modded ver Champions = { ["Akali"] = {charName = "Akali", skillshots = { ["AkaliShadowSwipe"] = {name = "AkaliShadowSwipe", spellName = "AkaliShadowSwipe", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "AkaliShadowSwipe", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 600, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}- }}, ["Malphite"] = {charName = "Malphite", skillshots = { ["Landslide"] = {name = "Landslide", spellName = "Landslide", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "AkaliShadowSwipe", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 625, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}-- }}, ["Panteon"] = {charName = "Panteon", skillshots = { ["Pantheon_Throw"] = {name = "Pantheon_Throw", spellName = "Pantheon_Throw", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Pantheon_Throw", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 600, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}- }}, ["Riven"] = {charName = "Riven", skillshots = { ["rivenizunablade"] = {name = "rivenizunablade", spellName = "rivenizunablade", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "rivenizunablade", projectileSpeed = 2200, range = 900, radius = 300, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Sejuani"] = {charName = "Riven", skillshots = { ["SejuaniGlacialPrisonStart"] = {name = "SejuaniGlacialPrisonStart", spellName = "SejuaniGlacialPrisonStart", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "SejuaniGlacialPrisonStart", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 1175, radius = 300, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Shen"] = {charName = "Shen", skillshots = { ["ShenVorpalStar"] = {name = "ShenVorpalStar", spellName = "ShenVorpalStar", castDelay = 300, projectileName = "ShenFeint", projectileSpeed = 100, range = 475, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Taric"] = {charName = "Taric", skillshots = { ["Dazzle"] = {name = "Dazzle", spellName = "Dazzle", castDelay = 200, projectileName = "Dazzle", projectileSpeed = 2400, range = 625, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Veigar"] = {charName = "Veigar", skillshots = { ["VeigarPrimordialBurst"] = {name = "VeigarPrimordialBurst", spellName = "VeigarPrimordialBurst", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "VeigarPrimordialBurst", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 625, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Kayle"] = {charName = "Kayle", skillshots = { ["JudicatorReckoning"] = {name = "JudicatorReckoning", spellName = "JudicatorReckoning", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "JudicatorReckoning", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 650, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Leblanc"] = {charName = "Leblanc", skillshots = { ["LeblancChaosOrb"] = {name = "LeblancChaosOrb", spellName = "JLeblancChaosOrb", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "LeblancChaosOrb", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 700, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, ["LeblancChaosOrbm"] = {name = "LeblancChaosOrbm", spellName = "JLeblancChaosOrbm", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "LeblancChaosOrbm", projectileSpeed = 1500, range = 700, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Teemo"] = {charName = "Teemo", skillshots = { ["BlindingDart"] = {name = "BlindingDart", spellName = "BlindingDart", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "BlindingDart", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 580, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Tristana"] = {charName = "Tristana", skillshots = { ["BusterShot"] = {name = "BusterShot", spellName = "BusterShot", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "BusterShot", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 645, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Vayne"] = {charName = "Vayne", skillshots = { ["VayneCondemn"] = {name = "VayneCondemn", spellName = "VayneCondemn", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "VayneCondemn", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 550, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Anivia"] = {charName = "Anivia", skillshots = { ["Frostbite"] = {name = "Frostbite", spellName = "Frostbite", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Frostbite", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 700, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Anivia"] = {charName = "Anivia", skillshots = { ["Frostbite"] = {name = "Frostbite", spellName = "Frostbite", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Frostbite", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 700, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Graves"] = {charName = "Graves", skillshots = { ["GravesChargeShot"] = {name = "GravesChargeShot", spellName = "GravesChargeShot", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "GravesChargeShot", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 950, radius = 300, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, ["GravesClusterShot"] = {name = "GravesClusterShot", spellName = "GravesClusterShot", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "GravesClusterShot", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 1000, radius = 300, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} --could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Shaco"] = {charName = "Shaco", skillshots = { ["TwoShivPoison"] = {name = "TwoShivPoison", spellName = "TwoShivPoison", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "TwoShivPoison", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 625, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Brand"] = {charName = "Brand", skillshots = { ["BrandWildfire"] = {name = "BrandWildfire", spellName = "BrandWildfire", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "BrandWildfire", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 750, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Fiddlesticks"] = {charName = "Fiddlesticks", skillshots = { ["FiddlesticksDarkWind"] = {name = "FiddlesticksDarkWind", spellName = "FiddleSticksDarkWind", castDelay =300, projectileName = "FiddleSticksDarkWind", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 750, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Gankplank"] = {charName = "Gankplank", skillshots = { ["Parley"] = {name = "Parley", spellName = "Parley", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Parley", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 750, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Janna"] = {charName = "Janna", skillshots = { ["SowTheWind"] = {name = "SowTheWind", spellName = "SowTheWind", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "SowTheWind", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 600, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Katarina"] = {charName = "Katarina", skillshots = { ["BouncingBlades"] = {name = "BouncingBlades", spellName = "BouncingBlades", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "BouncingBlades", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 675, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Nunu"] = {charName = "Nunu", skillshots = { ["IceBlast"] = {name = "IceBlast", spellName = "IceBlast", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "IceBlast", projectileSpeed = 1000, range = 550, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Nunu"] = {charName = "Nunu", skillshots = { ["deathfiregrasp"] = {name = "deathfiregrasp", spellName = "deathfiregrasp", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "deathfiregrasp", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 600, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Gragas"] = {charName = "Gragas", skillshots = { ["GragasExplosiveCask"] = {name = "GragasExplosiveCask", spellName = "GragasExplosiveCask", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "GragasExplosiveCask", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 1050, radius = 300, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Cassiopea"] = {charName = "Cassiopea", skillshots = { ["CassiopeiaTwinFang"] = {name = "CassiopeiaTwinFang", spellName = "CassiopeiaTwinFang", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "GCassiopeiaTwinFang", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 700, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Xerath"] = {charName = "Xerath", skillshots = { ["xerathmagechains"] = {name = "xerathmagechains", spellName = "xerathmagechains", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "xerathmagechains", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 600, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Swain"] = {charName = "Swain", skillshots = { ["SwainTorment"] = {name = "SwainTorment", spellName = "SwainTorment", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "SwainTorment", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 625, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Lux"] = {charName = "Lux", skillshots = { --["LuxLightBinding"] = {name = "Light Binding", spellName = "LuxLightBinding", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "LuxLightBinding_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1200, range = 1300, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, --["LuxLightStrikeKugel"] = {name = "LuxLightStrikeKugel", spellName = "LuxLightStrikeKugel", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "LuxLightstrike_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 1100, radius = 275, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["LuxMaliceCannon"] = {name = "Lux Malice Cannon", spellName = "LuxMaliceCannon", castDelay = 1375, projectileName = "Enrageweapon_buf_02.troy", projectileSpeed = math.huge, range = 3500, radius = 190, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ["Nidalee"] = {charName = "Nidalee", skillshots = { --["JavelinToss"] = {name = "Javelin Toss", spellName = "JavelinToss", castDelay = 125, projectileName = "nidalee_javelinToss_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1300, range = 1500, radius = 60, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Kennen"] = {charName = "Kennen", skillshots = { --["KennenShurikenHurlMissile1"] = {name = "Thundering Shuriken", spellName = "KennenShurikenHurlMissile1", castDelay = 180, projectileName = "kennen_ts_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 1050, radius = 50, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}--could be 4 if you have 2 marks }}, ["Amumu"] = {charName = "Amumu", skillshots = { --["BandageToss"] = {name = "Bandage Toss", spellName = "BandageToss", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Bandage_beam.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 1100, radius = 80, type = "line", evasiondanger = true, blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Lee Sin"] = {charName = "LeeSin", skillshots = { --["BlindMonkQOne"] = {name = "Sonic Wave", spellName = "BlindMonkQOne", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "blindMonk_Q_mis_01.troy", projectileSpeed = 1800, range = 1100, radius = 60+10, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} --if he hit this he will slow you }}, ["Morgana"] = {charName = "Morgana", skillshots = { --["DarkBindingMissile"] = {name = "Dark Binding", spellName = "DarkBindingMissile", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "DarkBinding_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1200, range = 1300, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, --["TormentedSoil"] = {name = "Tormented Soil", spellName = "TormentedSoil", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "", projectileSpeed = 1200, range = 900, radius = 300, type = "circular", blockable = false, danger = 1}, }}, ["Ezreal"] = {charName = "Ezreal", skillshots = { --["EzrealMysticShot"] = {name = "Mystic Shot", spellName = "EzrealMysticShot", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Ezreal_mysticshot_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 