=begin Skill Master Script by Fomar0153 Version 1.0 ---------------------- Notes ---------------------- Requires my unique classes script Allows you to learn new skills by using your existing skills. ---------------------- Instructions ---------------------- You will need to edit module Skill_Uses, further instructions are located there. ---------------------- Known bugs ---------------------- None =end module Skill_Uses SKILLS = [] # Add/Edit lines like the one below # SKILLS[ORIGINAL] = [NEW, USES, REPLACE] REPLACE should be true or false SKILLS[3] = [4, 50, true] # Reads as: When using skill 3 for it's 50th time replace it with skill 4 end class Game_SkillMaster < Game_Actor #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● New Method setup #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup(actor_id) super(actor_id) @skill_uses = [] end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● New Method add_skill_use #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_skill_use(id) if @skill_uses[id] == nil @skill_uses[id] = 0 end @skill_uses[id] += 1 unless Skill_Uses::SKILLS[id] == nil if @skill_uses[id] == Skill_Uses::SKILLS[id][1] learn_skill(Skill_Uses::SKILLS[id][0]) forget_skill(id) if Skill_Uses::SKILLS[id][2] SceneManager.scene.add_text(@name + " learns " + $data_skills[Skill_Uses::SKILLS[id][0]].name + ".") end end end end class Game_Battler < Game_BattlerBase #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● Aliases item_apply #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias fomar0004_item_apply item_apply def item_apply(user, item) if user.is_a?(Game_SkillMaster) and item.is_a?(RPG::Skill) user.add_skill_use(item.id) end fomar0004_item_apply(user, item) end end class Scene_Battle < Scene_Base #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ● New method add_text #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def add_text(text) @log_window.add_text(text) end end