pkgname=frozensynapse pkgver=1 pkgrel=6 pkgdesc="A single player and multiplayer simultaneous-turn-based tactical game. (The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle)" url="" groups=('humblefsbundle' 'humblebundles') license=('custom: "commercial"') arch=('i686' 'x86_64') optdepends=('lib32-nvidia-utils: If you have nvidia graphics' 'lib32-catalyst-utils: If you have ATI graphics' 'lib32-ati-dri: If you have ATI graphics') source=(${pkgname}.desktop) md5sums=('eccdc9f63917fdb761d45c5621853485') if [[ $CARCH == x86_64 ]]; then depends=('lib32-glibc' 'lib32-gcc-libs' 'lib32-openal' 'lib32-sdl' 'lib32-mesa') else depends=('glibc' 'gcc-libs' 'openal' 'sdl' 'mesa') fi _archive="" _archive_md5="33b7c96e24be877a9c1345f7a016b57b" build(){ cd ${srcdir} echo Please just place ${_archive} into $(pwd)/ echo Press Enter to continue read -a _unused if [ ! -f ${_fsarchivelocation}${_archive} ]; then echo "${_fsarchivelocation}${_archive} not found!" return 1 fi if ! echo "${_archive_md5} ${_fsarchivelocation}${_archive}" | md5sum -c --quiet; then echo "Invalid checksum for ${_fsarchivelocation}${_archive}" return 1 fi } package(){ # directories install -d ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname} cd ${srcdir} ./${_archive} --mode unattended --prefix /$pkgdir/opt/$pkgname/ #fix permissions find ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname} -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname} -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; chmod 755 ${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/FrozenSynapse # startup scripts install -Dd ${pkgdir}/usr/bin echo \#\!/bin/bash > ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/frozensynapse echo cd /opt/frozensynapse/ >> ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/frozensynapse echo ./FrozenSynapse \$@ >> ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/frozensynapse chmod +x ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/frozensynapse # desktop entry install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/${pkgname}.desktop ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/${pkgname}.desktop }