Okay, ciphers... Round 1, we know. Round 2: vier. dos. punkt. sept. zwei. ocho. sechs. huit. neun. / minus. ocho. vier. point. vier. siete. sechs. huit. drei. tres. 42.728689 / -84.476833 (German, Spanish, German/Polish, French, German, Spanish, German, French, German) / German, Spanish, German, English, German, Spanish, German, French, German, Spanish). These are longitude and latitude coordinates of Fairchild Auditorium at MSU, this was the answer. http://myciph.notlong.com to see. Round 3: Ik ngsufhyl ogw xewh igtk kyglw gue. Qt fyl keshf, wfy ogw whexyt jlei g iygneo. Fyl fstuyl ryhlgkyn fyl qt hfy nglm fgxxw. Gtn rycgswy ej lsxyw ej exn, wfy qw hlgppyn qt fqw ogxxw. Wfy ogw jestn gugqt rsh te igt cesxn wgdy fyl, rsh hfyt Fy igny g nygx oqhf hfy csl. Teo hfy hqiy qw wpxqh ryhoyyt sw gtn hfy whelk ej esl wygwetw qw hfsw. Substitution cipher... MY DAUGHTER WAS LOST MANY YEARS AGO. IN HER YOUTH, SHE WAS STOLEN FROM A MEADOW. HER HUNGER BETRAYED HER IN THE DARK HALLS. AND BECAUSE OF RULES OF OLD, SHE IS TRAPPED IN HIS WALLS. SHE WAS FOUND AGAIN BUT NO MAN COULD SAVE HER, BUT THEN HE MADE A DEAL WITH THE CUR. NOW THE TIME IS SPLIT BETWEEN US AND THE STORY OF OUR SEASONS IS THUS. The answer to this is Demeter, mother of Persephone. The abductor is Hades, the one making the deal is Zeus. a is unused b is unused c is c d is v e is o f is h g is a h is t i is m j is f k is y l is r m is k n is d o is w p is p q is i r is b s is u t is n u is g v is unused w is s x is l y is e z is unused Round 4: Unfortunately, we lost another two of our finest agents. Hopefully one of them was a spy, otherwise, men, I'm afraid to say our numbers are going to dwindle down to nothing and those Genovians are going to win. And by the way, whoever scribbled this on my collector's edition of the twelfth Nightwing comic is going to be in serious trouble- unless of course it finds those spies: 4-3-20-4-1, 2-1-1-13-3, 3-3-10-3-4, 4-2-24-1-1, 4-2-24-3-4, 2-2-4-4-4/ 5-1-8-3-1, 1-1-1-1-1, 5-1-61-3-6, 3-3-3-2-4, 3-2-3-3-2, 1-1-1-5-4/ 2-5-15-7-4, 2-2-2-5-1, 4-2-2-1-1, 4-2-2-6-1, 4-2-2-1-4, 2-2-1-9-2/ 1-1-1-2-4, 1-1-1-9-2/ 4-1-5-9-3, 4-2-4-2-1, 4-3-3-3-3, 4-2-23-4-1, 2-1-1-5-6, 2-2-2-1-1, 2-3-3-1-1, 2-4-1-3-1/ 2-1-2-2-4, 2-3-2-1-2, 2-2-4-1-1, 2-4-6-4-5, 2-5-1-3-4/ 3-3-3-4-5, 3-2-1-8-5, 3-1-11-4-3/ 4-3-35-4-5, 4-2-72-2-1, 4-1-2-8-1, 4-1-2-9-2/ 5-1-7-7-1, 5-1-1-1-2, 5-1-15-1-4/ 1-1-32-5-2, 1-2-4-3-2, 1-3-5-3-4/ 1-5-105-8-1, 3-4-20-3-2, 5-1-2-3-3/ 5-1-2-1-4, 3-3-25-1-3, 1-2-3-4-1, 3-3-28-9-3, 5-1-5-11-2/ 2-4-14-7-6, 4-3-1-9-2, 2-1-1-3-2/ 1-4-2-10-1, 2-2-2-1-1, 3-2-3-6-1/ 4-2-4-10-1, 2-4-6-6-7, 4-2-4-5-2/ 1-5-2-6-1, 2-4-8-8-7, 3-1-1-9-1, 4-1-1-4-3/ 1-3-2-3-4, 2-1-10-4-3, 3-2-2-4-1, 4-2-2-1-4/ 4-3-14-3-4, 4-2-1-3-7, 2-4-1-8-2/ 2-4-1-8-5, 1-2-3-3-3/ 3-1-8-3-1, 3-1-8-3-2, 3-1-8-3-5, 5-1-2-2-4, 5-1-2-2-5, 5-1-2-2-6/ 3-1-37-4-1, 3-1-37-4-2, 3-1-37-4-3, 3-1-37-4-4, 3-1-37-4-5/ 3-1-30-10-1, 3-1-30-10-2, 3-1-30-10-3/ 1-1-14-9-1, 1-1-14-9-2/ 2-2-2-2-2, 4-3-4-3-1/ 4-2-3-6-1, 1-2-3-3-2, 1-2-1-3-4/ 4-1-6-1-2, 4-1-1-1-3, 4-1-1-3-2, 4-1-1-9-1, 4-1-1-3-4, 4-1-1-6-1 Clue here is the twelfth Nightwing comic, here, the "Twelfth Night", the numbers are Act-Scene-Line-Word-Letter... After much deciphering with http://shakespeare.mit.edu/twelfth_night: Strong willed damsel in distress risks her life for her job daily but her man will save her no matter where she is on the planet. Daily Planet broke that one for me, the answer is Lois Lane, her man being Superman Round 5: 203-106-104/ */ 115-101-190-129-192/ 001/ 262-174/ 103-147-133/ 117-129-101-153/ 002/ 247/ 110-101-162-104/ 165-174-190-129/ 002 210-129/ */ 165-174-190-129/ 104-135-101-162/ 110-129/ 101-190-129/ 002/ 210-129/ 101-190-129/ 174-162-129/ 002 203-106-104/ 124-174-106-005-190-129/ 117-124-147-162-133/ 104-174/ 104-190-124/ 003/ 124-174-106/ 110-101-162-162-101/ 151-147-192-192/ */ 133-147-190-153/ 002 210-135-129-162/ 124-174-106/ 133-174-162-162-101/ 174-110-162/ 106-176/ 104-135-101-104/ 124-174-106/ 133-174-104/ 003/ 133-174-104/ 003/ 133-174-104/ 147-104/ */ 001 204-135-129/ */ 110-135-162/ 153-174-174-151/ 101-162-117/ 104-135-147-162-151/ 153-147-151-129/ 124-174-106/ 002 Haven't actually got this one... yet... If you take a look at this one you will know where to begin: http://www.braingle.com/brainteasers/41269/gold.html Round 6: What is missing? Zapping everything uses strength Her evening ran astray Painting over several edges implies doing other niceties A thesaurus holds everything needed, always A rare eclipse shines A polite handyman read over different ideas to explain His ecstasy roared more every step A rendezvous tonight- every minute is special A particularly oblong lego left over- Dancing every moment, every today, every rain Drinking in our nursery? You're seriously undergoing something Taking first letters... Zeus Hera Poseidon Athena Ares Aphrodite Hermes Artemis Apollo Demeter Dionysus As for what's missing, the answer is Hephaestus, the only of the Twelve Olympians not there (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Olympians) Go down to the image list, not the text list to see what I mean. I hope I haven't posted too many smilies or something...