# begin build properties # autogenerated by buildinfo.sh ro.build.id=V2_2.26.60 ro.build.display.id=VZW ro.build.version.incremental=2266 ro.build.version.sdk=8 ro.build.version.codename=REL ro.build.version.release=2.2.1 ro.build.date=Thu Nov 18 15:49:45 CST 2010 ro.build.date.utc=1290066585 ro.build.type=user ro.build.user=tqmp86 ro.build.host=zch45lnxdroid14 ro.build.tags=ota-rel-keys,release-keys ro.product.model=DROID PRO ro.product.model.internal=XT610 ro.product.brand=verizon ro.product.name=venus2_vzw ro.product.device=cdma_venus2 ro.product.board=venus2 ro.product.cpu.abi=armeabi-v7a ro.product.cpu.abi2=armeabi ro.product.manufacturer=motorola ro.product.locale.language=en ro.product.locale.region=US ro.wifi.channels= ro.board.platform=omap3 # ro.build.product is obsolete; use ro.product.device ro.build.product=venus2_vzw # Do not try to parse ro.build.description or .fingerprint ro.build.description=cdma_venus2-user 2.2.1 V2_2.26.60 2266 ota-rel-keys,release-keys ro.build.fingerprint=verizon/venus2_vzw/cdma_venus2/venus2:2.2.1/V2_2.26.60/2266:user/ota-rel-keys,release-keys # end build properties # # system.prop for CDMA Droidwe # # rild.libpath=/system/lib/libril-moto-umts-1.so rild.libpath=/system/lib/libmoto_ril.so rild.libargs=-d /dev/ttyS0 ro.sf.lcd_density=160 ro.default_usb_mode=2 persist.service.adb.enable=1 ro.mot.ril.danlist=611,*611,#611 persist.ril.ecclist=911,*911,#911 persist.ril.modem.mode =1 # This defines the max event window manager can # handle in 1 s. We may adjust this # for performance # reason later windowsmgr.max_events_per_sec=70 # USB modes allowed for UI and switching ro.ngp_available=1 ro.modem_available=0 # Default network type. # 4 => CDMA / EVDO. ro.telephony.default_network=4 ro.com.google.clientid=android-motorola ro.url.legal=http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/phone-legal.html ro.url.legal.android_privacy=http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/privacy.html ro.cdma.home.operator.numeric=310004 ro.cdma.home.operator.alpha=Verizon ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps=7 # wlan interface wifi.interface = tiwlan0 # Time between scans in seconds. Keep it high to minimize battery drain. # This only affects the case in which there are remembered access points, # but none are in range. wifi.supplicant_scan_interval = 45 # Indicate carrier OTA SP number schema # refer to frameworks/base/telephony/java/com/android/ # internal/telephony/cdma/CDMAPhone.java for the schema: ro.cdma.otaspnumschema=SELC,1,80,99 # The OpenGL ES API level that is natively supported by this device. # This is a 16.16 fixed point number ro.opengles.version = 131072 # This is a high density device with more memory, so larger vm heaps for it. dalvik.vm.heapsize=30m # The URL for safety information ro.url.safetylegal=http://www.motorola.com/staticfiles/Support/legal # our HTML browser (not WAP browser ) does not need to specify UAProf URL ro.mot.hw.uaprof= # Enable HAC to also display Call Setting Menu Option. ro.mot.hw.HAC=1 # Motorola, a19622, 12/28/2009, IKSHADOW-204 / Location Settings for android # Property to set enabling state of the location privacy setting feature. # Motorola, a19622, 03/16/2010, IKSHADOW-2141 / Disable feature 33067 #ro.mot.settings.locprivacy=1 # ERI feature # 0 OFF # 1 ON ro.mot.eri=1 #Begin Motorola, a23221, 6/9/2010, IKSTABLETWO-6892 # Delay for Loss Of Service alert ro.mot.eri.losalert.delay=2000 # If time from last RoamInd change to SID change less than below, not play