ClearAll[show] Framed@DynamicModule[{t = 0.001, i = 1}, s = 0; step = .05; trajnormal = RandomFunction[PoissonProcess[1], {0, 100}]["PathFunction"]; trajdiscount = RandomFunction[PoissonProcess[5], {0, 100}]["PathFunction"]; (*show[1] is trajectory of Poisson[1] process*) show[1, t_] := Plot[50 - trajnormal[x], {x, 0.001, t}, PlotPoints -> 1000, PlotRange -> {{0, 70}, {0, 55}}, ImageSize -> 500]; (*show[2] is trajectory of Poisson[1] with Poisson[ 5] added at time of click=s*) show[2, t_] := Plot[50 - trajnormal[x] - trajdiscount[Max[x - s, 0]], {x, 0, t}, PlotRange -> {{0, 70}, {0, 55}}, ImageSize -> 500, PlotStyle -> Red, PlotPoints -> 1000]; EventHandler[ EventHandler[ Column[{Dynamic[i], Dynamic[t = If[trajnormal[t] <= 50, t + step, t]], Dynamic[s], Dynamic[show[i, t]]}], "MouseDown" :> (i = Mod[i, 2] + 1)], "MouseDown" :> (s = t), PassEventsUp -> True]]