require 'fileutils' # Problem: ActionScript class files named without following capitalized convention # cannot be simply renamed to the correct convention and commit to version control. # This is caused by case-insensitive file systems not recognizing the casing changes. # Solution: Create a temp copy of the original, incorrectly cased file. Remove the original from version control. # Rename the temp to the correct name and add to version control. Commit. # Rename and copy temporarily Dir['*.as'].each do |as_file| # if the filename is not uppercased if as_file[0..0] != (cap = as_file[0..0].upcase) # make tmp copy of the file with correct capitalization # ie. gets copied to FileUtils.cp(as_file, "#{cap}#{as_file[1..as_file.size]}.tmp") # remove the original file from SVN `svn rm #{as_file}` end end # Rename temp files to corrected name and add to SVN Dir['*.as.tmp'].each do |tmp_file| final = tmp_file.sub(/\.tmp$/, '') tmp_file, final `svn add #{final}` end # Double check and commit.