U-Boot 1.2.0 (Apr 15 2008 - 17:24:31) PSPU-Boot DRAM: 32 MB Found SPANSION Flash Flash: 8 MB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Press SPACE to abort autoboot in 3 second(s) => printenv bootargs=root=/dev/mtdblock5 mtdparts=physmap-flash.0:512k(U-Boot)ro,256K(env1),256K(env2),0x40000(script),0x140000(Kernel),0x140000(RootFileSystem),5M@1M(UBFI1),5M(UBFI2) console=ttyS0,115200n8 ethaddr0=${ethaddr} bootcmd=while itest.b 1 == 1;do;if itest.b ${ACTIMAGE} == 1;then echo *** ACTIMAGE = 1, will try to boot UBFI1 stored @${UBFIADDR1};aimgname=UBFI1; aubfiaddr=${UBFIADDR1};bimgname=UBFI2; bubfiaddr=${UBFIADDR2}; bimgnum=2;else if itest.b ${ACTIMAGE} == 2;then echo *** ACTIMAGE = 2, will try to boot UBFI2 stored @${UBFIADDR2};aimgname=UBFI2; aubfiaddr=${UBFIADDR2};bimgname=UBFI1; bubfiaddr=${UBFIADDR1}; bimgnum=1;else echo *** ACTIMAGE invalid; exit;fi;fi;if autoscr $aubfiaddr;then echo *** $aimgname bootscript executed successfully.;echo Start booting...;bootm ${LOADADDR};fi;echo *** $aimgname is corrupted, try $bimgname...;setenv ACTIMAGE $bimgnum;if autoscr $bubfiaddr;then echo *** $bimgname bootscript executed successfully.;echo Check image...;if imi ${LOADADDR};then echo Save updated ACTIMAGE...;saveenv;echo Image OK, start booting...;bootm ${LOADADDR};fi;fi;echo Backup image also corrupted...exit.;exit;done; bootdelay=3 baudrate=115200 ethaddr=00:40:7b:00:00:03 UBFIADDR1=0x48040000 LOADADDR=0 sdelay=3 update1=tftpboot 0x80000100 ${UBFINAME1} && protect off ${UBFIADDR1} +${filesize} && erase ${UBFIADDR1} +${filesize} && sleep ${sdelay} && cp.b ${fileaddr} ${UBFIADDR1} ${filesize} && protect on ${UBFIADDR1} +${filesize} && sleep ${sdelay} && setenv ACTIMAGE 1 && saveenv update2=tftpboot 0x80000100 ${UBFINAME2} && protect off ${UBFIADDR2} +${filesize} && erase ${UBFIADDR2} +${filesize} && sleep ${sdelay} && cp.b ${fileaddr} ${UBFIADDR2} ${filesize} && protect on ${UBFIADDR2} +${filesize} && sleep ${sdelay} && setenv ACTIMAGE 2 && saveenv update_uboot=tftpboot 0x80000100 u-boot.bin && protect off 0x48000000 +${filesize} && erase 0x48000000 +${filesize} && sleep ${sdelay} && cp.b ${fileaddr} 0x48000000 ${filesize} && protect on 0x48000000 +${filesize} update_uimage=tftpboot 0x80000100 uImage && protect off ${UBFIADDR1} +${filesize} && erase ${UBFIADDR1} +${filesize} && sleep ${sdelay} && cp.b ${fileaddr} ${UBFIADDR1} ${filesize} && protect on ${UBFIADDR1} +${filesize} update_sqfs=tftpboot 0x80000100 sqfs.img && protect off ${UBFIADDR2} +${filesize} && erase ${UBFIADDR2} +${filesize} && sleep ${sdelay} && cp.b ${fileaddr} ${UBFIADDR2} ${filesize} && protect on ${UBFIADDR2} +${filesize} erase_env=protect off 1:2-3 && erase 1:2-3 && protect on 1:2-3 netretry=no ubootpartsize=0x20000 envpartsize=0x10000 UBFINAME1=puma5_ubfi.bin UBFINAME2=puma5_ubfi.bin UBFIADDR2=0x483F0000 filesize=380000 fileaddr=80000100 gatewayip= netmask= ipaddr= serverip= ACTIMAGE=2 stdin=serial stdout=serial stderr=serial ver=U-Boot 1.2.0 (Apr 15 2008 - 17:24:31) PSPU-Boot Environment size: 2862/65531 bytes =>