package fmlist; import fj.F; import fj.F2; import fj.P2; import fj.P; import fj.Function; import fj.Monoid; import fj.Ord; import fj.Ordering; import fj.Hash; import fj.Show; import fj.Semigroup; import fj.Equal; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Comparator; /** * @author Alexander Altman * @param the element type */ public final class FMList implements List, Deque, Cloneable { /** * Produces a first-class function that casts it's input to it's output's * type * * @param the input type of the first-class function * @param the output type of the first-class function * @return the requested first-class function */ public static F castFunc() { return new F() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public B f(A a) { return (B) a; } }; } private FM inner; /** * finds out if this list could possibly be finite * * @return whether or not the list is possibly finite */ public boolean couldBeFinite() { return getInner().couldBeFinite(); } /** * Produces the dual of a monoid * * @param the monoid's domain * @param m the original monoid * @return the requested monoid */ public static Monoid dualMonoid(Monoid m) { return Monoid.monoid(Function.uncurryF2(m.sum()).flip(),; } /** * Produces the dual of a semigroup * * @param the semigroup's domain * @param m the original semigroup * @return the requested semigroup */ public static Semigroup dualSemigroup(Semigroup m) { return Semigroup.semigroup(Function.uncurryF2(m.sum()).flip()); } /** * The monoid of composition over endomorphisms * * @param the (co)domain of the endomorphisms in question * @return the requested monoid */ public static Monoid> endoMonoid() { final F, F, F>> co = Function.compose(); final F id = Function.identity(); return Monoid.monoid(co, id); } /** * The semigroup of composition over endomorphisms * * @param the (co)domain of the endomorphisms in question * @return the requested semigroup */ public static Semigroup> endoSemigroup() { final F, F, F>> co = Function.compose(); return Semigroup.semigroup(co); } /** * The monoid of append() over FMLists * * @param the element type * @return the requested monoid */ public static Monoid> fmListMonoid() { final F2, FMList, FMList> append = FMList.append(); final FMList zero = new FMList(); return Monoid.monoid(append, zero); } /** * The hash concept over FMLists * * @param the element type * @return the requested hash concept */ public static Hash> fmListHash() { return Hash.anyHash(); } /** * The ordering concept over FMLists * * @param the type of elements to compare * @return the requested ordering concept */ public static > Ord> fmListOrd() { return Ord.ord(Function.curry(new F2, FMList, Ordering>() { @Override public Ordering f(FMList a, FMList b) { final int k = a.zipWith((new F2() { @Override public Integer f(E a, E b) { return a.compareTo(b); } }), b).foldr1(new F2() { @Override public Integer f(Integer a_, Integer b) { final int a = a_.intValue(); if (a == 0) { return b; } else { return a; } } }).intValue(); if (k < 0) { return Ordering.LT; } else if (k == 0) { return Ordering.EQ; } else { return Ordering.GT; } } })); } /** * The ordering concept over FMLists * * @param the type of elements to compare * @param cmp the ordering concept to use for the elements * @return the requested ordering concept */ public static Ord> fmListOrd(Ord cmp) { final Ord qq = cmp; return Ord.ord(Function.curry(new F2, FMList, Ordering>() { @Override public Ordering f(FMList a, FMList b) { return a.zipWith((new F2() { @Override public Ordering f(E a, E b) { return, b); } }), b).foldr1(new F2() { @Override public Ordering f(Ordering a, Ordering b) { if (a.equals(Ordering.EQ)) { return b; } else { return a; } } }); } })); } /** * The ordering concept over FMLists * * @param the type of elements to compare * @param cmp the comparator to use for the elements * @return the requested ordering concept */ public static Ord> fmListOrd(Comparator cmp) { final Comparator qq = cmp; return Ord.ord(Function.curry(new F2, FMList, Ordering>() { @Override public Ordering f(FMList a, FMList b) { return a.zipWith((new F2() { @Override public Ordering f(E a, E b) { final int z =, b); if (z < 0) { return Ordering.LT; } else if (z == 0) { return Ordering.EQ; } else { return Ordering.GT; } } }), b).foldr1(new F2() { @Override public Ordering f(Ordering a, Ordering b) { if (a.equals(Ordering.EQ)) { return b; } else { return a; } } }); } })); } /** * The equality concept over FMLists * * @param the element type * @return the requested equality concept */ public static Equal> fmListEqual() { return Equal.anyEqual(); } /** * The string conversion concept over FMLists * * @param the element type * @return the requested string conversion concept */ public static Show> fmListShow() { return Show.anyShow(); } /** * The string conversion concept over FMLists * * @param the element type * @param showDict the string