/* Source: wp-includes/js/comment-reply.js Modifications to deal with reply-specific IDs. */ addReply = { moveForm : function(commId, parentId, respondId, postId) { var t = this, div, comm = t.I(commId), respond = t.I(respondId), cancel = t.I('cancel-in-reply-to-link'), parent = t.I('inreplyto'), post = t.I('bbp_topic_id'); t.rmTiny(); t.respondId = respondId; postId = postId || false; if ( ! t.I('wp-temp-form-div') ) { div = document.createElement('div'); div.id = 'wp-temp-form-div'; div.style.display = 'none'; respond.parentNode.insertBefore(div, respond); } comm.parentNode.insertBefore(respond, comm.nextSibling); if ( post && postId ) post.value = postId; parent.value = parentId; cancel.style.display = ''; cancel.onclick = function() { var t = addReply, temp = t.I('wp-temp-form-div'), respond = t.I(t.respondId); t.rmTiny(); if ( ! temp || ! respond ) return; t.I('inreplyto').value = '0'; temp.parentNode.insertBefore(respond, temp); temp.parentNode.removeChild(temp); this.style.display = 'none'; this.onclick = null; t.addTiny(); return false; } t.addTiny(); try { t.I('bbp_reply_content').focus(); } catch(e) {} return false; }, I : function(e) { return document.getElementById(e); }, rmTiny : function() { try { tinyMCE.triggerSave(); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceFocus', false,'bbp_reply_content'); tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false,'bbp_reply_content'); } catch(el) {} }, addTiny : function() { try { tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, 'bbp_reply_content'); } catch (e) {} } }