ID; $s = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post -> ID ) , 'full' ); ?>
ID) == 'event') { $sidebar_value = meta::get_meta( $post->ID, 'layout' ); if($sidebar_value['layout_type'] == 'full_width'){ $title_column_nr = 'ten'; $time_column_nr = 'two'; } else { $title_column_nr = 'nine'; $time_column_nr = 'three'; } ?>

ID, 'date' ); $start_date = $event_repeat['start_date_time']; $end_date = $event_repeat['end_date_time']; if($start_date != '' || $end_date != ''){ ?>
__('Every day','cosmotheme'), 'week' => __('Every week','cosmotheme') ,'month' => __('Every month','cosmotheme') ,'year' => __('Every year','cosmotheme') ); $repeat_val = $event_repeat['repeating']; echo $repeating_options[$repeat_val]; } else { echo dateDiff(time(), $start_date, $end_date); } ?>

ID) == 'post'){ $cat_tax = 'category'; } elseif(get_post_type( $post -> ID) == 'page') { $cat_tax = ''; } elseif(get_post_type( $post -> ID) == 'event') { $cat_tax = 'event-category'; } if(isset($cat_tax)){ $the_categories = post::get_post_categories($post->ID, $only_first_cat = false, $taxonomy = $cat_tax, $margin_elem_start = '
  • ', $margin_elem_end = '
  • ', $delimiter = ''); if((get_post_type() == 'page' && options::logic( 'blog_post' , 'page_meta' )) || (get_post_type() == 'post' && options::logic( 'blog_post' , 'meta' ))){ if( meta::logic( $post , 'settings' , 'meta' ) ){ get_meta($the_categories, $post ); } } } ?>
    ID, 'date' ); $event_info = meta::get_meta( $post->ID, 'info' ); $date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ); $time_format = get_option( 'time_format' ); /*we need to check if there is any meta to be shown*/ if(strlen($event_date['start_date_time']) || strlen($event_date['end_date_time']) || strlen($event_info['venue']) || strlen($event_info['place'])){ $have_meta_info = true; }else{ $have_meta_info = false; } /* check if there is any custom meta fields generated by the user */ if(isset($event_info['custominfometa']) && is_array($event_info['custominfometa']) && sizeof($event_info['custominfometa'])){ $have_custom_meta_info = true; }else{ $have_custom_meta_info = false; } /*we need to check if the map will be displayed*/ $map = meta::get_meta( $post->ID, 'map' ); if(strlen(trim($map['map_code'])) != ''){ $have_map = true; }else{ $have_map = false; } $sidebar_value = meta::get_meta( $post->ID, 'layout' ); /*if the posts is full width (no sidebar) and there are both info meta and map to be shown then bloks for map and info meta will have 6 columns*/ if($sidebar_value['layout_type'] == 'full_width' && ($have_meta_info || $have_custom_meta_info) && $have_map ) { $map_info_block = ' six '; }else{ /*bloks for map and info meta will have 12 columns*/ $map_info_block = ' twelve '; } ?>
    • $custom_value) { ?>
    ID ) == 'audio' ){ $audio = new AudioPlayer(); echo $audio->processContent( post::get_audio_file( $post -> ID ) ); } ?> post_excerpt) && strlen(trim($post -> post_excerpt))){ /*show excerpt if available*/ ?>
    ID ) == 'video' ){ $video_format = meta::get_meta( $post -> ID , 'format' ); ?>
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    "; echo "
    "; } } the_content(); ?> '

    Pages:','after' => '

    ', 'next_or_number' => 'number')); ?>
    ID ) == 'link' ){ echo post::get_attached_file( $post -> ID ); } $tags = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'post_tag'); if (!empty($tags) && options::get_value( 'blog_post' , 'post_sharing' ) == 'yes' && meta::logic( $post , 'settings' , 'sharing' )){ $class_nr = 'six'; }else if(empty($tags) || (options::get_value( 'blog_post' , 'post_sharing' ) == 'no' || !meta::logic( $post , 'settings' , 'sharing' ))){ $class_nr = 'twelve'; }else { $class_nr = ''; } ?>
    '; get_template_part('social-sharing'); echo '
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    ' . __('Leave a comment','cosmotheme').''); echo $comments_label; ?>