alert ro.mot.eri.sidalert.delay=1000 # END IKSTABLETWO-6892 # Motorol,a6889c,02/Feb/2010,IKSHADOW-619 # Proximity Sensor feature # 0 disable # 1 enable persist.mot.proximity.touch=1 # End IKSHADOW-619 # BEGIN Motorola, a22976, 25-Feb-2010, IKSHADOW-702, FID 31841 # VZW Requirement Specifications: NETWORK BASED PLUS CODE DIALING # 0 disable # 1 enable ro.cdma.nbpcd=1 # END IKSHADOW-702 # BEGIN Motorola, a22976, 12-Mar-2010, IKSHADOW-1784, Power Up Tone # Motorola, a22976, 12-Apr-2010, IKSHADOW-3298, Remove temporary power up tone # persist.mot.powerup.tone=/system/media/bootup.ogg # END IKSHADOW-1784 # Motorol,ychen2,14-Mar-2010,IKSHADOW-1951 # 17518 A2DP passthru feature # 0 disable # 1 enable persist.mot.a2dp.direct = 1 persist.mot.usb.mediasync = 1 # persist.usb.android_config = 1 # System property for SMC ro.service.start.smc=1 ro.HorizontalBUA=true #Proximity sensor debounce time mot.proximity.delay=450 # disable touch below 60 pixels mot.proximity.distance=60 # BEGIN Motorola, qpmc46, 05-Jul-2010, IKMAIN-311 persist.ril.mux.noofchannels = 8 # END Motorola, qpmc46, 05-Jul-2010, IKMAIN-311 #BEGIN Motorola, nfjb73, 21-jun-2010, # this is for feature 34386, other features for vzw global phone # could use this property too. IKMAIN-732 #1 this is verizon wireless globle phone #0 this is not verizon wireless globle phone ro.mot.phonemode.vzwglobalphone=1 # END Motorola, nfjb73, 21-jun-2010, IKMAIN-732 # BEGIN Motorola, nfjb73 23-jun-2010, IKMAIN-624 # this is for feature 33860, when phone is activated, the cdma mdn is written. persist.radio.vzw.cdma.mdn= # END Motorola, nfjb73 # BEGIN Motorola, qmfd78, 14-Jul-2010, IKMAIN-884 # GSM SMS traffic needs to be routed/sent through North America SMSC. # This is part of the VZW World-phone Feature. SMS are always sent to a US SMSC and then injected # into that network. This allows for billing and give the user the impression that the device is # still in the US. ro.telephony.gsm-routes-us-smsc = 1 # END Motorola, qmfd78, 14-Jul-2010, IKMAIN-884 # BEGIN Motorola, a22600 qmfd78, 16-Jul-2010, IKDROIDPRO-423 # For north american cdma operators, this flag should be 1. # It enables number mangling when nbpcd (plus code dialing) is not supported. # This is part of the VZW World-phone Feature. ro.cdma.home.operator.isnan=1 # END Motorola, a22600 qmfd78, 16-Jul-2010, IKDROIDPRO-423 # BEGIN Moto,IKDROIDPRO-430, a17673 # Feature33857 on DroidWE, support DualMode switch, UMTS/CDMA ro.mot.FTR.33857=true # END IKDROIDPRO-430 # BEGIN Moto, IKSTABLETWO-689, nfjb73, for 34387,33857 # when phone in Global mode, FW need to know the last phone mode beore power off # when phone power up, it would use the right mode to avoid switch persist.radio.ap.phonetype=2 # END IKSTABLETWO-689 # BEGIN Moto, IKSTABLETWO-1284, nfjb73 # without this property, the lock screen would take global phone as UMTS # block user to operate before setup keyguard.no_require_sim = true # End Moto # BEGIN Motorola, a22600, 13-Aug-2010, IKSTABLETWO-2244, FID 31841/33858 # Property to determine if current network supports NBPCD # Will be dynamically updated by CdmaPCDHandler # Motorola, a22976, 20-Oct-2010, IKSTABLETWOV-3218 # 0 NBPCD is not supported # 1 NBPCD is supported cdma.nbpcd.supported=false # END IKSTABLETWO-2244 # BEGIN Motorola, vfhk68, 18-Aug-2010, IKSTABLETWO-3894,33531 flex on for D2WE # true feature enabled # false feature disabled ro.mot.fid.33531.keylock_ecm=true # END IKSTABLETWO-3894 # BEGIN Motorola, a23021, 18-Aug-2010, IKSTABLETWO-3933, default data roaming