conversion concept to use for the elements * @return the requested string conversion concept */ public static Show> fmListShow(Show showDict) { final Show sD = showDict; return Show.showS(new F, String>() { @Override public String f(FMList a) { return (new StringBuilder("FMList: [")).append(sD.showS(a.head())).append(a.tail().foldMap(Monoid.stringBuilderMonoid, (new F() { @Override public StringBuilder f(E a) { return (new StringBuilder(", ")).append(sD.showS(a)); } }))).toString(); } }); } @Override public FMList clone() { return new FMList(getInner()); } /** * The classic "zipWith" function, applied to FMLists * * @param the other input list's element type * @param the final result list's element type * @param zipFunc the function to use for zipping * @param other the other input list * @return the final result list */ public FMList zipWith(F2 zipFunc, FMList other) { final F2 t = zipFunc; final FM i1 = getInner(); final FMList il2 = other; return new FMList(new FM() { @Override boolean couldBeFinite() { return i1.couldBeFinite() || il2.couldBeFinite(); } @Override X fm(Monoid monoid, F mapFunc) { return i1.transformCS((new TransformCSFunc>() { @Override M f(Monoid m, F f_, E e, F2, M> c_, FMList i) { final Monoid monoid = m; final F f = f_; final E e2 = e; final F2, M> c = c_; final FMList r1 = i; return r1.foldr((new F2() { @Override public M f(N e1, M b__) { return c.f(f.f(t.f(e2, e1)), r1); } }),; } }), il2).fm(monoid, mapFunc); } }); } /** * Converts a pair of lists into a list of pairs * * @param the other input list's element type * @param other the other input list * @return the zipped output list */ public FMList> zip(FMList other) { final F>> f = P.p2(); return zipWith(Function.uncurryF2(f), other); } /** * Forces the evaluation of all of the internal delay structures, avoiding * potential stack overflows in finite lists. Please note that if enough * nested delays must be forced, this could be quite an expensive operation. * WARNING: do not use on infinite lists! It will cause stack * overflows if used with infinities. * * @throws InfiniteListException if called on an infinite FMList */ public void force() throws InfiniteListException { if (!couldBeFinite()) { throw new InfiniteListException(this, "cannnot not force an infinite list"); } else { setInner(FM.newFM(this)); } } @Override public String toString() { return (new StringBuilder("FMList: [")).append(head()).append(tail().foldMap(Monoid.stringBuilderMonoid, new F() { @Override public StringBuilder f(E a) { return new StringBuilder(", ").append(a); } })).append("]").toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof FMList)) { return false; } else { final FMList other = (FMList) o; boolean result = size() == other.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { if (result) { result = result && get(i).equals(other.get(i)); } else { return false; } } return result; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return foldr((new F2() { @Override public Integer f(E a, Integer b) { return (47 * b) + (a.hashCode()); } }), 7); } FMList(FM i) { setInner(i); } /** * Constructs an new empty FMList */ public FMList() { final FM k = FM.newFM(); setInner(k); } /** * Constructs a new FMList with the contents of an existing Iterable * * @param i the source Iterable */ public FMList(Iterable i) { final FM k = FM.newFM(i); setInner(k); } /** * Specialization of the FMList(Iterable) constructor so that it can handle * infinite FMLists (and both infinite and finite ones in O(1)) * * @param i the other FMList */ public FMList(FMList i) { setInner(i.getInner()); } /** * Constructs a new FMList with just one element * * @param e the sole element */ public FMList(E e) { final FM k = FM.newFM(e); setInner(k); } /** * Constructs a new FMList with just two elements * * @param e1 the first element * @param e2 the second element */ public FMList(E e1, E e2) { final FM k1 = FM.newFM(e1); final FM k2 = FM.newFM(e2); setInner(k1.appendFM(k2)); } /** * Constructs a new FMList with just three elements * * @param e1 the first element * @param e2 the second element * @param e3 the third element */ public FMList(E e1, E e2, E e3) { final FM k1 = FM.newFM(e1); final FM k2 = FM.newFM(e2); final FM k3 = FM.newFM(e3); setInner(k1.appendFM(k2).appendFM(k3)); } /** * Maps "mapFunc" over the list, then folds using "monoid". This is the core * operation that enables FMLists to work. * * @param "monoid"'s domain * @param monoid the monoid to use for folding * @param mapFunc the function to use for mapping * @return the final folded value */ public X foldMap(Monoid monoid, F mapFunc) { return getInner().fm(monoid, mapFunc); } /** * First-class version of foldMap() * * @param the domain of the to-be-provided monoid * @return the first-class function */ public F2, F, X> foldMap() { return getInner().fm(); } /** * Partially applied version of foldMap() * * @param "monoid"'s domain * @param monoid the monoid to use for folding * @return the partially applied function */ public F, X> foldMap(Monoid monoid) { return getInner().fm(monoid); } /** * Monoidal fold operation * * @param monoid the monoid to use for folding * @return the final folded result */ public E fold(Monoid monoid) { final F id = Function.identity(); return foldMap(monoid, id); } /** * First-class version of fold() * * @return the first-class function */ public F, E> fold() { final FMList self = this; return new F, E>() { @Override public E f(Monoid a) { return self.fold(a); } }; } /** * Right-biased fold operation * * @param The type of the final folded result * @param f the function to use for folding * @param z the seed value for the fold * @return the final folded result */ public N foldr(F2 f, N z) { final Monoid> eM = endoMonoid(); return foldMap(eM, f.curry()).f(z); } /** * Partially applied version of foldr() * * @param The type of the final folded result * @param f the function to use for folding * @return the partially applied function */ public F foldr(F2 f) { final Monoid> eM = endoMonoid(); return foldMap(eM, f.curry()); } /** * First-class version of foldr() * * @param The type of the final folded result * @return the first-class function */ public F2, N, N> foldr() { final FMList self = this; return new F2, N, N>() { @Override public N f(F2 a, N b) { return self.foldr(a, b); } }; } /** * Left-biased fold operation * * @param The type of the final folded result * @param f the function to use for folding * @param z the seed value for the fold * @return the final folded result */ public N foldl(F2 f, N z) { final Monoid> eM = endoMonoid(); return foldMap(dualMonoid(eM), f.flip().curry()).f(z); } /** * Partially applied version of foldl() * * @param The type of the final folded result * @param f the function to use for folding * @return the partially applied function */ public F foldl(F2 f) { final Monoid> eM = endoMonoid(); return foldMap(dualMonoid(eM), f.flip().curry()); } /** * First-class version of foldl() * * @param The type of the final folded result * @return the first-class function */ public F2, N, N> foldl() { final FMList self = this; return new F2, N, N>() { @Override public N f(F2 a, N b) { return self.foldl(a, b); } }; } /** * Applies "mapFunc" to each element in the list * * @param the final element type after mapping * @param mapFunc the function to use for mapping * @return the mapped version of the list */ public FMList map(F mapFunc) { final F mf = mapFunc; return new FMList(getInner().transform(new TransformFunc() { @Override M f(Monoid monoid, F func, E val) { return func.f(mf.f(val)); } })); } /** * First-class version of map() * * @param the final element type after mapping * @return the first-class function */ public F, FMList> map() { final FMList self = this; return new F, FMList>() { @Override public FMList f(F a) { return; } }; } /** * Concatenates all of the sublists together into one large * single-dimensional list * * @param * @param lls the nested list * @return the flattened version of "lls" */ public static FMList flatten(FMList> lls) { return new FMList(lls.getInner().transform(new TransformFunc>() { @Override M f(Monoid monoid, F func, FMList val) { return val.foldMap(monoid, func); } })); } /** * Concatenates this list to beginning of the given one * * @param other the other list * @return the appended result */ public FMList append(FMList other) { return new FMList(getInner().appendFM(other.getInner())); } /** * First-class version of append() * * @param the element type * @return the first-class function */ public static F2, FMList, FMList> append() { return new F2, FMList, FMList>() { @Override public FMList f(FMList a, FMList b) { return a.append(b); } }; } /** * adds an element at the beginning * * @param e the new element */ public void cons(E e) { final FM k = FM.newFM(e); setInner(k.appendFM(getInner())); } /** * adds an element at the end * * @param e the new element */ public void snoc(E e) { final FM k = FM.newFM(e); setInner(getInner().appendFM(k)); } /** * first-class copying version of cons() * * @return the first-class function */ public F> cons() { final FMList self = this; return new F>() { @Override public FMList f(E a) { final FMList ll = self.clone(); ll.cons(a); return ll; } }; } /** * first-class copying version of snoc() * * @return the first-class function */ public F> snoc() { final FMList self = this; return new F>() { @Override public FMList f(E a) { final FMList ll = self.clone(); ll.snoc(a); return ll; } }; } /** * finds the first element * * @return the first element */ public E head() { final Monoid> m = Monoid.firstOptionMonoid(); final F> f = Option.some_(); return getInner().fm(m, f).valueE("Empty list!"); } /** * Deletes all entries for which "filtFunc" is false * * @param filtFunc the predicate to use for