Total Comments: total_comments; ?> Approved: approved; ?> Moderated: moderated; ?> Spam: spam; ?>

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'legend','height_px'=>100,'width_px'=>500,'period'=>30, 'ticks'=>24)); } ?>

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    comments c INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts p ON (c.comment_post_id=p.ID) WHERE comment_approved = '1' AND comment_type not in ('trackback','pingback')"; $sql .= " ORDER BY comment_date DESC LIMIT $max"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $template = '
    %g %an on %pt
    '; $echoed=0; foreach ($results as $row) { $tags = array('%ct','%cd','%g','%pt','%pu','%au','%an','%cid'); $replacements = array($row->comment_title,$row->comment_date,get_avatar($row->comment_author_email,'32'),$row->post_title,get_permalink($row->comment_post_ID),$row->comment_author_url,$row->comment_author,$row->comment_ID); echo '
  • ' . str_replace($tags,$replacements,$template) . '
    '. $row->comment_content . '
  • '; $echoed=1; } if ($echoed==0) echo '
  • None Found.
  • '; ?>

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    comments c INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts p ON (c.comment_post_id=p.ID) WHERE comment_approved = '1' AND comment_type in ('trackback','pingback')"; $sql .= " ORDER BY comment_date DESC LIMIT $max"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $template = '%an on %pt'; $echoed=0; foreach ($results as $row) { $tags = array('%ct','%cd','%g','%pt','%pu','%au','%an','%cid'); $replacements = array($row->comment_title,$row->comment_date,get_avatar($row->comment_author_email,'32'),$row->post_title,get_permalink($row->comment_post_ID),$row->comment_author_url,$row->comment_author,$row->comment_ID); echo '
  • ' . str_replace($tags,$replacements,$template) . '
  • '; $echoed=1; } if ($echoed==0) echo '
  • None Found.
  • '; ?>

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    posts p INNER JOIN (SELECT comment_post_id, count(comment_ID) as comment_count from $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_approved='1'"; $sql .= " GROUP BY comment_post_id) c ON (c.comment_post_id=p.ID) ORDER BY c.comment_count DESC LIMIT $max"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $template = '%pt (%c comments)'; $echoed=0; foreach ($results as $row) { $tags = array('%pd','%pt','%pu','%c'); $replacements = array($row->post_date,$row->post_title,get_permalink($row->ID),$row->comment_count); echo '
  • ' . str_replace($tags,$replacements,$template) . '
  • '; $echoed=1; } if ($echoed==0) echo '
  • None Found.
  • '; ?>

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    comments WHERE comment_approved = '1' AND comment_type not in ('trackback','pingback')"; $sql .= " GROUP BY comment_author, comment_author_url, comment_author_email ORDER BY comment_count DESC LIMIT $max"; $results = $wpdb->get_results($sql); $template = '
    %g %an (%c comments)
    '; $echoed=0; foreach ($results as $row) { $tags = array('%g','%au','%an','%c'); $replacements = array(get_avatar($row->comment_author_email,'32'),$row->comment_author_url,$row->comment_author,$row->comment_count); echo '
  • ' . str_replace($tags,$replacements,$template) . '
  • '; $echoed=1; } if ($echoed==0) echo '
  • None Found.
  • '; ?>

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