#! /bin/sh PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:/usr/syno/bin:/bin:/usr/bin #+ # Partie à customiser #- PATH=/site/scripts:$PATH LOGFILE=/volume2/var/log/update_upg.log URLXMLTV=http://xmltv.dyndns.org/download/tnt_lite.zip #+ # log to log file of stderr not a tty (cron) #- [ -t 2 ] || exec > $LOGFILE 2>&1 #+ # empecher l'exécution de la maj epg de videostation #- for f in /volume1/@appstore/VideoStation/bin/synodvbepg ; do set -- $(ls -l $f) [ $5 -le 100 ] && continue # already patched if [ ! -f $f.ori ] || ! cmp -s $f $f.ori ; then echo >&2 "saving $f as $f.ori" cp -p $f $f.ori fi { echo "#! /bin/sh" echo "/bin/true" } > $f done VSDIR=/usr/syno/etc/packages/VideoStation EPGDIR=$VSDIR/EPGs/0EPG CHANCONF=$VSDIR/channels/0channels.conf mkdir -p $EPGDIR xml2epg.pl -d $EPGDIR -C $CHANCONF $URLXMLTV # Local Variables: # coding: utf-8-unix # End: