{$CLEO} 0000: 0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 0x8CD800 size 4 virtual_protect 1 0@ *= 2.0 0AB1: call_scm_func @__VarToOffset 1 varnumber 0 result 10@ 0A8C: write_memory 0x52C9F9 size 4 value 10@ virtual_protect 1 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 0x858628 size 4 virtual_protect 1 0AB1: call_scm_func @__VarToOffset 1 varnumber 1 result 11@ 0A8C: write_memory 0x52CA17 size 4 value 11@ virtual_protect 1 while true wait 0 gosub @CutsceneCheck gosub @WideScreenCheck if or 0818: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air 04C8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_flying_vehicle 29@ == TRUE 28@ == TRUE then 00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to 22@ 23@ 24@ 02CE: 16@ = ground_z_at 22@ 23@ 24@ if 16@ >= 15.0 then 1@ = 100.0 0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 0x8CD800 size 4 virtual_protect 1 end else 1@ = 100.0 1@ /= 3.0 0A8D: 0@ = read_memory 0x8CD800 size 4 virtual_protect 1 0@ *= 2.0 end end :__LabelToOffset //0AB1: call_scm_func @__LabelToOffset 1 label @_bloodsmall_ store_to 29@ if 0@ == 0 then 0AB2: ret 1 0 end 0A9F: 1@ = current_thread_pointer 1@ += 0x10 0A8D: 1@ = read_memory 1@ size 4 virtual_protect 0 // baseIP 0062: 1@ -= 0@ // label address 0AB2: ret 1 1@ :__VarToOffset //0AB1: call_scm_func @__VarToOffset 1 varnumber 4 result 4@ 0A9F: 23@ = current_thread_pointer 23@ += 0x3C 0@ *= 4 005A: 23@ += 0@ // address of the local variable 0AB2: ret 1 23@ :CutsceneCheck if 06B9: cutscene_data_loaded then if 82E9: not cutscene_reached_end then 29@ = TRUE end else 29@ = FALSE end return :WideScreenCheck 0A8D: 27@ = read_memory 0xB6F065 size 4 virtual_protect 0 if 27@ == 1 then 28@ = TRUE else 28@ = FALSE end return