_ _ _____ _ _ _ _| || |_| _ | | | | | | | |_ __ _| | | |_ __ | | | | ___ _ __ ___ _____ _ ___| | __ _ _| || |_| | | | '_ \| | | |/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \_ / | | |/ _ \ |/ _` | |_ __ _\ \_/ / |_) \ \_/ / __/ | | | __// /| |_| | __/ | (_| | |_||_| \___/| .__/ \___/ \___|_| |_|\___/___|\__,_|\___|_|\__,_| | | |_| Information Package, Part 1: http://pastebin.com/yid8k48s Information Package, Part 2: The rolling coup (English) Greetings citizens, we are Anonymous. As we support the fight against corruption, violence and censorship in Venezuela we are refraining from taking political sides. We are very wary about supporting the anti-government protests. We are aware there are corporate/U.S. interests embedded in the region attempting to stir up enough momentum to push a coup d'état on a democratically elected government and we have heard the opposition rhetoric calling for the 'Exit' of a democratically elected leader. We will not ignore the censorship imposed on the media or any images of state violence, but we recognize the censorship by astroturfing noise and misinformation that is happening as well. Part of combating censorship is helping against the noise as we did against the Israeli occupation forces in Palestine. As we are writing this, plans are underway for a protest march tomorrow. This protest is openly being led by Leopoldo López, the opposition leader most vocally calling for the exit of a democratically elected leader. He was also accused of being part of the last coup in Venezuela. We fear the march will be used as another move in the rolling coup d'etat that has plagued the country for the last decade and a half. As US interests push harder to destabilize Venezuela it is our duty to expose their motives as it is to combat censorship and state violence. Below we have compiled/translated a series of informative tweets that clearly outline the dark motives that lie behind the opposition leaders. We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us. _________________________________________________________________________________________ (Español) Saludos a los ciudadanos, Somos Anonymous. Mientras apoyamos la lucha contra la corrupción, la violencia y la censura en Venezuela estamos absteniéndonos de tomar partido político. Somos muy cautelosos acerca de apoyar la protestas antigubernamentales. Somos conscientes de que hay empresas / U.S. intereses arraigados en la región tratando de despertar suficiente impulso para empujar un golpe de Estado en un gobierno elegido democráticamente y hemos oído hablar de la retórica la oposición pidiendo la 'salida' de un líder elegido democráticamente. No vamos a pasar por alto la censura impuesta a la medios de comunicación o cualquier imagen de la violencia institucional, pero reconocemos la censura por con ruido astroturfing y la desinformación que está sucediendo así. Parte de la lucha contra la censura es ayudar contra el ruido como lo hicimos contra el ejército israelí en Palestina. Mientras escribimos esto, los planes están en marcha para derrocar al gobierno venezolano por la dirigencia opositora. Sábado 18 uno de los líderes de la oposición vinculados con EEUU más prominentes de Venezuela ha programado una marcha. Tememos que será otro paso hacia el golpe de Estado de rodadura que ha asolado el país en la última década. Mientras los intereses de EEUU presionan más para desestabilizar Venezuela es nuestro deber exponer sus motivos igual que nuestra lucha contra la censura y la violencia estatal. Continuación hemos recopilado / traducido una serie de tweets informativos que resumen claramente los motivos oscuros que están detrás de los líderes la oposición como Leopoldo López y Henrique Capriles Somos Anonymous. Somos legión. No perdonamos. No olvidamos. Esperarnos. