function t = test_is_int() % See: % create a vector of doubles, containing integers and non-integers x = (1:1e5)'; idx = ( rand(size(x)) < 0.5 ); x(idx) = x(idx) + rand(sum(idx(:)),1); % create functions to test funcs = {@func1; @func2; @func3; @func4}; % timeit and store results t = zeros(size(funcs)); v = cell(size(funcs)); for i=1:numel(funcs) f = @() funcs{i}(x); t(i) = timeit(f); v{i} = feval(f); end assert( isequal(v{:}) ) end function v = func1(x) v = ~mod(x,1); end function v = func2(x) v = x==double(uint64(x)); end function v = func3(x) v = x==floor(x); end function v = func4(x) v = x==round(x); end