1200, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["EzrealEssenceFlux"] = {name = "Essence Flux", spellName = "EzrealEssenceFlux", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Ezreal_essenceflux_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1500, range = 1050, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["EzrealMysticShotPulse"] = {name = "Mystic Shot", spellName = "EzrealMysticShotPulse", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Ezreal_mysticshot_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 1200, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, ["EzrealTrueshotBarrage"] = {name = "Trueshot Barrage", spellName = "EzrealTrueshotBarrage", castDelay = 1000, projectileName = "Ezreal_TrueShot_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 20000, radius = 160, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Ahri"] = {charName = "Ahri", skillshots = { --["AhriOrbofDeception"] = {name = "Orb of Deception", spellName = "AhriOrbofDeception", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Ahri_Orb_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1750, range = 900, radius = 100, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["AhriOrbofDeception!"] = {name = "Orb of Deception Back", spellName = "AhriOrbofDeception!", castDelay = 250+500, projectileName = "Ahri_Orb_mis_02.troy", projectileSpeed = 915, range = 900, radius = 100, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["AhriSeduce"] = {name = "Charm", spellName = "AhriSeduce", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Ahri_Charm_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1600, range = 1000, radius = 60, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Olaf"] = {charName = "Olaf", skillshots = { --["OlafAxeThrow"] = {name = "Undertow", spellName = "OlafAxeThrow", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "olaf_axe_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1600, range = 1000, radius = 90, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Leona"] = {charName = "Leona", skillshots = { -- Q+ R+ ["LeonaZenithBlade"] = {name = "Zenith Blade", spellName = "LeonaZenithBlade", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Leona_ZenithBlade_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 900, radius = 100, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, --["LeonaSolarFlare"] = {name = "Leona Solar Flare", spellName = "LeonaSolarFlare", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Leona_SolarFlare_cas.troy", projectileSpeed = 650+350, range = 1200, radius = 300, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Karthus"] = {charName = "Karthus", skillshots = { --["LayWaste"] = {name = "Lay Waste", spellName = "LayWaste", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "LayWaste_point.troy", projectileSpeed = 1750, range = 875, radius = 140, type = "circular", blockable = false, danger = 0} }}, ["Chogath"] = {charName = "Chogath", skillshots = { --["Rupture"] = {name = "Rupture", spellName = "Rupture", castDelay = 0, projectileName = "rupture_cas_01_red_team.troy", projectileSpeed = 950, range = 950, radius = 250, type = "circular", blockable = false, danger = 1} }}, ["Blitzcrank"] = {charName = "Blitzcrank", skillshots = { --["RocketGrabMissile"] = {name = "Rocket Grab", spellName = "RocketGrabMissile", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "FistGrab_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1800, range = 1050, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Anivia"] = {charName = "Anivia", skillshots = { --["FlashFrostSpell"] = {name = "Flash Frost", spellName = "FlashFrostSpell", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "cryo_FlashFrost_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 850, range = 1100, radius = 110, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Zyra"] = {charName = "Zyra", skillshots = { --["Deadly Bloom"] = {name = "Deadly Bloom", spellName = "ZyraQFissure", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "zyra_Q_cas.troy", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 825, radius = 220, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["ZyraGraspingRoots"] = {name = "Grasping Roots", spellName = "ZyraGraspingRoots", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Zyra_E_se222e_impact.troy", projectileSpeed = 115, range = 1150, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, --["zyrapassivedeathmanager"] = {name = "Zyra Passive", spellName = "zyrapassivedeathmanager", castDelay = 500, projectileName = "zyra_passive_plant_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 1474, radius = 60, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, --[[["Gragas"] = {charName = "Gragas", skillshots = { ["Barrel Roll"] = {name = "Barrel Roll", spellName = "GragasBarrelRoll", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "gragas_barrelroll_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1000, range = 1115, radius = 180, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 0}, ["Barrel Roll Missile"] = {name = "Barrel Roll Missile", spellName = "GragasBarrelRollMissile", castDelay = 0, projectileName = "gragas_barrelroll_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1000, range = 1115, radius = 180, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }},]]-- ["Nautilus"] = {charName = "Nautilus", skillshots = { --["NautilusAnchorDrag"] = {name = "Dredge Line", spellName = "NautilusAnchorDrag", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Nautilus_Q_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 1080, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, --[[["Urgot"] = {charName = "Urgot", skillshots = { ["Acid Hunter"] = {name = "Acid Hunter", spellName = "UrgotHeatseekingLineMissile", castDelay = 175, projectileName = "UrgotLineMissile_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1600, range = 1000, radius = 60, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, ["Plasma