DEBUG: Executing python function do_fetch DEBUG: Executing python function base_do_fetch DEBUG: Trying PREMIRRORS DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['bzr', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['cvs', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['git', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url git://;protocol=git;branch=master returning DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['bzr', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['cvs', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['git', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['hg', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['osc', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['p4', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svk', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svn', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['hg', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['osc', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['p4', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['svk', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['svn', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] NOTE: fetch DEBUG: executing /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads '' DEBUG: Fetcher accessed the network with the command /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads '' DEBUG: Running export SSH_AGENT_PID="2241"; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/tmp/ssh-c1PU0zTceQKf/agent.2196"; export PATH="/home/sol/yoctoProject/scripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/armv6-vfp-poky-linux-gnueabi:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/raspberrypi/usr/bin/crossscripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/sbin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/sbin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux//bin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/scripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/bitbake/bin:/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"; export HOME="/home/sol"; /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads '' DEBUG: Mirror fetch failure for url (original url: git://;protocol=git;branch=master) DEBUG: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 8, output: 2013-04-29 09:04:10 ERROR 404: Not Found. DEBUG: Trying Upstream DEBUG: Fetcher accessed the network with the command git clone --bare --mirror git:// /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads/git2/ DEBUG: Running export SSH_AGENT_PID="2241"; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/tmp/ssh-c1PU0zTceQKf/agent.2196"; export PATH="/home/sol/yoctoProject/scripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/armv6-vfp-poky-linux-gnueabi:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/raspberrypi/usr/bin/crossscripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/sbin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/sbin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux//bin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/scripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/bitbake/bin:/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"; export HOME="/home/sol"; git clone --bare --mirror git:// /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads/git2/ WARNING: Failed to fetch URL git://;protocol=git;branch=master, attempting MIRRORS if available DEBUG: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 128, output: Cloning into bare repository '/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads/git2/'... fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer fatal: early EOF fatal: recursion detected in die handler DEBUG: Trying MIRRORS DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['http', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['https', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/archive/debian-archive/20120328T092752Z/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/archive/debian-archive/20110127T084257Z/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/archive/debian-archive/20090802T004153Z/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gnu', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/gnu', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['http', '', '/pub', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/pub', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/crypt/mirror/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/security/gnupg/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/pub/appl/GnuPG/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/tex-archive', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/tex/CTAN', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/tex-archive', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/pub/archives/ctan/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/tex-archive', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/gnutls/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/security/network-security/gnutls/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/security/network-security/gnutls/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/gnutls/releases/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['http', '', '/pub/infozip/src/', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/ftp/mirror/infozip/src/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['http', '', '/pub/infozip/src/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/unix/archiving/info-zip/src/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/sysutils/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/unix/admin/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/admin/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/unix/tools/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/sysadmin/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/sites/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/utils/admin-tools/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/Mirror/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/security/host-security/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['http', '', '/dist', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/dist', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['http', '', '/watchdog/', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/linux/misc/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['cvs', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['svn', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['git', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url git://;protocol=git;branch=master returning DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['https', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/archive/debian-archive/20120328T092752Z/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/archive/debian-archive/20110127T084257Z/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/archive/debian-archive/20090802T004153Z/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gnu', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/gnu', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/pub', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/pub', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/crypt/mirror/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/security/gnupg/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/pub/appl/GnuPG/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/tex-archive', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/tex/CTAN', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/tex-archive', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/pub/archives/ctan/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/tex-archive', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/gnutls/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/security/network-security/gnutls/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/security/network-security/gnutls/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/gnutls/releases/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/pub/infozip/src/', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/ftp/mirror/infozip/src/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/pub/infozip/src/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/unix/archiving/info-zip/src/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/sysutils/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/unix/admin/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/admin/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/unix/tools/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/sysadmin/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/sites/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/utils/admin-tools/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/Mirror/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/security/host-security/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/dist', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/dist', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/watchdog/', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/linux/misc/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['cvs', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svn', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['git', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['hg', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['bzr', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svk', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['p4', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['osc', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['https?$', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['cvs', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svn', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['git', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['hg', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['bzr', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svk', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['p4', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['osc', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['https?$', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url returning DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url returning DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['https', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/archive/debian-archive/20120328T092752Z/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/archive/debian-archive/20110127T084257Z/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/archive/debian-archive/20090802T004153Z/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/debian/pool', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gnu', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/gnu', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/pub', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/pub', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/crypt/mirror/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/security/gnupg/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/pub/appl/GnuPG/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/tex-archive', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/tex/CTAN', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/tex-archive', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/pub/archives/ctan/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/tex-archive', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/gcrypt/gnutls/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/security/network-security/gnutls/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/security/network-security/gnutls/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/gnutls', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/gnutls/releases/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/pub/infozip/src/', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/ftp/mirror/infozip/src/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/pub/infozip/src/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/unix/archiving/info-zip/src/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/sysutils/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/unix/admin/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/admin/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/unix/tools/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/sysadmin/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/sites/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/utils/admin-tools/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/Mirror/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '', '/pub/tools/unix/lsof/', '', '', {}] to ['ftp', '', '/pub/security/host-security/lsof/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/dist', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/dist', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['http', '', '/watchdog/', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/linux/misc/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['cvs', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svn', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['git', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['hg', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['bzr', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svk', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['p4', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['osc', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['https?$', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url returning DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['cvs', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svn', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['git', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['hg', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['bzr', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['svk', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['p4', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['osc', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['https?$', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] comparing ['ftp', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['hg', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['bzr', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['svk', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['p4', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['osc', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['https?$', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/mirror/sources/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['cvs', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['svn', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['git', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url git://;protocol=git;branch=master returning DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['hg', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['bzr', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['svk', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['p4', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['osc', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['https?$', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] DEBUG: For url ['git', '', '/raspberrypi/firmware.git', '', '', {'protocol': 'git', 'branch': 'master'}] comparing ['ftp', '.*', '/.*', '', '', {}] to ['http', '', '/', '', '', {}] NOTE: fetch DEBUG: executing /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads '' DEBUG: Fetcher accessed the network with the command /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads '' DEBUG: Running export SSH_AGENT_PID="2241"; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/tmp/ssh-c1PU0zTceQKf/agent.2196"; export PATH="/home/sol/yoctoProject/scripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/armv6-vfp-poky-linux-gnueabi:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/raspberrypi/usr/bin/crossscripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/sbin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/sbin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux//bin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/scripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/bitbake/bin:/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"; export HOME="/home/sol"; /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads '' DEBUG: Mirror fetch failure for url (original url: git://;protocol=git;branch=master) DEBUG: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 8, output: 2013-04-29 09:19:12 ERROR 404: Not Found. NOTE: fetch DEBUG: executing /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads '' DEBUG: Fetcher accessed the network with the command /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads '' DEBUG: Running export SSH_AGENT_PID="2241"; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/tmp/ssh-c1PU0zTceQKf/agent.2196"; export PATH="/home/sol/yoctoProject/scripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin/armv6-vfp-poky-linux-gnueabi:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/raspberrypi/usr/bin/crossscripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/sbin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/bin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/sbin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux//bin:/home/sol/yoctoProject/scripts:/home/sol/yoctoProject/bitbake/bin:/usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"; export HOME="/home/sol"; /usr/bin/env wget -t 2 -T 30 -nv --passive-ftp --no-check-certificate -P /home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads '' DEBUG: Mirror fetch failure for url (original url: git://;protocol=git;branch=master) DEBUG: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 8, output: 2013-04-29 09:19:13 ERROR 404: Not Found. ERROR: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 128, output: Cloning into bare repository '/home/sol/yoctoProject/builds/raspberry/downloads/git2/'... fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer fatal: early EOF fatal: recursion detected in die handler DEBUG: Python function base_do_fetch finished DEBUG: Python function do_fetch finished ERROR: Function failed: Fetcher failure for URL: 'git://;protocol=git;branch=master'. Unable to fetch URL from any source.