class PositionPanel extends Panel with LayoutContainer { import PositionPanel._ type Constraints = Seq[Tuple2[Property.PropertyValue, _ >: Double with Float with Int]] def layoutManager = peer.getLayout.asInstanceOf[PositionLayout] override lazy val peer = new javax.swing.JPanel(new PositionLayout) with SuperMixin def areValid(c: Constraints): (Boolean, String) = (true, "") def constraintsFor (comp: Component) = { var cs = layoutManager.getConstraints (comp.peer) var seq: Constraints = Nil cs foreach { c => seq = seq :+ (, c.value) } seq } def add(c: Component, l: Constraints) { layoutManager.addLayoutComponent (c.peer, convertConstraints (convertConstraints (l))) } } object Test extends SimpleSwingApplication { val button1 = new Flex4Button def top = new MainFrame { title = "Test" preferredSize = new Dimension(860, 400) contents = new FlowPanel { background = Color.RED contents += button1 } } def main: Unit = main(Array()) } object PositionTest extends SimpleSwingApplication { val button2 = new Button("Button") val positionPanel = new PositionPanel { preferredSize = new Dimension(200, 200) background = Color.BLUE add( button2, Seq((PositionPanel.Property.Left, 10), (PositionPanel.Property.Right, 10))) } def top = new MainFrame { title = "Test" preferredSize = new Dimension(860, 400) contents = new FlowPanel { contents += positionPanel } positionPanel.revalidate println (this) println (contents(0)) println (positionPanel) } def main: Unit = main(Array()) }