callum-imac:phpBB callumacrae$ ack md5 develop/benchmark.php 70: $name = "testuser_" . substr(md5(uniqid(rand())), 0, 10); 367: $password = md5("benchpass"); develop/imageset_to_css.php 65: $hash = md5($data); 75: if(md5($data) == $hash) 238: $hash = md5($code); includes/auth/auth_db.php 188: // plain md5 support left in for conversions from other systems. 189: if ((strlen($row['user_password']) == 34 && (phpbb_check_hash(md5($password_old_format), $row['user_password']) || phpbb_check_hash(md5(utf8_to_cp1252($password_old_format)), $row['user_password']))) 190: || (strlen($row['user_password']) == 32 && (md5($password_old_format) == $row['user_password'] || md5(utf8_to_cp1252($password_old_format)) == $row['user_password']))) includes/cache/driver/file.php 352: if (($rowset = $this->_read('sql_' . md5($query))) === false) 384: if ($this->_write('sql_' . md5($query), $this->sql_rowset[$query_id], $ttl + time(), $query)) includes/cache/driver/memory.php 41: $this->key_prefix = substr(md5($dbname . $table_prefix), 0, 8) . '_'; 200: // gives us the md5s that we want 209: foreach ($temp as $md5_id => $void) 211: $this->_delete('sql_' . $md5_id); 269: if (($result = $this->_read('sql_' . md5($query))) === false) 289: $hash = md5($query); includes/captcha/plugins/captcha_abstract.php 237: $this->confirm_id = md5(unique_id($user->ip)); includes/captcha/plugins/phpbb_captcha_qa_plugin.php 414: $this->confirm_id = md5(unique_id($user->ip)); includes/db/oracle.php 699: $statement_id = substr(md5($query), 0, 30); includes/extension/finder.php 45: * A map from md5 hashes of serialized queries to their previously retrieved 323: $query = md5(serialize($this->query)); includes/functions.php 179: $val = md5($val); 180: $config['rand_seed'] = md5($config['rand_seed'] . $val . $extra); 393: $random_state = md5(unique_id() . $random_state); 394: $random .= pack('H*', md5($random_state)); 406: return md5($password); 425: return (md5($password) === $hash) ? true : false; 525: $hash = md5($salt . $password, true); 528: $hash = md5($hash . $password, true); 2871: $credential = ($admin) ? md5(unique_id()) : false; includes/functions_convert.php 1083: $filename = md5(unique_id()) . '.dat'; 1087: $filename = md5(unique_id()) . $filename; 1091: $filename = preg_replace('/\.([a-z]+)$/i', '_' . md5(unique_id()) . '.\1', $filename); 1095: $filename .= '_' . md5(unique_id()) . '.dat'; includes/functions_jabber.php 517: $decoded['cnonce'] = base64_encode(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true))); 712: $pack = md5($this->username . ':' . $data['realm'] . ':' . $this->password); 726: return md5(sprintf('%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s', md5($a1), $data['nonce'], $data['nc'], $data['cnonce'], $data['qop'], md5($a2))); includes/functions_messenger.php 419: $headers[] = 'Message-ID: <' . md5(unique_id(time())) . '@' . $config['server_name'] . '>'; 1441: * cram_md5 authentication method 1443: function cram_md5($username, $password) 1451: $md5_challenge = base64_decode($this->responses[0]); 1452: $password = (strlen($password) > 64) ? pack('H32', md5($password)) : ((strlen($password) < 64) ? str_pad($password, 64, chr(0)) : $password); 1453: $md5_digest = md5((substr($password, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x5C), 64)) . (pack('H32', md5((substr($password, 0, 64) ^ str_repeat(chr(0x36), 64)) . $md5_challenge)))); 1455: $base64_method_cram_md5 = base64_encode($username . ' ' . $md5_digest); 1457: $this->server_send($base64_method_cram_md5, true); 