Grenade"] = {name = "Plasma Grenade", spellName = "UrgotPlasmaGrenade", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "UrgotPlasmaGrenade_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1750, range = 900, radius = 250, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }},]]-- ["Caitlyn"] = {charName = "Caitlyn", skillshots = { ["CaitlynPiltoverPeacemaker"] = {name = "Piltover Peacemaker", spellName = "CaitlynPiltoverPeacemaker", castDelay = 625, projectileName = "caitlyn_Q_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2200, range = 1300, radius = 90, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, ["CaitlynEntrapment"] = {name = "Caitlyn Entrapment", spellName = "CaitlynEntrapment", castDelay = 150, projectileName = "caitlyn_entrapment_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 950, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ["Mundo"] = {charName = "DrMundo", skillshots = { --["InfectedCleaverMissile"] = {name = "Infected Cleaver", spellName = "InfectedCleaverMissile", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "dr_mundo_infected_cleaver_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 1050, radius = 75, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ---["Brand"] = {charName = "Brand", skillshots = { -- Q+ W+ --["BrandBlaze"] = {name = "Q", spellName = "BrandBlaze", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "BrandBlaze_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1600, range = 1100, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = false, danger = 1}, --["BrandFissure"] = {name = "W", spellName = "BrandFissure", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "BrandPOF_tar_green.troy", projectileSpeed = 1000, range = 1100, radius = 250, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 0} ---}}, ["Corki"] = {charName = "Corki", skillshots = { --["MissileBarrage"] = {name = "Missile Barrage", spellName = "MissileBarrage", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "corki_MissleBarrage_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 1300, radius = 40, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["MissileBarrage!"] = {name = "Missile Barrage big", spellName = "MissileBarrage!", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Corki_MissleBarrage_DD_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 1300, radius = 40, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0} }}, ["TwistedFate"] = {charName = "TwistedFate", skillshots = { --["WildCards"] = {name = "Loaded Dice", spellName = "WildCards", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Roulette_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1000, range = 1450, radius = 40, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Swain"] = {charName = "Swain", skillshots = { --["SwainShadowGrasp"] = {name = "Nevermove", spellName = "SwainShadowGrasp", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "swain_shadowGrasp_transform.troy", projectileSpeed = 1000, range = 900, radius = 180, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Cassiopeia"] = {charName = "Cassiopeia", skillshots = { --["CassiopeiaNoxiousBlast"] = {name = "Noxious Blast", spellName = "CassiopeiaNoxiousBlast", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "CassNoxiousSnakePlane_green.troy", projectileSpeed = 500, range = 850, radius = 130, type = "circular", blockable = false, danger = 0}, }}, ["Sivir"] = {charName = "Sivir", skillshots = { --hard to measure speed --["SivirQ"] = {name = "Boomerang Blade", spellName = "SivirQ", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Sivir_Base_Q_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1350, range = 1175, radius = 101, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Ashe"] = {charName = "Ashe", skillshots = { ["EnchantedCrystalArrow"] = {name = "Enchanted Arrow", spellName = "EnchantedCrystalArrow", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "EnchantedCrystalArrow_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1600, range = 25000, radius = 130, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, ["Volley"] = {name = "Volley", spellName = "Volley", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Volley", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 1200, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["KogMaw"] = {charName = "KogMaw", skillshots = { --["KogMawLivingArtillery"] = {name = "Living Artillery", spellName = "KogMawLivingArtillery", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "KogMawLivingArtillery_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1050, range = 2200, radius = 225, type = "circular", blockable = false, danger = 0} }}, ["Khazix"] = {charName = "Khazix", skillshots = { ["KhazixW"] = {name = "KhazixW", spellName = "KhazixW", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Khazix_W_mis_enhanced.troy", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 1025, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["khazixwlong"] = {name = "khazixwlong", spellName = "khazixwlong", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Khazix_W_mis_enhanced.troy", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 1025, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Zed"] = {charName = "Zed", skillshots = { ["ZedShuriken"] = {name = "ZedShuriken", spellName = "ZedShuriken", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Zed_Q_Mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 925, radius = 50, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["ZedShuriken2"] = {name = "ZedShuriken2", spellName = "ZedShuriken!", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Zed_Q2_Mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 925, radius = 50, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, --["Leblanc"] = {charName = "Leblanc", skillshots = { --["LeblancSoulShackle"] = {name = "Ethereal Chains", spellName = "LeblancSoulShackle", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "leBlanc_shackle_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1600, range = 960, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, --["LeblancSoulShackleM"] = {name = "Ethereal Chains R", spellName = "LeblancSoulShackleM", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "leBlanc_shackle_mis_ult.troy", projectileSpeed = 1600, range = 960, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, --}}, ["Draven"] = {charName = "Draven", skillshots = { ["DravenDoubleShot"] = {name = "Stand Aside", spellName = "DravenDoubleShot", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Draven_E_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 1100, radius = 130, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, ["DravenRCast"] = {name = "DravenR", spellName = "DravenRCast", castDelay = 500, projectileName = "Draven_R_mis!.