# make bash our shell shell /bin/bash # detach on hangup autodetach on # don't display copyright page startup_message off #should resolve some "can't find display" issues setenv DISPLAY ':0' # scroll back defscrollback 5000 # setup the caption hardstatus alwayslastline "%{-b gk}%-w%{+b kg}%50>%n %t%{-b gk}%+w %=%Y-%m-%d %c%<" # Set the altscreen so that when you quit vi, it will go back to # what it was before altscreen on # a do-nothing bind so ^a s doesn't suspend screen bind s # for switching between regions # ^k no longer kills a window, but ^K still does bind j focus down bind ^j focus down bind k focus up bind ^k focus up #visual bell on vbell on #set bindings so we can easily access windows 10-18 bind ) select 10 bind ! select 11 bind @ select 12 bind \# select 13 bind \$ select 14 bind % select 15 bind \^ select 16 bind & select 17 bind * select 18 bind ( select 19 # reminder: ^X deletes a region