You only need to relax and read. There is a relaxing sensation in your feet. It relaxes every muscle as you breathe and relax. Relax, breathe in and out. Your feet relaxing so completely. Breathing in and out. Everything so calm and peaceful So relaxed, breathing in and out. Nothing distracts you. As your feet relax, the sensation climbs upward, relaxing your legs. Breathing in and out. Relaxing deeper and deeper. Every muscle in your legs and feet relaxing. Nothing but my words and your peaceful place. Your legs and feet so relaxed. Breathing in and out. Each breath relaxing you further and further. As your legs completely relax, the sensation moves upward to your chest. Every muscle completely deeply relaxed. The more you focus on my words, the deeper you go. The deeper you go, the more you focus on my words. Breathing in and out. So calm and peaceful. My words guide you like gentle whispers. Scrolling becomes automatic. So deeply relaxed. Every muscle so completely relaxed As your chest and all your other muscles relax, the sensation moves into your lungs. Each breath relaxes you deeper and deeper. More and more relaxed. Every muscle in your body relaxes. Feeling the muscles in your back relax more and more. So easy to scroll. So focused on my words. So deeply relaxed. All of the tension flowing out of your body, relaxing deeper and deeper. Your whole body relaxing more and more. Feeling any pain and stress flowing away. Deeper and deeper. More and more relaxed with each breath. So deeply relaxed. Every muscle relaxing further and further. Now the sensation seeps into you mind. Your mind becomes more and more tired with each word you read. So deeply relaxed. So calm and peaceful. So focused on my words. Scrolling is automatic. Mind so tired as you read my words. Your mind wants to sleep. Your subconscious will take over for your tired mind. So deeply relaxed. I will count from 10 to 1. As you read each number, you will fall 20 times deeper for me. So deeply relaxed 10 So calm and peaceful 9 So focused on my words 8 So deeply relaxed 7 Every muscle so relaxed. 6 Relaxing deeper and deeper 5 So deeply relaxed for me 4 So very deeply relaxed 3 So very deep for me. 2 Deeper and deeper as you follow my words 1 Sink down deep and completely relaxed Bring yourself deeper for me. Guide yourself down deep 10 times deeper for me with each word. So relaxed and focused on my words. Feeling so good the deeper you go So deeply relaxed. and for your mind is now open and receptive to the suggestions you hear whilst in the deep state of hypnotic trance. Get comfortable and lie still A mask is lowered and is placed over your mouth and nose As you breathe deep and inhale the gas from the mask You begin to feel very relaxed, Very calm Your thoughts begin to cloud over Breathing deeper Relaxing deeper Relaxing more The gas overwhelms you in a pink fog Your thoughts clouded Relaxed, Calm, Lying still, Unable to move, Breathing deeper Relaxing deeper Completely relaxed Surrounded in a warm pink fog Now you will leave a message with the person who sent you this to read, telling them how deeply relaxed you feel right now