filtering */ public void filter(F filtFunc) { final F fF = filtFunc; setInner(getInner().transform(new TransformFunc() { @Override M f(Monoid monoid, F func, E val) { if (fF.f(val)) { return func.f(val); } else { return; } } })); } /** * finds the last element * * @return the last element */ public E last() { final Monoid> m = Monoid.lastOptionMonoid(); final F> f = Option.some_(); return getInner().fm(m, f).valueE("Empty list!"); } /** * Cuts this list down to the first "num" elements. Fast but unsafe with left infinities. * * @param num the number of elements to take */ public void take(int num) { setInner(getInner().transformCS((new TransformCSFunc() { @Override M f(Monoid m, F f, E e, F2 c, Integer i) { if (i.intValue() > 0) { return c.f(f.f(e), (i.intValue()) - 1); } else { return; } } }), num)); } /** * Cuts this list down to all except the first "num" elements. * * @param num the number of elements to drop */ public void drop(int num) { setInner(getInner().transformCS((new TransformCSFunc() { @Override M f(Monoid m, F f, E e, F2 c, Integer i) { if (i.intValue() > 0) { return c.f(, (i.intValue() - 1)); } else { return c.f(f.f(e), 0); } } }), num)); } /** * Cuts this list down to the first "num" elements. Somewhat slower than * take() but safe with left infinities. * * @param num the number of elements to take */ public void keepFirst(int num) { final FMList internal = new FMList(); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { internal.cons(get(j)); } setInner(internal.getInner()); } /** * Synonym for drop() * * @param num the number of elements to take */ public void keepNotFirst(int num) { drop(num); } /** * Cuts this list down to the last "num" elements. Somewhat slower than * reverse(); take() but safe with right infinities. * * @param num the number of elements to take */ public void keepLast(int num) { final FMList internal1 = clone(); internal1.reverse(); final FMList internal2 = new FMList(); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { internal2.snoc(internal1.get(j)); } setInner(internal2.getInner()); } /** * Synonym for reverse(); drop(); reverse() * * @param num the number of elements to take */ public void keepNotLast(int num) { reverse(); drop(num); reverse(); } /** * Cuts this list down to all the elements before the first one that matches * "filtFunc" * * @param filtFunc the predicate to search with */ public void takeWhile(F filtFunc) { final F p = filtFunc; setInner(getInner().transformCS((new TransformCSFunc() { @Override M f(Monoid m, F f, E e, F2 c, Boolean i) { if (p.f(e)) { return c.f(f.f(e), true); } else { return; } } }), true)); } /** * Cuts this list down to the first element that matches "filtFunc" plus all * the elements after that one * * @param filtFunc the predicate to search with */ public void dropWhile(F filtFunc) { final F p = filtFunc; setInner(getInner().transformCS((new TransformCSFunc() { @Override M f(Monoid m, F f, E e, F2 c, Boolean ok) { if (ok && p.f(e)) { return c.f(, true); } else { return c.f(f.f(e), false); } } }), true)); } public FMList castElements() { final F cf = castFunc(); return map(cf); } /** * Gets the first element that matches filtFunc * * @param filtFunc the predicate to search with * @return the element involved * @throws NoSuchElementException if no element matches "filtFunc" */ public E find(F filtFunc) throws NoSuchElementException { final FMList internal = clone(); internal.dropWhile(filtFunc); if (internal.isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("no element matches the supplied predicate"); } else { return internal.head(); } } /** * gets all except the first element * * @return the 'tail' of the list */ public FMList tail() { final FMList other = clone(); other.drop(1); return other; } /** * gets all except the last element * * @return the 'init' of the list */ public FMList init() { final FMList other = this.clone(); other.reverse(); other.drop(1); return other; } /** * reverses this list */ public void reverse() { final FM i = getInner(); setInner(new FM() { @Override X fm(Monoid monoid, F mapFunc) { return, mapFunc); } @Override boolean couldBeFinite() { return i.couldBeFinite(); } }); } @Override public int size() { F cst1 = Function.constant(1); return foldMap(Monoid.intAdditionMonoid, cst1).intValue(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return size() == 0; } @Override public boolean contains(Object o) { final Object r = o; final FMList testList = this.clone(); testList.filter(new F() { @Override public Boolean f(E a) { return (r == null ? a == null : r.equals(a)); } }); return !