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Bypassing Internet Censorship* Usuarios bloqueados en #Venezuela: Sigue + recibie notificaciones por SMS de cualquier cuenta de Twitter. Envia "SEGUIR [usuario]" al 89338 Utilice el paquete Tor Browser desde https://www.torproject.org/ o un VPN gratis como solución temporal para la censura #OpVenezuela #Venezuela Este enlace tiene informacion sobre un VPN gratuito para eludir la censura en #Venezuela: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=WYZtA3n8 #Anonymous #OpVenezuela Visita schoolofprivacy.eu para una buena lista de VPNs fuera de los Estados Unidos. #Venezuela #OpVenezuela Cómo grabar, difundir, información de las zonas de protestas: pic.twitter.com/oNnExVWOUd _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TWEETS ------- -------- #Venezuela: "Capriles' well choreographed electoral campaign backed by a convenient spike in scarcity." http://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/10353 Venezuela : "la campaña electoral y con coreografía de Capriles respaldado por un repunte conveniente en la escasez. " http://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/10353 -------------- "In recent weeks Capriles has become a poster child of moderates...vast majority of the opposition failed to condemn extremists." #Venezuela En las últimas semanas Capriles se ha convertido en un emblema de los moderados ... gran mayoría de la oposición no condenó los extremistas. " #Venezuela ------------- Capries always called for a coup (except for 5 minutes when protests started): https://storify.com/GeorgieBC/venezuela-election-a-look-back Capries siempre llama para un golpe de estado (excepto cuando las protestas comenzaron: https://storify.com/GeorgieBC/venezuela-election-a-look-back -------------- Again, Capriles always called for a coup. And Lopez for a violent coup. Calling a coup an 'Exit' doesn't change it. https://storify.com/GeorgieBC/venezuela-election-a-look-back Capriles siempre pidió un golpe de Estado. Y López por un golpe violento. Llamar a un golpe de Estado un 'Exit' no lo cambia . https://storify.com/GeorgieBC/venezuela-election-a-look-back ... --------------- If you think #Venezuela elections were crooked so shouldn't be respected, they were ^9000 times cleaner than Canada's. Deal w Canada first? Si usted piensa que las elecciones #Venezuela son sucias, son^ 9.000 veces más limpias que el de Canadá . --------------- The US has been 'strengthening democracy' in #Venezuela all this time by: http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=06CARACAS3356&version=1314919461 … "39 organizations focused on 'advocacy'" EE.UU. 'fortalecimiento de la democracia "en # Venezuela todo este tiempo a través de: http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=06CARACAS3356&version=1314919461 " 39 organizaciones se centraron en' defensa '" --------------- US ">300 #Venezuela civil society organizations with technical assistance, capacity building, financial support upwards of $15 million." EE.UU.> 300 organizaciones de la sociedad civil, con la asistencia técnica, alza apoyo financiero de $ 15 millones. " -------------- US "Freedom House "Right to Defend Human Rights" $1.1 million, 22 grants to #Venezuela 'human rights organizations' $726,000. EE.UU. "Freedom House", Derecho a Defender los Derechos Humanos ", $ 1.1m, 22 becas a 'las organizaciones de derechos humanos' de #Venezuela $ 726k. -------------- US "54 social projects all over #Venezuela, at > $1.2 million, allow US Ambassador to visit poor areas, demonstrate concern for the people." EE.UU. "54 proyectos sociales en toda Venezuela, # a> $ 1.200.000, permiten embajador de EE.UU. para visitar las zonas pobres, demuestran preocupación por el pueblo." -------------- "This program fosters confusion within Bolivarian ranks, and pushes back at attempt of Chavez to use US as a "unifying enemy."" #Venezuela "Este programa crea confusión en las filas bolivarianas, y empuja hacia atrás en el intento de Chávez de utilizar EE.UU. como" enemigo unificador. "" #Venezuela -------------- That's not 'biased reporting', that's a US state cable. 5 Point Strategy for #Venezuela http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=06CARACAS3356&version=1314919461 Eso no es "información sesgada", es un cable de estado de EE.UU. La estrategia de 5 puntos para #Venezuela http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=06CARACAS3356&version=1314919461 ------ 2008 US cable: in statements to the press Lopez said issue "transcended Venezuela" international attention necessary. http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=08CARACAS1060&q=lopez … Cable de EE.UU.: en declaraciones a la prensa, dijo López tema "trascendió Venezuela" atención internacional necesaria. http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=08CARACAS1060&q=lopez ... -------------- Lopez 2009: "the [#Venezuela opposition] parties are too comfortable with the status quo to take risks." http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=09CARACAS1408&q=lopez … #Venezuela López 2009: "partidos de la oposición [en #Venezuela] son demasiado cómodos con el status quo para tomar riesgos." http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=09CARACAS1408&q=lopez -------------- "Lopez has become a divisive figure within the opposition, often described as arrogant, vindictive, and power-hungry --" #Venezuela "López se ha convertido en una figura divisiva dentro de la oposición, a menudo descrito como arrogante, vengativo y sediento de poder -" #Venezuela ------------- "..but party officials also concede Lopez' enduring popularity, charisma, and talent as an organizer." #Venezuela ".. pero los funcionarios del partido también sostienen popularidad de López perdurable, carisma y talento como organizador." #Venezuela ------------ "Lopez created "social networks" grassroots alternative to Chavismo extending them to nearly all of Venezuela's 23 states." #Venezuela "López creó" redes sociales "de base alternativa al chavismo extendiéndolos a casi la totalidad de los 23 estados de Venezuela." #Venezuela ------------ "If he is successful, Lopez would become both a necessity and a threat to the opposition parties." #Venezuela "Si él tiene éxito, López se convertiría en una necesidad y una amenaza para los partidos de la oposición." #Venezuela ------------ "While they need Lopez's following, they appear frustrated with his uncompromising approach and do not trust his motives." #Venezuela "A pesar de que necesitan López siguendolos, parecen frustrados con su enfoque sin concesiones y no confían en sus motivos." # Venezuela ------------ "for the opposition parties, Lopez draws ire second only to Chavez, "the only difference is that Lopez is a lot better looking." #Venezuela "para los partidos de la oposición, Lopez recibe la ira en segundo lugar solamente a Chávez", la única diferencia es que López se ve mejor. "# Venezuela ------------ That was US state cables in 2009 anyway. But cables were already increasingly frustrated with Capriles and co's lack of progress. #Venezuela Eso fue cables estatales de EE.UU. en 2009 de todos modos. Pero los cables ya se vieron frustrados cada vez más con Capriles y el co de la falta de progreso. #Venezuela ------------ And this re #Venezuela over the last year, plus a bit of cable analysis at the end. https://storify.com/GeorgieBC/venezuela-election-a-look-back … Y esta es #Venezuela en el último año, además de un poco de análisis del cable al final. https://storify.com/GeorgieBC/venezuela-election-a-look-back ----------- Chavez to Obama pic.twitter.com/OztMSnbqjv #Venezuela Chavez a Obama pic.twitter.com/OztMSnbqjv #Venezuela ----------- Feb 14: Third Day of Protests in #Venezuela Sees Lower Turnout, Calls for Peace http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10354 14 de febrero: Tercer día de protestas en # Venezuela ve baja Participación, llamados a la paz http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10354 ----------- Inflation and Shortages Remain High in #Venezuela http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10352 La inflación y la escasez siguen siendo altas en # Venezuela http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10352 ----------- #Venezuela’s Maduro Holds Mass Rally to Reject Violence as Protests Continue (+video) http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10356 Maduro de #Venezuela celebra Reunión total para rechazar la violencia durante las protestas (+ video) http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10356 ----------- #Venezuela Lopez says he's ready for arrest at Tuesday march http://reut.rs/1grGMvD #Venezuela López dice que está listo para la detención en, marcha del martes http://reut.rs/1grGMvD ----------- Lopez video calling for more people on the street on the 18th http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCmoGxEnEJc&feature=youtu.be #Venezuela López videollamada para más gente en la calle el día 18 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCmoGxEnEJc&feature=youtu.be #Venezuela ------------- --------- #Venezuela: Maduro says he's ordering the expulsion of three U.S. consular officials. http://www.whig.com/story/24740133/venezuela-expels-3-us-consular-officials Venezuela : Maduro dice que ha pedido la expulsión de tres funcionarios consulares estadounidenses . http://www.whig.com/story/24740133/venezuela-expels-3-us-consular-officials --------- Maduro accuses them of