sleep(1) local tArgs = { ... } if #tArgs ~= 3 then print( "Usage: clear_room " ) return end local length = tonumber(tArgs[1]) local width = tonumber(tArgs[2]) local height = tonumber(tArgs[3]) directions = {"north", "east", "south", "west"} x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, direction = 0, 0, 0, 1 local function turn_to(d) while direction ~= d do turtle.turnRight() direction = (direction % 4) + 1 end end local function go_to_position(x, y, z, d) while z_pos ~= z do if z_pos > z then turtle.down() z_pos = z_pos - 1; else turtle.up() z_pos = z_pos + 1; end end if x_pos > x then turn_to(4) while x_pos ~= x do turtle.forward() x_pos = x_pos - 1; end else turn_to(2) while x_pos ~= x do turtle.forward() x_pos = x_pos + 1; end end if y_pos > y then turn_to(3) while y_pos ~= y do turtle.forward() y_pos = y_pos - 1; end else turn_to(1) while y_pos ~= y do turtle.forward() y_pos = y_pos + 1; end end turn_to(d) end local function empty_inventory() for i = 1, 9 do turtle.drop() end end local function check_inventory() local open_slots = 0 for i = 1, 9 do local number_items = turtle.getItemCount(i) if number_items == 0 then open_slots = open_slots + 1; end end return open_slots; end local function dig_column(height) -- Dig from the top down turtle.dig() for z = 1, height-1 do turtle.down() z_pos = z_pos - 1 turtle.dig() print("I'm at (" .. x_pos .. "," .. y_pos .. "," .. z_pos .. ")") end -- Wait a second for any falling sand/gravel sleep(2) -- Dig any remaining sand/gravel while turtle.detect() do turtle.dig() sleep(1) end -- Move back up for z = 1, height-1 do turtle.up() z_pos = z_pos + 1 print("I'm at (" .. x_pos .. "," .. y_pos .. "," .. z_pos .. ")") end -- If there's only one open slot left, let's go drop off my stuff local open_slots = check_inventory() if open_slots == 1 then print("All full up. Dropping off items."); local return_x, return_y, return_z, direction = x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, direction go_to_position(0, 0, 0, 3) empty_inventory() go_to_position(return_x, return_y, return_z, direction) -- empty_inventory() end end go_to_position(x_pos, y_pos, height-1, direction) for x = 1, width do -- Turtle always starts inside the room, so go one less than -- you would expect for y = 1, length-1 do dig_column(height) turtle.forward() if x % 2 == 1 then y_pos = y_pos + 1 else y_pos = y_pos - 1 end end if(x < width) then -- Stops turtle at top left corner of room -- Turn the proper direction, dig the column out, then face the new -- row in preparation to start clearing it if x % 2 == 1 then turtle.turnRight() direction = (direction % 4) + 1 dig_column(height) turtle.forward() x_pos = x_pos + 1 turtle.turnRight() direction = (direction % 4) + 1 else turtle.turnLeft() direction = (direction % 4) - 1 dig_column(height) turtle.forward() x_pos = x_pos + 1 turtle.turnLeft() direction = (direction % 4) - 1 end end end go_to_position(0, 0, 0, 3) empty_inventory() go_to_position(0, 0, 0, 1)