moc_para01,24,24,4 script VIP Service#0::vipwarp 109,{ if((#VIPSERVICE == 1 && #VIP_Lasttime + .VIP_Cooldown > gettimetick(2) && #VIP_Lasttime < gettimetick(2)) || (#FREEVIPSERVICE == 1 && #VIP_Lasttime + .FREE_VIP_Cooldown > gettimetick(2) && #VIP_Lasttime < gettimetick(2))) { dispbottom "Your VIP service is active!"; if (#FREEVIPSERVICE == 1) { .@last = #VIP_Lasttime + .FREE_VIP_Cooldown - gettimetick(2); } else { .@last = #VIP_Lasttime + .VIP_Cooldown - gettimetick(2); } .@days = .@last / 60 / 60 / 24; .@hours = .@last / 60 / 60 % 24; .@minutes = .@last / 60 % 60; .@seconds = .@last % 60; mes "You have:"; mes ""+.@days+" days "+.@hours+" hours "+.@minutes+" minutes "+.@seconds+" seconds"; mes "in your VIP service remaining."; next; mes "Would you like Go to VIP Room!?"; next; switch(select("Yes!:No.:")) { case 1: mes "I hope you enjoy our services!"; close2; warp "vip",80,255; end; case 2: mes "Very well, I shall be here if you change your mind."; close; } end; } mes "Hello!"; mes "Would you like to redeem your VIP Service ticket?"; next; switch(select("Yes!:No.:")) { case 1: if (countitem(.itemID) > 0) { delitem .itemID,1; #VIPSERVICE = 1; mes "^000099Congrats, you now have VIP service!^000000"; mes "^990000 You must relog for it to take effect.^000000"; #VIP_Lasttime = gettimetick(2); close; } else { mes "You do not have a VIP ticket!"; mes "Come back when you get one."; close; } case 2: mes "Very well, I shall be here if you change your mind."; close; } OnInit: .itemID = 7608; .FREE_VIP_Cooldown = 604800; .VIP_Cooldown = 2592000; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if((#VIPSERVICE == 1 && #VIP_Lasttime + .VIP_Cooldown > gettimetick(2) && #VIP_Lasttime < gettimetick(2)) || (#FREEVIPSERVICE == 1 && #VIP_Lasttime + .FREE_VIP_Cooldown > gettimetick(2) && #VIP_Lasttime < gettimetick(2))) { dispbottom "Your VIP service is active!"; if (#FREEVIPSERVICE == 1) { .@last = #VIP_Lasttime + .FREE_VIP_Cooldown - gettimetick(2); } if (#VIPSERVICE == 1) { .@last = #VIP_Lasttime + .VIP_Cooldown - gettimetick(2); } .@days = .@last / 60 / 60 / 24; .@hours = .@last / 60 / 60 % 24; .@minutes = .@last / 60 % 60; .@seconds = .@last % 60; dispbottom "You have: "+.@days+" days "+.@hours+" hours "+.@minutes+" minutes "+.@seconds+" seconds in your VIP service remaining."; ModDrop = 140; ModExp = 140; ModDeath = 0; end; } else { ModDrop = 100; ModExp = 100; ModDeath = 100; #VIPSERVICE = 0; #FREEVIPSERVICE = 0; end; } } prontera,165,168,3 duplicate(vipwarp) VIP Service#1 109