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 25000, radius = 160, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Elise"] = {charName = "Elise", skillshots = { --["EliseHumanE"] = {name = "Cocoon", spellName = "EliseHumanE", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Elise_human_E_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1450, range = 1100, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Lulu"] = {charName = "Lulu", skillshots = { --["LuluQ"] = {name = "LuluQ", spellName = "LuluQ", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Lulu_Q_Mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1450, range = 1000, radius = 50, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Thresh"] = {charName = "Thresh", skillshots = { --["ThreshQ"] = {name = "ThreshQ", spellName = "ThreshQ", castDelay = 500, projectileName = "Thresh_Q_whip_beam.troy", projectileSpeed = 1900, range = 1100, radius = 65, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} -- 60 real radius }}, --["Shen"] = {charName = "Shen", skillshots = { --["ShenShadowDash"] = {name = "ShadowDash", spellName = "ShenShadowDash", castDelay = 0, projectileName = "shen_shadowDash_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 3000, range = 575, radius = 50, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1} --}}, ["Quinn"] = {charName = "Quinn", skillshots = { ["QuinnQ"] = {name = "QuinnQ", spellName = "QuinnQ", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Quinn_Q_missile.troy", projectileSpeed = 1550, range = 1050, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0} }}, --[[["Veigar"] = {charName = "Veigar", skillshots = { ["VeigarDarkMatter"] = {name = "VeigarDarkMatter", spellName = "VeigarDarkMatter", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "!", projectileSpeed = 900, range = 900, radius = 225, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 0} }}, ]]-- --[[["Diana"] = {charName = "Diana", skillshots = { ["Diana Arc"] = {name = "DianaArc", spellName = "DianaArc", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Diana_Q_trail.troy", projectileSpeed = 1600, range = 1000, radius = 195, type="circular", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }},]]-- --[[["Jayce"] = {charName = "Jayce", skillshots = { ["Q1"] = {name = "Q1", spellName = "jayceshockblast!", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "JayceOrbLightning.troy", projectileSpeed = 1450, range = 1050, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, ["Q2"] = {name = "Q2", spellName = "JayceShockBlast", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "JayceOrbLightningCharged.troy", projectileSpeed = 2350, range = 1600, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }},]]-- ["Nami"] = {charName = "Nami", skillshots = { ["Nami_W"] = {name = "Nami_W", spellName = "Nami_W", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Nami_W", projectileSpeed = 1000, range = 2750, radius = 500, type="line", blockable = true, danger = 1} }}, ["Fizz"] = {charName = "Fizz", skillshots = { ["FizzMarinerDoom"] = {name = "Fizz ULT", spellName = "FizzMarinerDoom", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Fizz_UltimateMissile.troy", projectileSpeed = 1350, range = 1275, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ["Varus"] = {charName = "Varus", skillshots = { ["VarusQ!"] = {name = "Varus Q Missile", spellName = "VarusQ!", castDelay = 0, projectileName = "VarusQ_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1900, range = 1600, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["VarusE"] = {name = "Varus E", spellName = "VarusE", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "VarusEMissileLong.troy", projectileSpeed = 1500, range = 925, radius = 275, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 1}, ["VarusR"] = {name = "VarusR", spellName = "VarusR", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "VarusRMissile.troy", projectileSpeed = 1950, range = 1250, radius = 100, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ["Karma"] = {charName = "Karma", skillshots = { ["KarmaQ"] = {name = "KarmaQ", spellName = "KarmaQ", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "TEMP_KarmaQMis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1700, range = 1050, radius = 90, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ["Aatrox"] = {charName = "Aatrox", skillshots = {--Radius starts from 150 and scales down, so I recommend putting half of it, because you won't dodge pointblank skillshots. ["AatroxE"] = {name = "Blade of Torment", spellName = "AatroxE", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "AatroxBladeofTorment_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1200, range = 1075, radius = 75, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, --["AatroxQ"] = {name = "AatroxQ", spellName = "AatroxQ", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "AatroxQ.troy", projectileSpeed = 450, range = 650, radius = 145, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, --["Xerath"] = {charName = "Xerath", skillshots = { --["XerathArcanopulse"] = {name = "Xerath Arcanopulse", spellName = "XerathArcanopulse", castDelay = 1375, projectileName = "Xerath_Beam_cas.troy", projectileSpeed = math.huge, range = 1025, radius = 100, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["xeratharcanopulseextended"] = {name = "Xerath Arcanopulse Extended", spellName = "xeratharcanopulseextended", castDelay = 1375, projectileName = "Xerath_Beam_cas.troy", projectileSpeed = math.huge, range = 1625, radius = 100, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["xeratharcanebarragewrapper"] = {name = "xeratharcanebarragewrapper", spellName = "xeratharcanebarragewrapper", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Xerath_E_cas_green.troy", projectileSpeed = 300, range = 1100, radius = 265, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --["xeratharcanebarragewrapperext"] = {name = "xeratharcanebarragewrapperext", spellName = "xeratharcanebarragewrapperext", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Xerath_E_cas_green.troy", projectileSpeed = 300, range = 1600, radius = 265, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 0}, --}}, ["Lucian"] = {charName = "Lucian", skillshots = { ["LucianQ"] = {name = "LucianQ", spellName = "LucianQ", castDelay = 350, projectileName = "Lucian_Q_laser.troy", projectileSpeed = math.huge, range = 570*2, radius = 65, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, ["LucianW"] = {name = "LucianW", spellName = "LucianW", castDelay = 300, projectileName = "Lucian_W_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1600, range = 1000, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Viktor"] = {charName = "Viktor", skillshots = { ["ViktorDeathRay!"] = {name = "ViktorDeathRay2", spellName = "ViktorDeathRay!", castDelay = 500, projectileName = "Viktor_DeathRay_Fix_Mis_Augmented.troy", projectileSpeed = 780, range = 700, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Rumble"] = {charName = "Rumble", skillshots = { ["RumbleGrenade"] = {name = "RumbleGrenade", spellName = "RumbleGrenade", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "rumble_taze_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2000, range = 950, radius = 90, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ["Nocturne"] = {charName = "Nocturne", skillshots = { ["NocturneDuskbringer"] = {name = "NocturneDuskbringer", spellName = "NocturneDuskbringer", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "NocturneDuskbringer_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 1125, radius = 60, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["MissFortune"] = {charName = "MissFortune", skillshots = { ["MissFortuneScattershot"] = {name = "Scattershot", spellName = "MissFortuneScattershot", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 800, radius = 200, type = "circular", blockable = false, danger = 0}, ["MissFortuneBulletTime"] = {name = "Bullettime", spellName = "MissFortuneBulletTime", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 1400, radius = 200, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Orianna"] = {charName = "Orianna", skillshots = { --["OrianaIzunaCommand"] = {name = "OrianaIzunaCommand", spellName = "OrianaIzunaCommand!", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Oriana_Ghost_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1200, range = 2000, radius = 80, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Ziggs"] = {charName = "Ziggs", skillshots = { -- Q changed to line in 1.10 --["ZiggsQ"] = {name = "ZiggsQ", spellName = "ZiggsQ", castDelay = 1500, projectileName = "ZiggsQ.troy", projectileSpeed = math.huge, range = 1500, radius = 100, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Galio"] = {charName = "Galio", skillshots = { --["GalioResoluteSmite"] = {name = "GalioResoluteSmite", spellName = "GalioResoluteSmite", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "galio_concussiveBlast_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 850, range = 2000, radius = 200, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ["Yasuo"] = {charName = "Yasuo", skillshots = { ["yasuoq3w"] = {name = "Steel Tempest", spellName = "yasuoq3w", castDelay = 300, projectileName = "Yasuo_Q_wind_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1200, range = 900, radius = 375, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ["Kassadin"] = {charName = "Kassadin", skillshots = { ["NullLance"] = {name = "Null Sphere", spellName = "NullLance", castDelay = 300, projectileName = "Null_Lance_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 1400, range = 650, radius = 1, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, }}, ["Jinx"] = {charName = "Jinx", skillshots = { -- R speed and delay increased --["JinxWMissile"] = {name = "Zap", spellName = "JinxWMissile", castDelay = 600, projectileName = "Jinx_W_mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 3300, range = 1450, radius = 70, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 1}, ["JinxRWrapper"] = {name = "Super Mega Death Rocket", spellName = "JinxRWrapper", castDelay = 600+900, projectileName = "Jinx_R_Mis.troy", projectileSpeed = 2500, range = 20000, radius = 120, type = "line", blockable = true, danger = 0}, }}, ["Syndra"] = {charName = "Syndra", skillshots = { -- Q added in 1.10 --["SyndraQ"] = {name = "Q", spellName = "SyndraQ", castDelay = 250, projectileName = "Syndra_Q_cas.troy", projectileSpeed = 500, range = 800, radius = 175, type = "circular", blockable = true, danger = 0} }} } if VIP_USER then require "Prodiction" end if myHero.charName ~= "Yasuo" then return end function OnLoad() PrintChat("Dat Yasuo v3.0 by Fuggi") if VIP_USER then PrintChat("You are VIP - using Prodiction") Prod = ProdictManager.GetInstance() ProdQ = Prod:AddProdictionObject(_Q, qRange, qSpeed, qDelay, qWidth) else PrintChat("You are non-VIP - no Prodiction :/") end Menu() Init() end function OnProcessSpell(object,spellProc) --if(object.charName=="Yasuo") then PrintChat( .. " " .. object.charName) end if Config.autoW then if ~= and not player.dead and string.find(, "Basic") == nil then if Champions[object.charName] ~= nil then skillshot = Champions[object.charName].skillshots[] if