(testList.isEmpty()); } @Override public Iterator iterator() { final FMList self = this; return new Iterator() { private int currentIndex = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return currentIndex != self.size(); } @Override public E next() { if (hasNext()) { currentIndex++; return self.get(currentIndex); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("this FMList is right-finite"); } } @Override public void remove() { self.remove(currentIndex); currentIndex--; } }; } @Override public Object[] toArray() { final int s = size(); final Object[] outArray = new Object[s]; for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { outArray[i] = get(i); } return outArray; } @Override @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "unchecked"}) public T[] toArray(T[] ts) { final int s1 = size(); final int s2 = ts.length; if (s2 > s1) { final T[] outArray; outArray = ts; for (int i = 0; i < s1; i++) { outArray[i] = (T) get(i); } return outArray; } else { final ArrayList outList = new ArrayList(s1); for (E x : this) { outList.add((T) x); } return outList.toArray(ts); } } @Override public boolean add(E e) { this.snoc(e); return true; } @Override public boolean remove(Object o) { final Object r = o; final F filtFunc = new F() { @Override public Boolean f(E a) { return !(r == null ? a == null : r.equals(a)); } }; final FMList testList = clone(); testList.filter(filtFunc); boolean answer = !(testList.isEmpty()); if (answer) { final FMList internal1 = clone(); final FMList internal2 = clone(); internal1.takeWhile(filtFunc); internal2.dropWhile(filtFunc); internal2.tail(); setInner(internal1.getInner().appendFM(internal2.getInner())); } return answer; } @Override public boolean containsAll(Collection clctn) { final FMList c = new FMList(clctn); final FMList self = this; return c.foldMap(Monoid.conjunctionMonoid, (new F() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Boolean f(Object a) { return self.contains(a); } })); } @Override public boolean addAll(Collection clctn) { return addAll(0, clctn); } @Override public boolean addAll(int i, Collection clctn) { final FMList alt1 = clone(); final FMList alt3 = clone(); alt1.keepFirst(i); alt3.drop(i); final FMList alt2 = new FMList(clctn); setInner(alt1.getInner().appendFM(alt2.getInner()).appendFM(alt3.getInner())); return true; } /** * Monadic core operation * * @param the final element type * @param bindFunc the function to bind this list to * @return the result of the binding */ public FMList bind(F> bindFunc) { final F> g = bindFunc; return new FMList(getInner().transform(new TransformFunc() { @Override M f(Monoid monoid, F func, E val) { return g.f(val).foldMap(monoid, func); } })); } /** * Applicative core operation * * @param the final element type * @param appFuncList the list of functions to apply over this list * @return the result of the application */ public FMList apply(FMList> appFuncList) { final FM> gs = appFuncList.getInner(); final FM xs = getInner(); return new FMList(gs.transform(new TransformFunc>() { @Override M f(Monoid monoid, F func, F val) { return, func.o(val)); } })); } /** * Deconstructs this list into head() and tail() * * @return a tuple containing head() and tail() */ public P2> decons() { return P.p(head(), tail()); } /** * Deconstructs this list into init() and last() * * @return a tuple containing init() and last() */ public P2, E> desnoc() { return P.p(init(), last()); } /** * splits the list on the given index * * @param splitIndex the index after which to split the list * @return the split lists */ public P2, FMList> split(int splitIndex) { final FMList a = clone(); final FMList b = clone(); a.keepFirst(splitIndex + 1); b.drop(splitIndex + 1); return P.p(a, b); } /** * Splits the list after the first element that matches "filtFunc" * * @param filtFunc the predicate by which to split the list * @return the split lists */ public P2, FMList> splitOn(F filtFunc) { final FMList a = clone(); final FMList b = clone(); a.takeWhile(filtFunc); b.dropWhile(filtFunc); a.snoc(b.head()); return P.p(a, b.tail()); } /** * Produces a right-infinite list that contains the progressively iterated * application of "iterFunc" to "initialValue", starting with "initialValue" * itself * * @param * @param iterFunc * @param initialValue * @return the infinite list */ public static FMList iterate(F iterFunc, E initialValue) { final F f = iterFunc; final E x = initialValue; final FM iterFM = new FM() { @Override X fm(Monoid monoid, F mapFunc) { return monoid.sum(mapFunc.f(x), fm(monoid, mapFunc)); } @Override boolean couldBeFinite() { return false; } }; return new FMList(iterFM); } /** * cycleM()s a single element * * @param * @param elem * @return the infinite list */ public static FMList repeatM(E elem) { final FMList result = new FMList(elem); result.cycleM(); return result; } /** * Repeats this list infinitely in the middle */ public void cycleM() { final FM l = getInner(); final FMList self = this; final FM cycleFM = new FM() { @Override X fm(Monoid monoid, F mapFunc) { final FMList xx = self.clone(); xx.cycleM(); return (l.appendFM(xx.getInner()).appendFM(l)).fm(monoid, mapFunc); } @Override boolean couldBeFinite() { return