Hello, the following list is for the roblox Survival 303 place by davidii2. St.Wall + St.Wall + St.Wall + Wall = Medieval Enterance Wall + Wall + Wall + Wall + Large Leaves + Large Leaves = LongHouse Wall + Wall + Wall + Large Leaves = Lumber Mill Plank + Small Tree Stump + Wooden Seat = Catapult (St.) Wall + (St.) Wall + (St.) Wall = (St.) Castle Walls/Tower Glass + Glass = window (Hint: This is part of the Stove!)(And so is St. Wall!) Glass? Make glass by heating piles of sand! (St. = Stone) Glitches: Infinite food (2 people): Have a friend take out a berrie but NOT place it, tell him to move it in small circles, then you eat it, the berry will clone and youll get full! Clone Objects (1 person) If you have a object which