general: debug: false use-new-spell-loading: true alt-config: altConfig.yml str-cast-usage: | Usage: /cast . Use /cast list to see a list of spells. str-unknown-spell: You do not know a spell with that name. str-spell-change: You are now using the %s spell. str-spell-change-empty: You are no longer using a spell. str-on-cooldown: That spell is on cooldown (%c seconds remaining). str-missing-reagents: You do not have the required reagents for that spell. str-cant-cast: You can't cast that spell right now. str-no-magic-zone: An anti-magic aura makes your spell fizzle. str-console-name: Admin text-color: 3 broadcast-range: 20 allow-cycle-to-no-spell: false only-cycle-to-castable-spells: true ops-have-all-spells: true default-all-perms-false: false ignore-default-bindings: false ignore-cast-item-durability: [ 268, 269, 270, 271, 283, 284, 285, 286, 290, 294, 314, 315, 316, 317 ] global-cooldown: 500 cast-on-animate: true mana: enable-mana-bars: true max-mana: 100 mana-bar-prefix: "Mana:" mana-bar-size: 35 color-full: 10 color-empty: 0 regen-tick-rate: 100 regen-amount: 5 show-mana-on-use: false show-mana-on-regen: false show-mana-on-wood-tool: true tool-slot: 8 mana-potion-cooldown: 30 str-mana-potion-on-cooldown: You cannot use another mana potion yet (%c seconds). mana-potions: - 351:4 100 - 348 60 - 331 30 spells: list: spell-class: ".command.ListSpell" name: list description: List all the spells you know. only-show-castable-spells: false reload-granted-spells: false spells-to-hide: [] str-prefix: "Known spells:" str-no-spells: You do not know any spells. help: spell-class: ".command.HelpSpell" name: help description: Get information about a specified spell. require-known-spell: true str-usage: "Usage: /cast help " str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name. str-desc-line: "%s - %d" str-cost-line: "Cost: %c" teach: spell-class: ".command.TeachSpell" name: teach description: Teach a spell to another player. require-known-spell: true str-usage: "Usage: /cast teach " str-no-target: No such player. str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name. str-cant-teach: You can't teach that spell. str-cant-learn: That person cannot learn that spell. str-cast-self: You have taught %t the %s spell. str-cast-target: "%a has taught you the %s spell." forget: spell-class: ".command.ForgetSpell" name: forget description: Make a player forget a spell. allow-self-forget: true str-usage: "Usage: /cast forget " str-no-target: No such player. str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name. str-doesnt-know: That person does not know that spell. str-cast-self: You made %t forget the %s spell. str-cast-target: "%a has made you forget the %s spell." str-cast-self-target: "You have forgotten the %s spell." str-reset-target: "You have reset %t's spellbook." str-reset-self: "You have forgotten all of your spells." spellbook: spell-class: ".command.SpellbookSpell" name: spellbook description: Create a spellbook that teaches a spell. default-uses: -1 destroy-when-used-up: false str-use: "Usage: /cast spellbook [uses]" str-cast-self: You have created a spellbook with the %s spell. str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name. str-cant-teach: You can't create a spellbook with that spell. str-no-target: You must target a bookcase to create a spellbook. str-has-spellbook: That bookcase already has a spellbook. str-cant-destroy: You cannot destroy a bookcase with a spellbook. str-cant-learn: You cannot learn the spell in this spellbook. str-already-known: You already know the %s spell. str-learned: You have learned the %s spell! bind: spell-class: ".command.BindSpell" name: bind enable: true description: Binds a spell to a wand item. str-cast-self: You have successfully bound the %s spell to the item you are holding. str-usage: You must specify a spell name and hold an item in your hand. str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name. str-cant-bind: That spell cannot be bound to an item. blind: spell-class: ".instant.PotionEffectSpell" name: blind description: Blind your target. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 15 range: 20 type: 15 strength: 0 duration: 200 targeted: true target-players: true target-non-players: false obey-los: true cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You have blinded your target! str-no-target: No target found. blink: spell-class: ".instant.BlinkSpell" name: blink description: Teleport a short distance. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 8 range: 25 pass-through-ceiling: false smoke-trail: true portal-animation: true cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You blink away! str-cast-others: "%a blinks away!" str-cant-blink: You cannot blink there. build: spell-class: ".instant.BuildSpell" name: build description: Build blocks from far away. cast-item: 294 cooldown: 2 range: 25 slot: 0 consume-block: true show-effect: true check-plugins: true allowed-types: 1,2,3,4,5,12,13,17,20,22,24,35,41,42,43,44,45,47,48,49,50,53,57,65,67,80,85,87,88,89,91,92 cost: - mana 5 str-invalid-block: You can't build that block. str-cant-build: You can't build there. carpet: spell-class: ".buff.CarpetSpell" name: carpet description: Lets you walk on a platform of glass. cast-item: 317 cooldown: 30 cancel-on-logout: true cancel-on-teleport: true size: 2 cost: - 331 5 - 288 5 use-cost: - 288 1 use-cost-interval: 50 str-cost: 5 redstone, 5 feathers, plus 1 feather every 50 blocks str-cast-self: You are now walking on air! str-cast-others: "%a is now walking on air!" str-fade: You are no longer walking on air. combust: spell-class: ".instant.CombustSpell" name: combust description: Set a target on fire. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 10 range: 20 obey-los: true fire-ticks: 100 target-players: false check-plugins: true cost: - 331 1 - 263 1 str-cost: 1 redstone dust and 1 coal str-no-target: No target found. confusion: spell-class: ".instant.ConfusionSpell" name: confusion description: Cause nearby monsters to attack each other. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 30 range: 20 cost: - 331 4 str-cost: 4 redstone dust str-cast-self: You cause nearby monsters to become confused and attack each other. str-cast-others: "%a causes nearby monsters to attack each other." conjure: spell-class: ".instant.ConjureSpell" name: conjure description: Conjure some magical reagents. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 600 items: - 331 5-7 - 265 1-2 10% - 351:4 1 10% add-to-inventory: false str-cost: free str-cast-self: You have conjured some magical reagents! cripple: spell-class: ".instant.CrippleSpell" name: cripple description: Slow down a targeted enemy. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 15 range: 20 effect-strength: 5 effect-duration: 100 target-players: true obey-los: true cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You have crippled your enemy. str-no-target: No target found. disarm: spell-class: ".instant.DisarmSpell" name: disarm description: Disarm your opponent. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 15 range: 20 disarmable-items: - 280 - 261 - 267 - 268 - 276 - 283 disarm-duration: 100 obey-los: true cost: - 331 4 str-cost: 4 redstone dust str-no-target: No target found. str-invalid-item: Your target could not be disarmed. str-cast-self: You have disarmed %t. str-cast-target: "%a has disarmed you." drainlife: spell-class: ".instant.DrainlifeSpell" name: drainlife description: Drain life from your enemy and give it to you. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 5 range: 15 take-type: health take-amt: 2 give-type: health give-amt: 2 animation-speed: 2 obey-los: true target-players: false check-plugins: true cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You drain life from your enemy. str-no-target: No target found. empower: spell-class: ".buff.EmpowerSpell" name: empower description: Makes your spells more powerful. cast-item: 280 power-multiplier: 1.5 cooldown: 120 duration: 30 num-uses: 10 cost: - 331 3 use-cost: - 331 2 use-cost-interval: 1 str-cost: 3 redstone, plus 2 redstone for each spell cast str-cast-self: You feel yourself glowing with magical energy. str-cast-others: "%a begins to glow with magical energy." str-fade: You are no longer glowing with magical energy. entomb: spell-class: ".instant.EntombSpell" name: entomb description: Encase an enemy in glass. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 5 range: 15 obey-los: true target-players: false tomb-block-type: 20 tomb-duration: 20 cost: - 331 3 - 20 1 str-cost: 3 redstone dust and 1 glass str-no-target: No target found. explode: spell-class: ".instant.ExplodeSpell" name: explode description: Create an explosion. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 30 range: 25 explosion-size: 4 backfire-chance: 3 check-plugins: true cost: - 331 5 - 289 1 str-cost: 5 redstone dust and 1 gunpowder str-no-target: You cannot create an explosion there. str-cast-self: Boom! str-cast-others: Boom! fireball: spell-class: ".instant.FireballSpell" name: fireball description: Throw a fiery ball of destruction. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 15 range: 30 require-entity-target: false obey-los: true target-players: false check-plugins: true damage-multiplier: 3 small-fireball: false no-fire: false no-explosion: false no-explosion-effect: true no-explosion-damage: 5 no-explosion-damage-range: 3 cost: - 331 3 - 263 2 str-cost: 3 redstone dust and 2 coal str-no-target: You cannot throw a fireball there. str-cast-self: You throw a fiery ball of destruction! str-cast-others: "%a throws a fiery ball of destruction!" firenova: spell-class: ".instant.FirenovaSpell" name: firenova description: Summon an expanding ring of fire. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 10 range: 5 tick-speed: 10 burn-tall-grass: true check-plugins: true cost: - 331 2 - 263 1 str-cost: 2 redstone dust and 1 coal str-cast-self: You summon an expanding ring of fire. str-cast-others: "%a summons an expanding ring of fire." flamewalk: spell-class: ".buff.FlamewalkSpell" name: flamewalk description: Burn your enemies around you as you walk. cast-item: 317 cooldown: 30 range: 8 fire-ticks: 100 tick-interval: 100 target-players: false duration: 120 cost: - 331 5 - 263 2 use-cost: - 331 1 use-cost-interval: 15 str-cost: 5 redstone, 2 coal, plus 1 redstone occasionally str-cast-self: You begin to burn your enemies around you. str-fade: You are no longer burning your enemies. food: spell-class: ".instant.FoodSpell" name: food description: Makes you less hungry. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 30 food: 4 saturation: 2.5 cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You feel less hungry. forcepush: spell-class: ".instant.ForcepushSpell" name: forcepush description: Push back your enemies. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 8 range: 10 pushback-force: 30 additional-vertical-force: 15 max-vertical-force: 20 target-players: false cost: - 331 3 str-cost: 3 redstone dust str-cast-self: You push back your enemies! str-cast-others: "%a pushes back his enemies." forcetoss: spell-class: ".instant.ForcetossSpell" name: forcetoss description: Magically throw an enemy into the air. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 5 range: 15 damage: 0 horizontal-force: 30 vertical-force: 15 obey-los: true target-players: false check-plugins: true cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-no-target: No target found. str-cast-self: You push back your enemy! str-cast-others: "%a pushes back his enemy." freeze: spell-class: ".instant.FreezeSpell" name: freeze description: Spray your enemies with cold snowballs. cast-item: 280 snowballs: 25 horizontal-spread: 15 vertical-spread: 5 damage: 3 slow-amount: 3 slow-duration: 80 target-players: false cooldown: 5 cost: - 331 1 - 332 1 str-cost: 1 redstone dust and 1 snowball frostwalk: spell-class: ".buff.FrostwalkSpell" name: frostwalk description: Lets you walk on water. cast-item: 