infiltrating #Venezuela universities under the cover of doing consular work involving student visas. Maduro les acusa de infiltrarse en #Venezuela universidades al amparo de la que hace el trabajo consular implica visas de estudiante. --------- LOL. "Washington denies it is trying to undermine Maduro." Maduro also says #Venezuela's ambassador to the OAS received a phone call from... LOL. "Washington niega que esté tratando de socavar Maduro." Maduro también dice el embajador de # Venezuela ante la OEA recibió una llamada telefónica de.. --------- #US @StateDept warning that arrest of Leopoldo Lopez would have negative international consequences for his government. #Venezuela @StateDept EE.UU. advirtió que la detención de Leopoldo López tendría consecuencias internacionales negativas para su gobierno. #Venezuela --------- Orchestrated step in the 'rolling coup' on Venezuela. http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=06CARACAS3356&version=1314919461 … More: https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Ageorgiebc%20venezuela&src=typd&f=realtime… Etapa orquestada en el "golpe de estado rodando" en Venezuela. http://www.cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=06CARACAS3356&version=1314919461 … More:https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Ageorgiebc%20venezuela&src=typd&f=realtime… --------- USAID, Uribe and #Venezuela Opposition Plotting Violence, Sabotage and Scarcity; According to Leaked Document http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10148 USAID, Uribe y #Venezuela Oposición Traz Violencia, Sabotaje y escasez; Según documento filtrado: http://venezuelanalysis.com/news/10148 --------- "maintain & increase sabotage affecting services,particularly electrical system, enabling blame for inefficiency and negligence." #Venezuela "mantener y aumentar el sabotaje que afectan los servicios , en particular el sistema eléctrico , que permite culpa de ineficiencia y negligencia. " #Venezuela --------- Who is Leopoldo López, accused by Chavez of planning acts of violence? http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=pt-BR&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=pt-BR&tl=en&u=http://operamundi.uol.com.br/conteudo/perfis/33948/quem%2Be%2Bleopoldo%2Blopez%2Bacusado%2Bpelo%2Bchavismo%2Bde%2Bplanejar%2Batos%2Bde%2Bviolencia.shtml #Venezuela ¿Quién es Leopoldo López , acusado por Chávez de planear actos de violencia ? http://translate.google.com/translate?depth=1&hl=pt-BR&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=pt-BR&tl=en&u=http://operamundi.uol.com.br/conteudo/perfis/33948/quem%2Be%2Bleopoldo%2Blopez%2Bacusado%2Bpelo%2Bchavismo%2Bde%2Bplanejar%2Batos%2Bde%2Bviolencia.shtml #Venezuela -------- Intelligent perspective from @Tsavkko on the #Venezuela protests http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=pt-BR&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tsavkko.com.br%2F2014%2F02%2Fvenezuela-separar-o-golpismo-do.html&sandbox=1 … Perspectiva inteligente de @ Tsavkko sobre las protestas # Venezuela http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=pt-BR&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tsavkko.com.br%2F2014%2F02%2Fvenezuela-separar-o-golpismo-do.html&sandbox=1 -------- This makes tomorrow's march in #Venezuela under the banner of someone openly calling for coup, involved in last one. https://twitter.com/leopoldolopez/status/435510771896696832 … Esto hace que la marcha de mañana en # Venezuela es bajo la bandera de alguien abiertamente pidiendo golpe de Estado, que participo en el último. https://twitter.com/leopoldolopez/status/435510771896696832 . --------- #Venezuela: "McRevolution" Attempts Regime Change: http://revolution-news.com/venezuela-mcrevolution-attempts-regime-change/ Venezuela: "McRevolution" Intentos de Cambio de Régimen: http://revolution-news.com/venezuela-mcrevolution-attempts-regime-change/ ---------------- More on Capriles and Lopez and the last election: https://storify.com/GeorgieBC/venezuela-election-a-look-back/edit … and background re #Venezuela https://twitter.com/search?src=typd&q=from%3Ageorgiebc%20venezuela … Más sobre Capriles y López y la última elección: https://storify.com/GeorgieBC/venezuela-election-a-look-back/edit fondo ... y re # Venezuela https://twitter.com/search?src=typd&q from =%% 3Ageorgiebc 20Venezuela ... ----------------- #Venezuela: The revolution will not be televised: Chávez. inside