prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ function Exchange; switch( select( "Yggdrasilberry", "Royal Jelly", "etc..." )){ // Exchange( ,, ); Case 1: Exchange( 13517,607,100 ); break; Case 2: Exchange( 13516,526,50 ); break; Case 3: Exchange( 12997,757,10 ); break; default: mes "Wrong Selection"; break; } close; function Exchange { mes "Exchange "+getarg(2)+" "+getitemname( getarg(1) )+" into 1 "+getitemname( getarg(0) )+"?"; if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ){ if( countitem( getarg(1) ) < getarg(2) ){ mes "Sorry you didnt have enough Items to trade."; break; }else{ delitem getarg(1),getarg(2); getitem getarg(1),1; } } return; } }