1467: * digest_md5 authentication method 1470: function digest_md5($username, $password) 1480: $md5_challenge = base64_decode($this->responses[0]); 1482: // Parse the md5 challenge - from AUTH_SASL (PEAR) 1484: while (preg_match('/^([a-z-]+)=("[^"]+(?server_send($base64_method_digest_md5, true); includes/functions_posting.php 1706: 'post_checksum' => $data['message_md5'] 1771: 'post_checksum' => $data['message_md5'] includes/functions_upload.php 118: $this->realname = $prefix . md5(unique_id()); 129: $this->realname = $prefix . md5(unique_id()) . '.' . $this->extension; includes/search/fulltext_mysql.php 357: $search_key = md5(implode('#', array( 541: $search_key = md5(implode('#', array( includes/search/fulltext_native.php 441: $search_key = md5(implode('#', array( 831: $search_key = md5(implode('#', array( includes/session.php 586: AND k.key_id = '" . $db->sql_escape(md5($this->cookie_data['k'])) . "'"; 802: $this->session_id = $this->data['session_id'] = md5(unique_id()); 913: AND key_id = '" . $db->sql_escape(md5($this->cookie_data['k'])) . "'"; 1366: 'key_id' => (string) md5($key_id), 1383: AND key_id = '" . $db->sql_escape(md5($key)) . "'"; install/install_install.php 1313: SET config_value = '" . md5(mt_rand()) . "' 1317: SET username = '" . $db->sql_escape($data['admin_name']) . "', user_password='" . $db->sql_escape(md5($data['admin_pass1'])) . "', user_ip = '" . $db->sql_escape($user_ip) . "', user_lang = '" . $db->sql_escape($data['default_lang']) . "', user_email='" . $db->sql_escape($data['board_email1']) . "', user_dateformat='" . $db->sql_escape($lang['default_dateformat']) . "', user_email_hash = " . $db->sql_escape(phpbb_email_hash($data['board_email1'])) . ", username_clean = '" . $db->sql_escape(utf8_clean_string($data['admin_name'])) . "' 1372: $rand_str = md5(mt_rand()); install/install_update.php 727: if (isset($expected_files[$file_struct['filename']]) && md5($contents) == $expected_files[$file_struct['filename']]) 759: $expected_files[$file_struct['filename']] = md5($contents); 760: $file_list[$file_struct['filename']] = '_file_' . md5($file_struct['filename']); 805: $expected_files[$file_struct['filename']] = md5($contents); 806: $file_list[$file_struct['filename']] = '_file_' . md5($file_struct['filename']); 1421: $expected_files[$file] === md5($content))) posting.php 350:$post_data['post_subject_md5'] = (isset($post_data['post_subject']) && $mode == 'edit') ? md5($post_data['post_subject']) : ''; 736: // Grab md5 'checksum' of new message 737: $message_md5 = md5($message_parser->message); 747: // $message_md5 is the checksum of the post we're about to submit 752: // we're about to submit by also checking $message_md5 != $post_data['post_checksum'] 753: if (($edit_post_message_checksum !== '' && $edit_post_message_checksum != $post_data['post_checksum'] && $message_md5 != $post_data['post_checksum']) 754: || ($edit_post_subject_checksum !== '' && $edit_post_subject_checksum != $post_data['post_subject_md5'] && md5($post_data['post_subject']) != $post_data['post_subject_md5'])) 772: $update_message = ($mode != 'edit' || $message_md5 != $post_data['post_checksum'] || $status_switch || strlen($post_data['bbcode_uid']) < BBCODE_UID_LEN) ? true : false; 775: $update_subject = $mode != 'edit' || ($post_data['post_subject_md5'] && $post_data['post_subject_md5'] != md5($post_data['post_subject'])); 1049: 'message_md5' => (string) $message_md5, 1342: 'edit_post_subject_checksum' => $post_data['post_subject_md5'],