false; } }; setInner(cycleFM); } /** * cycleR()s a single element * * @param * @param elem * @return the infinite list */ public static FMList repeatR(E elem) { final FMList result = new FMList(elem); result.cycleR(); return result; } /** * Repeats this list infinitely to the right */ public void cycleR() { final FM l = getInner(); final FMList self = this; final FM cycleFM = new FM() { @Override X fm(Monoid monoid, F mapFunc) { final FMList xx = self.clone(); xx.cycleR(); return ((xx.getInner()).appendFM(l)).fm(monoid, mapFunc); } @Override boolean couldBeFinite() { return false; } }; setInner(cycleFM); } /** * cycleL()s a single element * * @param * @param elem * @return the infinite list */ public static FMList repeatL(E elem) { final FMList result = new FMList(elem); result.cycleL(); return result; } /** * Repeats this list infinitely to the left */ public void cycleL() { final FM l = getInner(); final FMList self = this; final FM cycleFM = new FM() { @Override X fm(Monoid monoid, F mapFunc) { final FMList xx = self.clone(); xx.cycleL(); return (l.appendFM(xx.getInner())).fm(monoid, mapFunc); } @Override boolean couldBeFinite() { return false; } }; setInner(cycleFM); } /** * cycleB()s a single element * * @param * @param elem * @return the infinite list */ public static FMList repeatB(E elem) { final FMList result = new FMList(elem); result.cycleB(); return result; } /** * Repeats this list infinitely to the left and right */ public void cycleB() { final FM l = getInner(); final FMList self = this; final FM cycleFM = new FM() { @Override X fm(Monoid monoid, F mapFunc) { final FMList xx = self.clone(); xx.cycleB(); final FM xi = xx.getInner(); return (xi.appendFM(l).appendFM(xi)).fm(monoid, mapFunc); } @Override boolean couldBeFinite() { return false; } }; setInner(cycleFM); } /** * Builds a list from a seed value. unfold() takes a seed and calls "bFunc" * on it. If the result is in right(), then it is appended to the prior. If * the result in in left(), then it is used in the core recursive call. * * @param * @param * @param bFunc * @param seedValue * @return the unfolded list */ public static FMList unfold(F>> bFunc, N seedValue) { return new FMList(FM.unfold(bFunc.andThen(new F>, FM>>() { @Override public FM> f(FMList> a) { return a.getInner(); } }), seedValue)); } /** * right-biased Option-based version of unfold() * * @param the final element type * @param the seed type * @param bFunc the function to use for unfolding * @param seedValue the initial seed value * @return the unfolded list */ public static FMList unfoldr(F>> bFunc, N seedValue) { final F>> g = bFunc; return unfold((new F>>() { @Override public FMList> f(N a) { final Option> k = g.f(a); if (k.isNone()) { return new FMList>(); } else { final P2 p = k.some(); final Either va = Either.right(p._1()); final Either vb = Either.left(p._2()); return new FMList>(va, vb); } } }), seedValue); } /** * left-biased Option-based version of unfold() * * @param the final element type * @param the seed type * @param bFunc the function to use for unfolding * @param seedValue the initial seed value * @return the unfolded list */ public static FMList unfoldl(F>> bFunc, N seedValue) { FMList result = unfoldr(bFunc, seedValue); result.reverse(); return result; } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection clctn) { final FMList c = new FMList(clctn); final FMList self = this; return c.foldMap(Monoid.conjunctionMonoid, (new F() { @Override public Boolean f(Object a) { return self.remove(a); } })); } @Override public boolean retainAll(Collection clctn) { final FMList internal = (new FMList(clctn)); internal.filter(new F() { @Override public Boolean f(Object a) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } }); setInner( F() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public E f(Object a) { return (E) a; } }).getInner()); return true; } @Override public void clear() { FM ii = FM.newFM(); setInner(ii); } @Override public E get(int i) { final FMList internal = clone(); internal.drop(i); return internal.head(); } @Override public E set(int i, E e) { final FMList internal1 = clone(); final FMList internal2 = clone(); internal1.take(i); internal2.drop(i + 1); final FM i3 = FM.newFM(e); final E old = get(i); setInner(internal1.getInner().appendFM(i3).appendFM(internal2.getInner())); return old; } @Override public void add(int i, E e) { final FMList internal1 = clone(); final FMList internal2 = clone(); internal1.take(i); internal2.drop(i); final FM i3 = FM.newFM(e); setInner(internal1.getInner().appendFM(i3).appendFM(internal2.getInner())); } @Override public E remove(int i) { final FMList internal1 = clone(); final FMList internal2 = clone(); internal1.take(i); internal2.drop(i + 1); final E old = get(i); setInner(internal1.getInner().appendFM(internal2.getInner())); return old; } public FMList> number() { final FMList