skillshot ~= nil and skillshot.blockable == true then range = skillshot.range if GetDistance(spellProc.startPos) <= range then if GetDistance(spellProc.endPos) <= wRange then CastSpell(_W, object.x, object.z) end end end end end end --[[ if then if ~= and not player.dead and string.find(, "Basic") == nil then if Champions[object.charName] ~= nil then skillshot = Champions[object.charName].skillshots[] if skillshot ~= nil then if skillshot.type == "circular" and GetDistance(spellProc.endPos) <= skillshot.radius then dodge(skillshot) end end end end end ]] end function canDodge(skillshot) PrintChat("D1") if (( + eRange)/skillshot.radius) > (skillshot.castDelay + (skillshot.projectileSpeed/GetDistance(skillshot.startPos, skillshot.endPos))) then return true else return false end end function dodge(skillshot) if canDodge(skillshot) then PrintChat("1") Minion = nil Minions:update() for index, minion in pairs(FarmMinions.objects) do if ValidTarget(minion) then if GetDistance(skillshot.endPos, minion)+(eRange/2) > skillshot.radius then PrintChat("2") Minion = minion end end end CastSpell(_E, minion) end end function Init() levelSequence = {1,2,3,1,1 ,4,1,2,1,2 ,4,2,2,3,3 ,4,3,3} Youmuu, BilgeWaterCutlass, Hydra, RuinedKing, Omen, Tiamat = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil YoumuuR, BilgeWaterCutlassR, HydraR, RuinedKingR, OmenR, TiamatR = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil qBuffName = "Yasuo_Q_wind_ready_buff.troy" dashed = false dashedFarm = false qColor = 0xAA2244 qRange = 475 qSpeed = 1800 qDelay = 300 qWidth = 375 wRange = 1100 eRange = 475 rRange = 1300 ts = TargetSelector(TARGET_NEAR_MOUSE, 1250, DAMAGE_PHYSICAL) = "Yasuo" Config:addTS(ts) if myHero:GetSpellData(SUMMONER_1).name:find("SummonerDot") then igniteSpell = SUMMONER_1 elseif myHero:GetSpellData(SUMMONER_2).name:find("SummonerDot") then igniteSpell = SUMMONER_2 else igniteSpell = nil end SteelTempest = false Minions = minionManager(MINION_ENEMY, 1250, player, MINION_SORT_HEALTH_ASC) FarmMinions = minionManager(MINION_ENEMY, eRange, player, MINION_SORT_HEALTH_ASC) JungleFarmMinions = minionManager(MINION_JUNGLE, eRange, player, MINION_SORT_HEALTH_ASC) JungleMinions = minionManager(MINION_JUNGLE, 1250, player, MINION_SORT_HEALTH_ASC) end function checkItems() Hydra = GetInventorySlotItem(3074) RuinedKing = GetInventorySlotItem(3153) Omen = GetInventorySlotItem(3143) Tiamat = GetInventorySlotItem(3077) BilgeWaterCutlass = GetInventorySlotItem(3144) Youmuu = GetInventorySlotItem(3142) HydraR = (Hydra ~= nil and myHero:CanUseSpell(Hydra)) RuinedKingR = (RuinedKing ~= nil and myHero:CanUseSpell(RuinedKing)) OmenR = (Omen ~= nil and myHero:CanUseSpell(Omen)) TiamatR = (Tiamat ~= nil and myHero:CanUseSpell(Tiamat)) BilgeWaterCutlassR = (BilgeWaterCutlass ~= nil and myHero:CanUseSpell(BilgeWaterCutlass)) YoumuuR = (Youmuu ~= nil and myHero:CanUseSpell(Youmuu)) end function Menu() Config = scriptConfig("Dat Yasuo", "yasuo") Config:addParam("sep", "--- Keys ---", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") Config:addParam("farm", "Farm", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, 86) Config:addParam("sbtw", "Combo", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, 32) Config:addParam("flee", "Flee", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, 88) --Config:addParam("harrass", "Harrass", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONKEYDOWN, false, 83) Config:addParam("sep", "--- Harrass Options ---", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") Config:addParam("autoQ", "Auto-Q", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("sep", "--- Farm Options ---", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") Config:addParam("useQFarm", "Use Q", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("useEFarm", "Use E", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("sep", "--- SBTW Options ---", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") Config:addParam("useQ", "Use Q", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("useE", "Use E to Damage", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("useEGap", "Use E as Gap Closer", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("DistanceToE", "min Distance for GC E",SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 300, 0, 475, 0) Config:addParam("useR", "Use R", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("sep", "--- Ulti Options ---", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") Config:addParam("autoR", "Auto-R KS", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false) Config:addParam("autoRPercent", "Auto-R when at % Health",SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 1, 1, 100, 0) Config:addParam("autoRMin", "Auto-R Many Targets", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false) Config:addParam("minRTargets", "Auto-R when # knocked up",SCRIPT_PARAM_SLICE, 1, 1, 5, 0) Config:addParam("sep", "--- Other Options ---", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") Config:addParam("autoIg", "Auto Ignite Killable", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("autoW", "Auto-Shield", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) --Config:addParam("dodge", "Auto-Dodge", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("autoLevel", "AutoLevel (R>Q>W>E)", SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, false) Config:addParam("sep", "--- Drawing Options ---", SCRIPT_PARAM_INFO, "") Config:addParam("drawQ","Draw Q-Range",SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) Config:addParam("drawTarget","Draw Target",SCRIPT_PARAM_ONOFF, true) end function OnTick() if Config.autoLevel then autoLevelSetSequence(levelSequence) end ts:update(); Target = QREADY = (myHero:CanUseSpell(_Q) == READY) EREADY = (myHero:CanUseSpell(_E) == READY) WREADY = (myHero:CanUseSpell(_W) == READY) RREADY = (myHero:CanUseSpell(_R) == READY) IREADY = (igniteSpell ~= nil and myHero:CanUseSpell(igniteSpell) == READY) checkItems() if RREADY