317 size: 2 leave-frozen: false cooldown: 30 cost: - 331 6 use-cost: - 331 1 use-cost-interval: 50 str-cost: 6 redstone, plus 1 redstone every 50 blocks str-cast-self: You can now walk on water! str-cast-others: "%a can now walk on water!" str-fade: You can no longer walk on water. gate: spell-class: ".instant.GateSpell" name: gate description: Teleport to spawn. can-cast-with-item: false world: CURRENT coordinates: SPAWN use-spell-effect: true cast-time: 0 cost: - 331 1 - 265 1 str-cost: 1 redstone dust and 1 iron bar str-cast-self: You have teleported to spawn. str-cast-others: "%a teleports!" str-gate-failed: Unable to teleport. str-cast-done: "" str-cast-interrupted: "" geyser: spell-class: ".instant.GeyserSpell" name: geyser description: Create a geyser of water at your enemy's feet. cast-item: 283 range: 20 damage: 0 velocity: 10 animation-speed: 2 geyser-height: 4 geyser-type: water obey-los: true target-players: false check-plugins: true cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You create a geyser at your enemy's feet. str-no-target: No target found. gills: spell-class: ".buff.GillsSpell" name: gills description: Allows you to breath underwater. cast-item: 294 glass-head-effect: true cooldown: 60 duration: 300 num-uses: 5 cost: - 331 3 use-cost: - 331 1 use-cost-interval: 1 str-cost: 3 redstone dust, plus 1 every few seconds str-cast-self: You form gills on your neck! str-fade: Your gills disappear. haste: spell-class: ".buff.HasteSpell" name: haste description: Sprint faster for a time. cast-item: 294 effect-strength: 3 boost-duration: 300 duration: 60 cost: - 331 3 str-cost: 3 redstone str-cast-self: You gain unnatural speed! str-cast-others: "%a gains unnatural speed!" str-fade: You lose your unnatural speed. haze: spell-class: ".instant.PotionEffectSpell" name: haze description: Makes your target's vision hazey. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 15 range: 20 type: 9 strength: 0 duration: 200 targeted: true target-players: true target-non-players: false obey-los: true cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You have confuzzled your target! str-no-target: No target found. heal: spell-class: ".instant.HealSpell" name: heal description: Heals a target player. cast-item: 280 heal-amount: 10 cancel-if-full: true show-spell-effect: true obey-los: true cooldown: 0 range: 12 cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You have healed %t. str-cast-target: "%a has healed you." str-no-target: No target to heal. str-max-health: "%t is already at max health." invulnerability: spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell" name: invulnerability description: Makes you invulnerable to damage. cast-item: 280 damage-causes: - block explosion - contact - drowning - entity attack - entity explosion - fall - fire - fire tick - lava - lightning - projectile - suffocation - void duration: 60 cost: - 331 5 use-cost: - 331 1 use-cost-interval: 5 str-cost: 5 redstone dust, plus 1 occasionally str-cast-self: You feel your skin harden. str-cast-others: "%a's skin hardens." str-fade: You feel your skin return to normal. leap: spell-class: ".instant.LeapSpell" name: leap description: Leap forward. cast-item: 280 forward-velocity: 40 upward-velocity: 15 cancel-damage: true cooldown: 10 cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You leap forward. str-cast-others: "%a leaps forward." lifewalk: spell-class: ".buff.LifewalkSpell" name: lifewalk description: Flowers grow in your footsteps! cast-item: 317 tick-interval: 15 red-flower-chance: 15 yellow-flower-chance: 15 sapling-chance: 5 tallgrass-chance: 25 fern-chance: 15 cost: - 331 2 - 38 1 use-cost: - 331 1 use-cost-interval: 20 str-cost: 2 redstone and 1 rose, plus 1 redstone every few seconds str-cast-self: Flowers grow in your footsteps! str-cast-others: Flowers grow in %a's footsteps! str-fade: Flowers no longer grow in your footsteps. lightning: spell-class: ".instant.LightningSpell" name: lightning description: Call down lightning. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 15 range: 20 additional-damage: 0 no-damage: false require-entity-target: false obey-los: true target-players: false check-plugins: true cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You call down lightning. str-cast-others: "%a calls down lightning." str-no-target: Unable to find target. lightwalk: spell-class: ".buff.LightwalkSpell" name: lightwalk description: Light your path. cast-item: 317 cost: - 331 3 - 50 3 use-cost: - 331 1 use-cost-interval: 25 str-cost: 3 redstone and 3 torches, plus 1 redstone occasionally str-cast-self: Light appears at your feet. str-fade: The light at your feet goes out. mana: spell-class: ".instant.ManaSpell" name: lifetap description: Restores mana at the cost of life. cooldown: 3 cast-item: 280 mana: 25 cost: - health 4 str-cost: 2 hearts str-cast-self: You restore 25 mana. mark: spell-class: ".instant.MarkSpell" name: mark description: Marks your location for later recall. cooldown: 43200 permanent-marks: true cost: - 331 5 - 265 5 str-cost: 5 redstone dust and 5 iron bars str-cast-self: You have marked your location. minion: spell-class: ".buff.MinionSpell" name: minion description: Summons an undead minion to aid you. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 60 duration: 60 mob-chances: - Zombie 75 - Skeleton 25 prevent-sun-burn: true target-players: false cost: - 331 2 - 352 1 str-cost: 2 redstone dust and 1 bone str-cast-self: You summon an undead minion. str-cast-others: "%a has summoned an undead minion." str-fade: Your undead minion dies. pain: spell-class: ".instant.PainSpell" name: pain description: Cause your enemy pain. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 5 damage: 3 range: 15 obey-los: true target-players: false check-plugins: true cost: - 331 1 - health 1 str-cost: 1 redstone dust and a half heart str-no-target: No target found. phase: spell-class: ".instant.PhaseSpell" name: phase description: Phase through solid matter. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 10 range: 5 max-distance: 15 cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cant-phase: Unable to find place to phase to. poison: spell-class: ".instant.PotionEffectSpell" name: poison description: Poison your target. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 15 range: 20 type: 19 strength: 0 duration: 100 targeted: true target-players: false target-non-players: true obey-los: true cost: - 331 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust str-cast-self: You have poisoned your target! str-no-target: No target found. prayer: spell-class: ".instant.PrayerSpell" name: prayer description: Heals yourself for five hearts. cast-item: 38 cooldown: 15 amount-healed: 10 cost: - 331 1 str-cost: 1 redstone dust str-cast-self: You have healed yourself. str-at-full-health: You are already at full health. purge: spell-class: ".instant.PurgeSpell" name: purge description: Kill all monsters and animals around you. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 60 range: 15 cost: - 331 3 str-cost: 3 redstone dust str-cast-self: You purge all life around you. str-cast-others: "%a purges all nearby life." reach: spell-class: ".buff.ReachSpell" name: reach description: Place and destroy blocks from far away. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 120 duration: 60 range: 15 consume-blocks: true drop-blocks: true disallowed-break-blocks: [0,7] disallowed-place-blocks: [0,7] cost: - 331 3 str-cost: 3 redstone dust str-cast-self: You gain the ability to manipulate the world around you. str-fade: You can no longer manipulate the world around you. recall: spell-class: ".instant.RecallSpell" name: recall description: Teleports you to your marked location. cooldown: 300 max-range: -1 cast-time: 0 allow-cross-world: true use-bed-location: false cost: - 331 1 - 265 1 str-cost: 1 redstone dust and 1 iron bar str-cast-self: You teleport to your marked location. str-no-mark: You have not marked a location to recall to. str-other-world: You cannot recall to another world. str-too-far: Your marked location is too far away. str-cast-others: "%a disappears!" str-cast-done: "" str-cast-interrupted: "" reflect: spell-class: ".buff.ReflectSpell" name: reflect description: Reflect spells cast at you. cooldown: 30 num-uses: 5 cost: - 331 3 use-cost: - 331 1 use-cost-interval: 1 str-cost: 3 redstone dust plus 1 redstone per spell reflected str-cast-self: You feel a magical barrier surround you. str-cast-others: A magical barrier surrounds %a. str-fade: Your magical barrier fades. repair: spell-class: ".instant.RepairSpell" name: repair description: Repairs your gear. cooldown: 120 repair-amount: 300 to-repair: - held - hotbar - inventory - helmet - chestplate - leggings - boots ignore-items: - 259 - 346 cost: - 331 3 - 265 1 str-cost: 3 redstone dust and 1 iron bar str-cast-self: You've repaired your gear! str-nothing-to-repair: You have nothing to repair. roar: spell-class: ".instant.RoarSpell" name: roar description: Forces nearby enemies to attack you. cooldown: 15 range: 8 str-cast-self: "You roar, causing nearby enemies to attack you." str-cast-others: "%a roars loudly!" safefall: spell-class: ".buff.InvulnerabilitySpell" name: safefall description: Allows you to fall without taking damage. cast-item: 294 cooldown: 60 damage-causes: - fall duration: 300 num-uses: 5 cost: - 331 2 use-cost: - 288 1 use-cost-interval: 1 str-cost: 2 redstone dust, plus 1 feather each time you fall str-cast-self: You feel lighter. str-fade: Your normal weight returns. scroll: spell-class: ".command.ScrollSpell" name: scroll description: Create a limited use spell scroll. cast-for-free: true default-uses: 5 max-uses: 10 item-id: 339 right-click-cast: true left-click-cast: false ignore-cast-perm: false set-unstackable: true charge-reagents-for-spell-per-charge: false require-teach-perm: true require-scroll-cast-perm-on-use: true stack-by-data-var: bQ str-scroll-over: "Spell Scroll: %s (%u uses remaining)" str-usage: | You must hold a single blank paper and type /cast scroll . str-fail: You cannot create a spell scroll at this time. str-no-spell: You do not know a spell by that name. str-cant-teach: You cannot create a tome with that spell. str-cast-self: You have created a spell scroll for %s. str-on-use: "Spell Scroll: %s used. %u uses remaining." str-use-fail: Unable to use this scroll right now. stealth: spell-class: ".buff.StealthSpell" name: stealth description: Become invisible to monsters. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 60 duration: 20 cost: - 331 3 str-cost: 3 redstone dust str-cast-self: You become invisble to monsters. str-fade: You are no longer invisible to monsters. stonevision: spell-class: ".buff.StonevisionSpell" name: stonevision description: See through stone. cast-item: 317 range: 4 transparent-type: 1 unobfuscate: false cooldown: 60 duration: 30 cost: - 331 4 - 1 2 - 20 2 str-cost: 4 redstone dust, 2 stone and 2 glass str-cast-self: You can see through stone! str-fade: You can no longer see through stone. summon: spell-class: ".channeled.SummonSpell" name: summon description: Summon another player to your position. channel-time: 30 req-participants: 3 req-percent: 0 max-distance: 10 require-exact-name: false require-acceptance: true max-accept-delay: 90 accept-command: accept str-usage: | Usage: /cast summon , or /cast summon while looking at a sign with a player name on the first line. str-no-target: Target player not found. str-too-far-away: You are too far away from the summoning ritual. str-start-channel: You begin to channel a summoning spell. str-moved: You have stopped channeling. str-spell-success: You have successfully summoned %k. str-summon-pending: You are being summoned! Type /accept to teleport. str-summon-accepted: You have been summoned. str-summon-expired: The summon has expired. sun: spell-class: ".channeled.SunSpell" name: sun description: Changes the time to morning. channel-time: 30 req-participants: 2 req-percent: 35 max-distance: 20 time-to-set: 0 str-too-far-away: You are too far away from the ritual. str-start-channel: You begin to channel the sun spell. str-moved: You have stopped channeling. str-spell-success: You have successfully called the sun. str-announce: The sun has suddenly appeared in the sky! telekinesis: spell-class: ".instant.TelekinesisSpell" name: telekinesis description: Manipulate switches and buttons remotely. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 15 range: 20 cost: - 331 1 str-cost: 1 redstone dust str-no-target: You must target a switch or button. tome: spell-class: ".command.TomeSpell" name: tome enabled: false description: Create a tome that teaches a spell. cancel-read-on-learn: true consume-book: true allow-overwrite: false max-uses: -1 default-uses: -1 require-teach-perm: true str-usage: "Usage: While holding a book, /cast tome " str-no-spell: You do not know a spell with that name. str-cant-teach: You cannot create a tome with that spell. str-no-book: You must be holding a book. str-already-has-spell: That book already contains a spell. str-already-known: You already know the %s spell. str-cant-learn: You cannot learn the spell in this tome. str-learned: You have learned the %s spell. str-cast-self: You have created a spell tome. volley: spell-class: ".instant.VolleySpell" name: volley description: Send a volley of arrows at your targeted location. cast-item: 283 cooldown: 45 range: 30 arrows: 10 speed: 20 spread: 150 cost: - 331 3 - 262 2 str-cost: 3 redstone dust and 2 arrows str-cast-self: You fire a volley of magic arrows. str-cast-others: "%a fires a volley of arrows." str-no-target: No target found. walkway: spell-class: ".buff.WalkwaySpell" name: walkway description: Summon a moving magical walkway to take you places. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 60 platform-type: 5 size: 6 cancel-on-logout: true cancel-on-teleport: true cost: - 331 4 use-cost: - 331 1 use-cost-interval: 25 str-cost: 4 redstone, plus 1 redstone every 25 blocks str-cast-self: You summon a magical walkway. str-fade: Your magical walkway disappears. wall: spell-class: ".instant.WallSpell" name: wall description: Creates a temporary wall to block your enemies. cast-item: 280 cooldown: 15 range: 3 wall-width: 5 wall-height: 3 wall-type: 45 wall-duration: 15 cost: - 331 2 - 1 2 str-cost: 2 redstone dust and 2 stone str-no-target: Unable to create a wall. windwalk: spell-class: ".buff.WindwalkSpell" name: windwalk enabled: false description: Fly through the air. cast-item: 280 cancel-on-land: true duration: 120 cost: - 331 3 - 288 1 use-cost: - 288 1 use-cost-interval: 15 str-cost: 3 redstone, 2 feathers, plus 1 feather every 15 seconds str-cast-self: You can now walk on the wind! str-cast-others: "%a is now walking on the wind!" str-fade: You are no longer walking on the wind. zap: spell-class: ".instant.ZapSpell" name: zap description: Instantly destroys a block. cast-item: 294 cooldown: 1 allowed-block-types: "" disallowed-block-types: 0,7 drop-block: false drop-normal: true check-plugins: true range: 15 cost: - 331 1 str-cost: 1 redstone dust str-cast-self: You zapped a block. str-cant-zap: You can't zap that. gianttree: spell-class: ".ExternalCommandSpell" name: gianttree enabled: false description: Create a giant tree! cooldown: 300 can-cast-by-command: true can-cast-with-item: false command-to-execute: - "gt 25 4" command-to-execute-later: [] command-delay: 0 command-to-block: - "gt" temporary-permissions: [] require-player-target: false obey-los: true range: 20 cost: - 331 10 - 6 5 str-cost: 10 redstone dust and 5 saplings str-cast-self: You grow a tree! str-cant-use-command: "&4You don't have permission to do that." torcharrow: spell-class: ".PermissionSpell" name: torcharrow enabled: false description: Shoot a torch arrow. cooldown: 10 can-cast-by-command: true can-cast-with-item: true permission-nodes: - "torcharrow.tArrow" duration: 600 cost: - 331 2 - 50 1 str-cost: 2 redstone dust and 1 torch str-cast-self: You can now fire torch arrows.