self = this; return self.tail().foldl((new F2>, E, FMList>>() { @Override public FMList> f(FMList> a, E b) { final int k = a.last()._1().intValue(); a.snoc(P.p((k + 1), b)); return a; } }), (new FMList>(P.p(0, self.head())))); } @Override public int indexOf(Object o) { final FMList> internal = number(); internal.retainAll(Collections.singletonList(o)); if (internal.isEmpty()) { return -1; } else { return internal.head()._1().intValue(); } } @Override public int lastIndexOf(Object o) { final FMList> internal = number(); internal.retainAll(Collections.singletonList(o)); if (internal.isEmpty()) { return -1; } else { return internal.last()._1().intValue(); } } private static interface FMListIterator extends ListIterator { void setCurrentIndex(int i); } private FMListIterator fmListIterator() { final FMList self = this; return new FMListIterator() { private int currentIndex = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return currentIndex != self.size(); } @Override public E next() { if (hasNext()) { currentIndex++; return self.get(currentIndex); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("this FMList is right-finite"); } } @Override public void remove() { self.remove(currentIndex); currentIndex--; } @Override public boolean hasPrevious() { return currentIndex != 0; } @Override public E previous() { if (hasPrevious()) { currentIndex--; return self.get(currentIndex); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("this FMList is left-finite"); } } @Override public int nextIndex() { return currentIndex + 1; } @Override public int previousIndex() { return currentIndex - 1; } @Override public void set(E e) { self.set(currentIndex, e); } @Override public void add(E e) { self.add(currentIndex, e); currentIndex++; } @Override public void setCurrentIndex(int i) { currentIndex = i; } }; } @Override public ListIterator listIterator() { return fmListIterator(); } @Override public ListIterator listIterator(int i) { final FMListIterator li = fmListIterator(); li.setCurrentIndex(i - 1); return li; } @Override public FMList subList(int i, int i1) { FMList internal = clone(); internal.take(i); internal.drop(i1 - i); return internal; } @Override public void addFirst(E e) { cons(e); } @Override public void addLast(E e) { snoc(e); } @Override public boolean offerFirst(E e) { cons(e); return true; } @Override public boolean offerLast(E e) { snoc(e); return true; } @Override public E removeFirst() { E e = head(); drop(1); return e; } @Override public E removeLast() { E e = last(); take(size() - 1); return e; } @Override public E pollFirst() { if (isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return removeFirst(); } } @Override public E pollLast() { if (isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return removeLast(); } } @Override public E getFirst() { return head(); } @Override public E getLast() { return last(); } @Override public E peekFirst() { if (isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return getFirst(); } } @Override public E peekLast() { if (isEmpty()) { return null; } else { return getLast(); } } @Override public boolean removeFirstOccurrence(Object o) { return remove(o); } @Override public boolean removeLastOccurrence(Object o) { reverse(); final boolean r = remove(o); reverse(); return r; } @Override public boolean offer(E e) { return offerLast(e); } @Override public E remove() { return removeFirst(); } @Override public E poll() { return pollFirst(); } @Override public E element() { return getFirst(); } @Override public E peek() { return peekFirst(); } @Override public void push(E e) { addFirst(e); } @Override public E pop() { return removeFirst(); } /** * Unseeded foldr() * * @param f the folding function * @return the final folded value * @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty */ public E foldr1(F2 f) throws NoSuchElementException { if (isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("cannot do an unseeded fold on an empty list"); } return tail().foldr(f, head()); } /** * First-class version of foldr1() * * @return the first-class function */ public F, E> foldr1() { final FMList self = this; return new F, E>() { @Override public E f(F2 a) { return self.foldr1(a); } }; } /** * Unseeded foldl() * * @param f the folding function * @return the final folded value * @throws NoSuchElementException if this list is empty */ public E foldl1(F2 f) { if (isEmpty()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("cannot do an unseeded fold on an empty list"); } return init().foldl(f, last()); } /** * First-class version of foldl1() * * @return the first-class function */ public F, E> foldl1() { final FMList self = this; return new F, E>() { @Override public E f(F2 a) { return self.foldl1(a); } }; } /** * append()s all the inner lists * * @param the inner element type * @param lli the multi-layer list * @return the joined list */ public