpointname_1= ; here you would provide any information to fill in details ; provided to clients about the stream. it us upto you what ; is entered though do not do anything which will annoy, etc streamtitle=My Test Server streamurl=http://www.shoutcast.com genre=Misc ; here we specify a playlist to use as the master list from ; which to play files from. playlistfile=playlists/main.lst ; these options will allow you access the admin interfaces ; of sc_trans though also allows the 'testui' example to be ; accessed. remember to change the password, etc as needed adminport=7999 adminuser=admin adminpassword=goaway ; if we want to have an intro file for when the client gets ; the stream or a backup file incase of our connection to ; the server failing then we can set these. this is needed ; as we are using 'outprotocol=3' which supports this (and ; is needed in place of the sc_serv defined values to work) ;serverintrofile= ;serverbackupfile=