(function(){ Renderer = function(canvas){ var canvas = $(canvas).get(0) var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); var gfx = arbor.Graphics(canvas) var particleSystem = null var imagepath = './graphics/'; var that = { init:function(system){ particleSystem = system particleSystem.screenSize(canvas.width, canvas.height) particleSystem.screenPadding(40) that.initMouseHandling() }, redraw:function(){ if (!particleSystem) return gfx.clear() // convenience ƒ: clears the whole canvas rect // draw the nodes & save their bounds for edge drawing var nodeBoxes = {} particleSystem.eachNode(function(node, pt){ // node: {mass:#, p:{x,y}, name:"", data:{}} // pt: {x:#, y:#} node position in screen coords // Load extra info var image = node.data.image var imageH = node.data.image_h var imageW = node.data.image_w var radius = parseInt(node.data.radius) // determine the box size and round off the coords if we'll be // drawing a text label (awful alignment jitter otherwise...) var label = node.data.label||"" var w = ctx.measureText(""+label).width + 10 if(w < radius) { w = radius; } if (!(""+label).match(/^[ \t]*$/)){ pt.x = Math.floor(pt.x) pt.y = Math.floor(pt.y) }else{ label = null } // draw a rectangle centered at pt if (node.data.color) ctx.fillStyle = node.data.color else ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,.2)" if (node.data.color=='none') ctx.fillStyle = "white" if (node.data.shape=='dot'){ gfx.oval(pt.x-w/2, pt.y-w/2, w,w, {fill:ctx.fillStyle}) nodeBoxes[node.name] = [pt.x-w/2, pt.y-w/2, w,w] }else{ gfx.rect(pt.x-w/2, pt.y-10, w,20, 4, {fill:ctx.fillStyle}) nodeBoxes[node.name] = [pt.x-w/2, pt.y-11, w, 22] } // draw the text if (label){ ctx.font = "12px Helvetica" ctx.textAlign = "center" ctx.fillStyle = "white" if (node.data.color=='none') ctx.fillStyle = '#333333' ctx.fillText(label||"", pt.x, pt.y+4) ctx.fillText(label||"", pt.x, pt.y+4) } if (image){ // Custom image loading function var pic = new Image() pic.onload = function() { ctx.drawImage(pic, pt.x-(imageW/2), pt.y+(imageH/2), imageW, imageH) } pic.src = imagepath + node.data.image } }) // draw the edges particleSystem.eachEdge(function(edge, pt1, pt2){ // edge: {source:Node, target:Node, length:#, data:{}} // pt1: {x:#, y:#} source position in screen coords // pt2: {x:#, y:#} target position in screen coords var weight = edge.data.weight var color = edge.data.color if (!color || (""+color).match(/^[ \t]*$/)) color = null // find the start point var tail = intersect_line_box(pt1, pt2, nodeBoxes[edge.source.name]) var head = intersect_line_box(tail, pt2, nodeBoxes[edge.target.name]) ctx.save() ctx.beginPath() ctx.lineWidth = (!isNaN(weight)) ? parseFloat(weight) : 1 ctx.strokeStyle = (color) ? color : "#cccccc" ctx.fillStyle = null ctx.moveTo(tail.x, tail.y) ctx.lineTo(head.x, head.y) ctx.stroke() ctx.restore() // draw an arrowhead if this is a -> style edge if (edge.data.directed){ ctx.save() // move to the head position of the edge we just drew var wt = !isNaN(weight) ? parseFloat(weight) : 1 var arrowLength = 6 + wt var arrowWidth = 2 + wt ctx.fillStyle = (color) ? color : "#cccccc" ctx.translate(head.x, head.y); ctx.rotate(Math.atan2(head.y - tail.y, head.x - tail.x)); // delete some of the edge that's already there (so the point isn't hidden) ctx.clearRect(-arrowLength/2,-wt/2, arrowLength/2,wt) // draw the chevron ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(-arrowLength, arrowWidth); ctx.lineTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(-arrowLength, -arrowWidth); ctx.lineTo(-arrowLength * 0.8, -0); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore() } }) }, initMouseHandling:function(){ // no-nonsense drag and drop (thanks springy.js) selected = null; nearest = null; var dragged = null; var oldmass = 1 // set up a handler object that will initially listen for mousedowns then // for moves and mouseups while dragging var handler = { clicked:function(e){ var pos = $(canvas).offset(); _mouseP = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top) selected = nearest = dragged = particleSystem.nearest(_mouseP); if (dragged.node !== null) dragged.node.fixed = true $(canvas).bind('mousemove', handler.dragged) $(window).bind('mouseup', handler.dropped) return false }, dragged:function(e){ var old_nearest = nearest && nearest.node._id var pos = $(canvas).offset(); var s = arbor.Point(e.pageX-pos.left, e.pageY-pos.top) if (!nearest) return if (dragged !== null && dragged.node !== null){ var p = particleSystem.fromScreen(s) dragged.node.p = p } return false }, dropped:function(e){ if (dragged===null || dragged.node===undefined) return if (dragged.node !== null) dragged.node.fixed = false dragged.node.tempMass = 1000 dragged = null selected = null $(canvas).unbind('mousemove', handler.dragged) $(window).unbind('mouseup', handler.dropped) _mouseP = null return false } } $(canvas).mousedown(handler.clicked); } } // helpers for figuring out where to draw arrows (thanks springy.js) var intersect_line_line = function(p1, p2, p3, p4) { var denom = ((p4.y - p3.y)*(p2.x - p1.x) - (p4.x - p3.x)*(p2.y - p1.y)); if (denom === 0) return false // lines are parallel var ua = ((p4.x - p3.x)*(p1.y - p3.y) - (p4.y - p3.y)*(p1.x - p3.x)) / denom; var ub = ((p2.x - p1.x)*(p1.y - p3.y) - (p2.y - p1.y)*(p1.x - p3.x)) / denom; if (ua < 0 || ua > 1 || ub < 0 || ub > 1) return false return arbor.Point(p1.x + ua * (p2.x - p1.x), p1.y + ua * (p2.y - p1.y)); } var intersect_line_box = function(p1, p2, boxTuple) { var p3 = {x:boxTuple[0], y:boxTuple[1]}, w = boxTuple[2], h = boxTuple[3] var tl = {x: p3.x, y: p3.y}; var tr = {x: p3.x + w, y: p3.y}; var bl = {x: p3.x, y: p3.y + h}; var br = {x: p3.x + w, y: p3.y + h}; return intersect_line_line(p1, p2, tl, tr) || intersect_line_line(p1, p2, tr, br) || intersect_line_line(p1, p2, br, bl) || intersect_line_line(p1, p2, bl, tl) || false } return that } })()