and Config.autoR then AutoR() end if RREADY and Config.autoRMin then minAutoR() end if Config.autoIg and IREADY then AutoI() end if not SteelTempest then qColor = 0xAA1155 qRange = 475 qWidth = 50 qSpeed = 1800 qDelay = 0 else qColor = 0xFF4433 qRange = 900 qWidth = 375 qSpeed = 1200 qDelay = 300 end if VIP_USER then ProdQ.Spell.range = qRange ProdQ.Spell.width = qWidth ProdQ.Spell.speed = qSpeed ProdQ.Spell.delay = qDelay end if not Config.sbtw then dashed = false end if not then dashedFarm = false end AutoQ() if Config.sbtw then SBTW() elseif then farm() elseif Config.flee then flee() end end function selectMinion() FarmMinions:update() JungleFarmMinions:update() local distance = eRange for index, minion in pairs(FarmMinions.objects) do if ValidTarget(minion) then check = GetDistance(minion) if check < distance then distance = check farmMinion = minion end end end for index, minion in pairs(JungleFarmMinions.objects) do if ValidTarget(minion) then check = GetDistance(minion) if check < distance then distance = check farmMinion = minion end end end return farmMinion end function farm() if ValidTarget(farmMinion, eRange) then if dashedFarm and QREADY then dashedFarm = false if Config.useQFarm and GetDistance(farmMinion) < qWidth then Q(farmMinion) end elseif Config.useEFarm and EREADY and GetDistance(farmMinion) >= (eRange-qWidth) then dashedFarm = true CastSpell(_E, farmMinion) else if Config.useQFarm and QREADY then Q(farmMinion) end if TiamatR and GetDistance(farmMinion) < 400 then CastSpell(Tiamat) end if HydraR and GetDistance(farmMinion) < 400 then CastSpell(Hydra) end myHero:Attack(farmMinion) end else farmMinion = selectMinion() myHero:MoveTo(mousePos.x, mousePos.z) end end function getNearestMinion(unit) local closestMinion = nil local nearestDistance = 0 Minions:update() JungleMinions:update() for index, minion in pairs(Minions.objects) do if minion ~= nil and minion.valid and string.find(,"Minion_") == 1 and ~= and minion.dead == false then if GetDistance(minion) <= eRange then if GetDistance(minion, unit) < GetDistance(unit) and nearestDistance < GetDistance(minion) then nearestDistance = GetDistance(minion) closestMinion = minion end end end end for index, minion in pairs(JungleMinions.objects) do if minion ~= nil and minion.valid and minion.dead == false then if GetDistance(minion) <= eRange then if GetDistance(minion, unit) < GetDistance(unit) and nearestDistance < GetDistance(minion) then nearestDistance = GetDistance(minion) closestMinion = minion end end end end for i = 1, heroManager.iCount, 1 do local minion = heroManager:getHero(i) if ValidTarget(minion, eRange) then if GetDistance(minion) <= eRange then if GetDistance(minion, unit) < GetDistance(unit) and nearestDistance < GetDistance(minion) then nearestDistance = GetDistance(minion) closestMinion = minion end end end end return closestMinion end function flee() mPos = getNearestMinion(mousePos) if EREADY and mPos then CastSpell(_E, mPos) else myHero:MoveTo(mousePos.x, mousePos.z) end end function OnCreateObj(obj) --if"Yasuo") then PrintChat( end if obj and GetDistance(obj)<=50 and == qBuffName then --PrintChat(""..GetDistance(obj)) SteelTempest = true end end function OnDeleteObj(obj) if obj and GetDistance(obj)<=50 and == qBuffName then SteelTempest = false end end --[[ function OnGainBuff(unit, buff) if unit.isMe and == "yasuoq3w" then SteelTempest = true end end function OnLoseBuff(unit, buff) if unit.isMe and == "yasuoq3w" then SteelTempest = false end end ]]-- function OnDraw() local color = 6 if Target ~= nil and Config.drawTarget then for i=1,5, .5 do DrawCircle(Target.x, Target.y, Target.z, 125+i, 0xFF0000) end end if not myHero.dead then if Config.drawQ then DrawCircle(myHero.x, myHero.y, myHero.z, qRange, qColor) end end end function SBTW() if RREADY and Config.useR then sbtwR() end if Target ~= nil then local TargetDistance = GetDistance(Target) if BilgeWaterCutlassR then CastSpell(BilgeWaterCutlass, Target) end if YoumuuR then CastSpell(Youmuu) end if OmenR and TargetDistance < 550 then CastSpell(Omen) end if RuinedKingR then CastSpell(RuinedKing, Target) end if TiamatR and TargetDistance < 400 then CastSpell(Tiamat) end if HydraR and TargetDistance < 400 then CastSpell(Hydra) end if dashed and QREADY then dashed = false Q(Target) end if EREADY and TargetDistance > eRange and Config.useEGap then mPos = getNearestMinion(Target) if mPos then if TargetDistance > 900 and not SteelTempest then dashed = true end CastSpell(_E, mPos) end end if Config.useQ then Q(Target) end if EREADY and Config.useE and TargetDistance <= eRange and TargetDistance > Config.DistanceToE then dashed = true CastSpell(_E, Target) end myHero:Attack(Target) else myHero:MoveTo(mousePos.x, mousePos.z) end end function Low(unit) if <= (Config.autoRPercent/100*unit.maxHealth) then return true else return false end end function AutoR() for i = 1, heroManager.iCount, 1 do local eTarget = heroManager:getHero(i) if ValidTarget(eTarget, rRange) and Low(eTarget) then CastSpell(_R) end end end function minAutoR() local knockedUp = 0 for i = 1, heroManager.iCount, 1 do local eTarget = heroManager:getHero(i) if ValidTarget(eTarget, rRange) and eTarget.y > (myHero.y + 15) then knockedUp = knockedUp + 1 end end if Config.minRTargets <= knockedUp then CastSpell(_R) end end function sbtwR() if ValidTarget(Target, rRange) and Target.y > (myHero.y + 15) then CastSpell(_R) end end function Q(unit) local bias = 0 if QREADY and unit ~= nil then if steelTempest then bias = 100 else bias=75 end if GetDistance(unit) <= (qRange-bias) then if VIP_USER then local pos = ProdQ:GetPrediction(unit) else local pos = nil end if pos then CastSpell(_Q, pos.x, pos.z) else CastSpell(_Q, unit.x, unit.z) end end end end function AutoQ() if Config.autoQ then Q(Target) end end function AutoI() if IREADY then for i = 1, heroManager.iCount,1 do local eTarget = heroManager:getHero(i) if ValidTarget(eTarget) and GetDistance(eTarget) < 600 and <= (50 + (20 * myHero.level)) then CastSpell(igniteSpell, eTarget) end end end end