List avatars = new List(); private void GameForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { avatars.Add(Properties.Resources.Head1); avatars.Add(Properties.Resources.Head2); avatars.Add(Properties.Resources.Head3); avatars.Add(Properties.Resources.Head4); } private void pictureBoxAvatar1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(pictureBoxAvatar1.Image == avatars.ElementAt(0)) { pictureBoxAvatar1.Image = avatars.ElementAt(1); } //I have four total possibilities, but just have this one statement until I figure it out } private void pictureBoxAvatar1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { pictureBoxAvatar1.ImagePointer = (pictureBoxAvatar1.ImagePointer + 1) % avatars.size(); } int avIndex = avatars.IndexOf(picturebox1.image); avIndex++; if (avIndex >= avatars.Count) { avIndex = 0; } picturebox1.image = avatars[avIndex];