the coup. http://youtu.be/etbEQcA7jUA Venezuela: La revolución no será televisada: Chávez. en el interior del golpe. http://youtu.be/etbEQcA7jUA _________________________________________________ THE STRATFOR CONNECTION: CANVAS _________________________________________________ CATO Institute, funded by Koch bros, has been funding Venezuelan student protests since at least 2007: http://www.counterpunch.org/2007/06/09/behind-venezuela-s-quot-student-rebellion-quot/ CATO Institute , financiado por Koch bros , ha estado financiando las protestas estudiantiles en Venezuela , al menos desde 2007 : http://www.counterpunch.org/2007/06/09/behind-venezuela-s-quot-student-rebellion-quot/ -------------------- "Yon Goicoechea, the students leader back in 2007, has received a $500,000 award from the U.S. libertarian NGO. They called it the “Milton Friedman Prize for Advancing Liberty.” quote from http://revolution-news.com/venezuela-mcrevolution-attempts-regime-change/ " Yon Goicoechea , líder estudiantes en 2007, ha recibido un premio de $ 500,000 del libertario ONG EE.UU. . Lo llamaron el " Premio Milton Friedman para el Avance de la Libertad . " Cita de http://revolution-news.com/venezuela-mcrevolution - intentos de cambio de régimen / --------------------- Stratfor email about CANVAS and Venezuela "McRevolution" strategy http://search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/?viewemailid=1712752 Stratfor correo electrónico sobre lienzo y Venezuela estrategia " McRevolution " http://search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/?viewemailid=1712752 --------------------- Srdja Popovic, bigtime CANVAS guy, exposed recently as Stratfor mole; http://www.occupy.com/article/exposed-globally-renowned-activist-collaborated-intelligence-firm-stratfor Srdja Popovic,de CANV expuesta recientemente como espia de Stratfor; http://www.occupy.com/article/exposed-globally-renowned-activist-collaborated-intelligence-firm-stratfor ---------------- Videos of interviews with Carl Gibson, indpendent journalist who uncovered Popovic/Stratfor connection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzlSc4aS31A AcronymTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=869p6pyfRyg#t=211 Videos de entrevistas con Carl Gibson, periodista que destapó indpendent conexión Popovic / Stratfor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzlSc4aS31A AcronymTV https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=869p6pyfRyg#t=211 ----------------- "A photo published in 2011 shows that the a current leader of the student movement, Lorent Saleh, may have some obvious ties to CANVAS." (pic of him in CANVAS shirt)http://revolution-news.com/venezuela-mcrevolution-attempts-regime-change/ "Una foto publicada en 2011 muestra el actua; líder del movimiento estudiantil, Lorent Saleh, puede tener algunos vínculos obvios con CANVAS". (foto de él en camisa CANVAS) de http://revolution-news.com/venezuela-mcrevolution-attempts-regime-change/ --------------- basically just search "CANVAS venezuela" in search.wikileaks.org/advanced From: Marko Papic [mailto:marko.papic@stratfor.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 5:22 PM To: Fred Burton Subject: Re: INSIGHT - VENEZUELA: CANVAS analysis Thank you. They are very impressive group of guys. They just go and set up shop in a country and try to bring the government down. When used properly, more powerful than an aircraft carrier battle group. "They communicate with me, when discussing Venezuela, through secure channels." -Stratfor analyst Marko Papic, referring to CANVAS https://search.wikileaks.org/gifiles/?viewemailid=1713359 Re: Guidance: Exxon and Venezuela (stratfor email) "but remember Otpor [same as canvas]? -- media manipulation is one of their specialties" https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/17/1733427_re-guidance-exxon-and-venezuela-.html "for the US is it enough to get rid of Chavez the person? or do you think the US'd want to bring down his whole circle?" - stratfor guy in same email "Despite occasional accusations from governments such as Venezuela that CANVAS is a U.S.-funded proxy fomenting unrest in Washington's enemies, Popovic says it is almost entirely funded by Serbian business friends from his anti-Milosevic days." -Peter Apps, Reuters (written before Popovic was exposed as Stratfor mole) http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/06/16/idINIndia-57735620110616