Gap size 66 Gap size 1 how important this|agvocacy message would be. Gap size 1 how important this|agvocacy message would be. Gap size 149 Gap size 1 When I first heard their message|in Denver, in December last year, Gap size 1 When I first heard their message|in Denver, in December last year, Gap size 95 Gap size 1 the idea of empowering producers|to tell their own story Gap size 1 the idea of empowering producers|to tell their own story Gap size 291 Gap size 1 to the general community|and consumers Gap size 1 to the general community|and consumers Gap size 49 Gap size 1 was such a powerful one I thought|it'd be an ideal fit for today. Gap size 1 was such a powerful one I thought|it'd be an ideal fit for today. Gap size 155 Gap size 1 One of their key messages was - Gap size 1 One of their key messages was - Gap size 71 Gap size 1 you have to be in front|of any issues that break. Gap size 1 you have to be in front|of any issues that break. Gap size 107 Gap size 1 To starting to talk in advance|of the threat being present. Gap size 1 To starting to talk in advance|of the threat being present. Gap size 203 Gap size 1 I don't think there's any doubt Gap size 1 I don't think there's any doubt Gap size 71 Gap size 1 that we need to start|increasing our conversations Gap size 1 that we need to start|increasing our conversations Gap size 91 Gap size 1 with the Australian consumer|to really give them the true story Gap size 1 with the Australian consumer|to really give them the true story Gap size 160 Gap size 1 about Australian|agricultural production. Gap size 1 about Australian|agricultural production. Gap size 55