# 6.00 Problem Set 3A Solutions # # The 6.00 Word Game # Created by: Kevin Luu and Jenna Wiens # # import random import string import sys VOWELS = 'aeiou' CONSONANTS = 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz' HAND_SIZE = 7 SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES = { 'a': 1, 'b': 3, 'c': 3, 'd': 2, 'e': 1, 'f': 4, 'g': 2, 'h': 4, 'i': 1, 'j': 8, 'k': 5, 'l': 1, 'm': 3, 'n': 1, 'o': 1, 'p': 3, 'q': 10, 'r': 1, 's': 1, 't': 1, 'u': 1, 'v': 4, 'w': 4, 'x': 8, 'y': 4, 'z': 10 } # ----------------------------------- # Helper code # (you don't need to understand this helper code) WORDLIST_FILENAME = "words.txt" def load_words(): """ Returns a list of valid words. Words are strings of lowercase letters. Depending on the size of the word list, this function may take a while to finish. """ print "Loading word list from file..." # inFile: file inFile = open(WORDLIST_FILENAME, 'r', 0) # wordlist: list of strings wordlist = [] for line in inFile: wordlist.append(line.strip().lower()) print " ", len(wordlist), "words loaded." return wordlist # We dont need this -Nix #word_list = load_words() def get_frequency_dict(sequence): """ Returns a dictionary where the keys are elements of the sequence and the values are integer counts, for the number of times that an element is repeated in the sequence. sequence: string or list return: dictionary """ # freqs: dictionary (element_type -> int) freq = {} for x in sequence: freq[x] = freq.get(x,0) + 1 return freq # (end of helper code) # ----------------------------------- # # Problem #1: Scoring a word # def get_word_score(word, n): """ Returns the score for a word. Assumes the word is a valid word. The score for a word is the sum of the points for letters in the word multiplied by the length of the word, plus 50 points if all n letters are used on the first go. Letters are scored as in Scrabble; A is worth 1, B is worth 3, C is worth 3, D is worth 2, E is worth 1, and so on. word: string (lowercase letters) returns: int >= 0 """ sum = 0 #if is_valid_word is true for e in word: sum += SCRABBLE_LETTER_VALUES[e] score = len(word)*sum if len(word) == n: score += 50 return score # TO DO... # # Make sure you understand how this function works and what it does! # def display_hand(hand): """ Displays the letters currently in the hand. For example: display_hand({'a':1, 'x':2, 'l':3, 'e':1}) Should print out something like: a x x l l l e The order of the letters is unimportant. hand: dictionary (string -> int) """ for letter in hand.keys(): for j in range(hand[letter]): print letter, # print all on the same line print # print an empty line # # Make sure you understand how this function works and what it does! # def deal_hand(n): """ Returns a random hand containing n lowercase letters. At least n/3 the letters in the hand should be VOWELS. Hands are represented as dictionaries. The keys are letters and the values are the number of times the particular letter is repeated in that hand. n: int >= 0 returns: dictionary (string -> int) """ hand={} num_vowels = n / 3 for i in range(num_vowels): x = VOWELS[random.randrange(0,len(VOWELS))] hand[x] = hand.get(x, 0) + 1 for i in range(num_vowels, n): x = CONSONANTS[random.randrange(0,len(CONSONANTS))] hand[x] = hand.get(x, 0) + 1 return hand # # Problem #2: Update a hand by removing letters # def update_hand(hand, word): """ Assumes that 'hand' has all the letters in word. In other words, this assumes that however many times a letter appears in 'word', 'hand' has at least as many of that letter in it. Updates the hand: uses up the letters in the given word and returns the new hand, without those letters in it. Has no side effects: does not modify hand. word: string hand: dictionary (string -> int) returns: dictionary (string -> int) """ # The update_hand() isn't working quite as intended. # It will remove all instances of a letter in the players hand, no matter # how many of those letters the player uses. # E.g.:- # My hand: l u c k y y x # I play: lucky # Leftover letters: x # # - Nix # for letter in word: # hand[letter] -= 1 # for letter in hand.keys(): # if hand[letter] == 0: # hand.pop(letter, 0) # return hand for letter in word: hand[letter] -= 1 if hand[letter] < 1: hand.pop(letter) return hand # # Problem #3: Test word validity # def is_valid_word(word, hand, word_list): """ Returns True if word is in the word_list and is entirely composed of letters in the hand. Otherwise, returns False. Does not mutate hand or word_list. word: string hand: dictionary (string -> int) word_list: list of lowercase strings """ hand1 = hand if word in word_list: for letter in word: if letter in hand1 and hand1[letter] > 0: hand1[letter] -= 1 else: return False return True else: return False def calculate_handlen(hand): handlen = 0 for v in hand.values(): handlen += v return handlen # # Problem #4: Playing a hand # def play_hand(hand, word_list): '''Allows the user to play a single, randomnly generated hand''' total = 0 while True: display_hand(hand) word = raw_input('Enter a word compiled from the characters above or a period to end the hand:') if word == '.': break else: if is_valid_word(word, hand, word_list) == False: print 'Invalid word, please enter another word.' else: score = get_word_score(word, len(hand)) total += score print '"'+word+'"','earned',score,'points. Total:',total,'points.' update_hand(hand, word) print "Total score:",total #play_hand(word_list, 7) # # Problem #5: Playing a game # Make sure you understand how this code works! # # I've re-written your play_game(); # we don't need to take in 'hand' or 'n' in the function # # 'n' is just the number of characters you have in your hand, and is only # really useful to us when we want to add the bonus 50pts. So, I've just left # it local to the scoring function, instead of being passed around like a cheap # hooker. # play_game() is the "main" game function, so we don't want to take hand in # as a variable, we want to create the hand inside! I like to think of this # function as the "conductor" to the whole game, if that makes sense? # # Also, be careful with variable contents over the conditional loops. # You had it so the current player hand wasn't refreshed if they decided to # play with the same hand again. # # -Nix #def play_game(hand, word_list, n): # hand1 = hand.copy() # while True: # play_hand(hand, word_list, n) # print 'Input "n" to play a new hand, "r" to play the last hand again, "e" to exit the game.' # choice = raw_input('') # if choice != 'n' and choice != 'r' and choice != 'e': # print 'Entry invalid, try again.' # elif choice == 'n': # play_game(deal_hand(n), word_list, n) # elif choice == 'r': # play_game(hand1, word_list, n) # else: # sys.exit() def play_game(word_list): delt_hand = deal_hand(7) current_hand = delt_hand.copy() while True: display_hand(current_hand) choice = raw_input('Input "n" to play a new hand, "r" to play the last hand again, "e" to exit the game: ') if choice.lower() == 'n': delt_hand = deal_hand(7) current_hand = delt_hand.copy() play_hand(current_hand, word_list) elif choice.lower() == 'r': current_hand = delt_hand.copy() play_hand(current_hand, word_list) elif choice.lower() == 'e': sys.exit() else: print 'Entry invalid, try again.' #play_game(deal_hand(7), word_list, 7) # # Build data structures used for entire session and play game # if __name__ == '__main__': word_list = load_words() play_game(word_list)