500 | Internal Server Error | PropelException Unable to open PDO connection [wrapped: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)] stack trace   * at ()    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/vendor/propel/Propel.php line 619 ...        616.       $con = new $classname($dsn, $user, $password, $driver_options);        617.       $con->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);        618.     } catch (PDOException $e) {        619.       throw new PropelException("Unable to open PDO connection", $e);        620.     }        621.        622.     // load any connection options from the config file :: 11:14:23# at Propel::initConnection(array('dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhostbname=api_prod', 'user' => 'api_prod', 'password' => 'jR34CsFRa', 'classname' => 'PropelPDO', 'options' => array('ATTR_PERSISTENT' => 1), 'settings' => array('charset' => array('value' => 'utf8'), 'queries' => array())), 'propel') in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/vendor/propel/Propel.php line 532 ...     529.           throw new PropelException('No connection information in your runtime configuration file for datasource ['.$name.']');     530.         }     531.         // initialize master connection     532.         $con = Propel::initConnection($conparams, $name);     533.         self::$connectionMap[$name]['master'] = $con;     534.       } 535. # at Propel::getConnection('propel', 'write') in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/vendor/propel/Propel.php line 547 ...     544.     545.         if (empty($slaveconfigs)) { // no slaves configured for this datasource     546.           self::$connectionMap[$name]['slave'] = false;     547.           return self::getConnection($name, Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE); // Recurse to get the WRITE connection     548.         } else { // Initialize a new slave     549.           if (isset($slaveconfigs['connection']['dsn'])) { // only one slave connection configured     550.             $conparams = $slaveconfigs['connection']; # at Propel::getConnection('propel', 'read') in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/model/om/BasePartnerPeer.php line 259 ... :: 11:14:30# at BasePartnerPeer:oSelectStmt(object('Criteria'), null) in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/model/om/BasePartnerPeer.php line 241 ...     238.   */     239.   public static function doSelect(Criteria $criteria, PropelPDO $con = null)     240.   {     241.     return PartnerPeer:opulateObjects(PartnerPeer:oSelectStmt($criteria, $con));     242.   }     243.   /**     244.   * Prepares the Criteria object and uses the parent doSelect() method to execute a PDOStatement. # at BasePartnerPeer:oSelect(object('Criteria'), null) in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/model/om/BasePartnerPeer.php line 224 ...     221.   {     222.     $critcopy = clone $criteria;     223.     $critcopy->setLimit(1);     224.     $objects = PartnerPeer:oSelect($critcopy, $con);     225.     if ($objects) {     226.       return $objects[0];     227.     } # at BasePartnerPeer:oSelectOne(object('Criteria')) in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/model/PartnerPeer.php line 25 ...     22.     $criteria = new Criteria();     23.     $criteria->add(PartnerPeer::NAME, $name, Criteria::EQUAL);     24.     25.     $v = PartnerPeer:oSelectOne($criteria);     26.     return !empty($v) ? $v : null;     27.   } 28. # at PartnerPeer::retrieveByName('GameDesire')