is on ro.com.android.dataroaming=false # END IKSTABLETWO-3933 ro.mediasync.enable_sync_ui = 1 # BEGIN Motorola, vmkh73, 2-Sep-2010, IKSTABLETWO-6940 # true when phone launches UI successfully, default is false sys.mot.ui.launched=false # END IKSTABLETWO-6940 # BEGIN Motorola, e50202, 3-Sept-2010, IKSTABLETWO-7041, default Mobile Hotspot is on ro.mot.mynet=true # END IKSTABLETWO-7041 # BEGIN Motorola, hpqg67, 19-Sept-2010, IKSTABLETWO-9197 # write cdma MIN to property for VVM use in GSM/UMTS mode persist.radio.cdma.min = 0 # END IKSTABLETWO-9197 # BEGIN Motorola, a21062, 25-Sep-2010, IKVENUSWP-1073 # true Horizontal VVM is preloaded, not allow to install standalone version of VVM from Android Market # false Horizontal VVM is not preloaded ro.HorizontalVVM=true # END IKVENUSWP-1073 # BEGIN Motorola, a22328, 14-Oct-2010, IKSTABLETWOV-2496 Master clear takes too long time, 42 min. ro.mot.master_clear.shredsd = false # END IKSTABLETWOV-2496 #BEGIN Motorola, psheldo1, 15-Oct-2010, IKSTABLETWOV-2640 #set system property for camera calibration in phone ro.mot.hw.calibratedImager=1 #END IKSTABLETWOV-2640 # # ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES # ro.kernel.android.ril=yes persist.ril.mux.noofchannels=8 persist.ril.mux.ttydevice=/dev/ttyS0 persist.ril.modem.ttydevice=/dev/ttyUSB4 persist.ril.features=0x0E persist.ril.mux.retries=500 persist.ril.mux.sleep=2 ro.ftmipcd.ipcdevice=/dev/ttyUSB0 ro.config.ringtone=DroidIncomingCall.ogg ro.config.notification_sound=OnTheHunt.ogg ro.config.alarm_alert=Alarm_Classic.ogg media.stagefright.enable-player=false media.stagefright.enable-meta=false media.stagefright.enable-scan=false media.stagefright.enable-http=false ro.default_usb_mode=0 ro.media.enc.aud.fileformat=qcp ro.media.enc.aud.codec=qcelp ro.media.enc.aud.bps=13300 ro.media.enc.aud.ch=1 ro.media.enc.aud.hz=8000 ro.com.google.gmsversion=2.2_r7 ro.telephony.call_ring.multiple=false ro.telephony.call_ring.delay=3000 ro.url.safetylegal=http://www.motorola.com/staticfiles/Support/legal/?model=A855 ro.setupwizard.enable_bypass=1 ro.com.google.clientid=android-motorola ro.com.google.clientidbase=android-verizon ro.com.google.clientidbase.am=android-verizon ro.url.legal=http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/phone-legal.html ro.url.legal.android_privacy=http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/privacy.html ro.cdma.home.operator.numeric=310004 ro.cdma.home.operator.alpha=Verizon ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps=7 ro.cdma.homesystem=64,65,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83 ro.cdma.data_retry_config=default_randomization=2000,0,0,120000,180000,540000,960000 ro.media.capture.maxres=5m ro.media.capture.flash=led ro.media.capture.classification=classG ro.media.capture.flashMinV=3500000 ro.media.capture.flashIntensity=45 ro.media.capture.torchIntensity=45 ro.media.capture.fast.fps=4 ro.media.capture.slow.fps=60 ro.media.capture.flip=horizontalandvertical ro.media.capture.useDFR=1 ro.mot.setuptype=2 dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=m=y net.bt.name=Android dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt ro.com.google.clientid=android-motorola ro.url.legal=http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/phone-legal.html ro.url.legal.android_privacy=http://www.google.com/intl/%s/mobile/android/basic/privacy.html ro.mot.hw.uaprof=http://uaprof.motorola.com/phoneconfig/MotoMB200/profile/MotoMB200.rdf ro.build.version.full=Blur_Version.2.26.60.XT610.Verizon.en.US