static FMList concat(FMList> lli) { final Monoid> m = fmListMonoid(); return lli.fold(m); } /** * Gets the "&&" of all the booleans in "lli" * * @param lli the list to be folded * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public static Boolean and(FMList lli) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(lli.couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(lli, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } final Monoid m = Monoid.conjunctionMonoid; return lli.fold(m); } /** * Gets the "||" of all the booleans in "lli" * * @param lli the list to be folded * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public static Boolean or(FMList lli) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(lli.couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(lli, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } final Monoid m = Monoid.disjunctionMonoid; return lli.fold(m); } /** * map()s the list to booleans using "f", then "||"'s them * * @param f * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public Boolean any(F f) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(this, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } final Monoid m = Monoid.disjunctionMonoid; return foldMap(m, f); } /** * map()s the list to booleans using "f", then "&&"'s them * * @param f * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public Boolean all(F f) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(this, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } final Monoid m = Monoid.conjunctionMonoid; return foldMap(m, f); } /** * Gets the maximum value among all the "Comparable"'s in "lli" * * @param * @param lli the list to be folded * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public static > E maximum(FMList lli) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(lli.couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(lli, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } return lli.foldr1(new F2() { @Override public E f(E a, E b) { final int z = a.compareTo(b); if (z <= 0) { return b; } else { return a; } } }); } /** * Gets the minimum value among all the "Comparable"'s in "lli" * * @param * @param lli the list to be folded * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public static > E minimum(FMList lli) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(lli.couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(lli, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } return lli.foldr1(new F2() { @Override public E f(E a, E b) { final int z = a.compareTo(b); if (z <= 0) { return a; } else { return b; } } }); } /** * Gets the maximum value among all the values in the list * * @param cmp the ordering to use when comparing * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public E maximum(Ord cmp) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(this, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } return foldr1(Function.uncurryF2(cmp.max)); } /** * Gets the minimum value among all the values in the list * * @param cmp the ordering to use when comparing * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public E minimum(Ord cmp) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(this, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } return foldr1(Function.uncurryF2(cmp.min)); } /** * Gets the maximum value among all the values in the list * * @param cmp the comparator to use when comparing * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public E maximum(Comparator cmp) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(this, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } final Comparator k = cmp; return foldr1(new F2() { @Override public E f(E a, E b) { if (, b) < 0) { return b; } else { return a; } } }); } /** * Gets the minimum value among all the values in the list * * @param cmp the comparator to use when comparing * @return the final folded value * @throws InfiniteListException if "lli" is infinite */ public E minimum(Comparator cmp) throws InfiniteListException { if (!(couldBeFinite())) { throw new InfiniteListException(this, "cannot fold an infinite list to a point"); } final Comparator k = cmp; return foldr1(new F2() { @Override public E f(E a, E b) { if (, b) < 0) { return a; } else { return b; } } }); } @Override public Iterator descendingIterator() { final FMList self = this; return new Iterator() { private int currentIndex = self.size(); ; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return currentIndex != 0; } @Override public E next() { if (hasNext()) { currentIndex--; return self.get(currentIndex); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException("this FMList is left-finite"); } } @Override public void remove() { self.remove(currentIndex); currentIndex--; } }; } FM getInner() { return inner; } private void setInner(FM inner) { this.inner = inner; } }