options: P: &7[&4Conspicuous&7] variables: {sgskript} = false {sgarena1} = false command /sgs : usage: /sgs permission: skript.op trigger: if arg 1 is "enable": if {sgskript} is false: set {sgskript} to true broadcast "{@P} &3Survival Games is now &cenabled!" stop if arg 1 is "disable": if {sgskript} is true: set {sgskript} to false broadcast "{@P} &3Survival Games is now &cdisabled!" stop else: message "&b/sgs " stop command /sgsign: usage: /sgs permission: skript.op trigger: set {sgplayersign::%command sender%} to true command /sgreset: usage: /sgs permission: skript.op trigger: loop 24 times: delete {sgplayer%loop-number%} on click on sign: if {sgplayersign::%command sender%} is true: delete {sgplayersign::%command sender%} set line 1 of clicked block to "&8&l[&4&lSG&8&l]" set line 2 of clicked block to "&7&lMap &4&l1" set line 3 of clicked block to "&2&lPREGAME" set line 4 of clicked block to "&a&l0&8&l/&a&l24" on click on sign: {sgskript} is true line 1 of clicked block is "&8&l[&4&lSG&8&l]" line 2 of clicked block is "&7&lMap &4&l1" line 3 of clicked block is "&2&lPREGAME" if line 4 of clicked block is not "&a&l24&8&l/&a&l24": execute console command "/warp sgspawn %player%" every 2 seconds: set line 4 of sign at {signlocation1} to "&a&l%amount player in world "world"%&8&l/&a&l24"