using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Serialization; using System.IO; namespace spritesheetanimation { // Animation frame class public class Frame { // Frame Number [XmlAttribute("Num")] public int Num; // Sub Image X positon in the Sprite Sheet [XmlAttribute("X")] public int X; // Sub Image Y positon in the Sprite Sheet [XmlAttribute("Y")] public int Y; // Sub Image Width [XmlAttribute("Width")] public int Width; // Sub Image Height [XmlAttribute("Height")] public int Height; // The X offset of sub image [XmlAttribute("OffSetX")] public int OffsetX; // The Y offset fo sub image [XmlAttribute("OffsetY")] public int OffsetY; // The duration between two frames [XmlAttribute("Duration")] public float Duration; } // Animaiton class to hold the name and frames public class Animation { // Animation Name [XmlAttribute("Name")] public string Name; // Animation Frame Rate [XmlAttribute("FrameRate")] public int FrameRate; public bool Loop; public bool Pingpong; // The Frames array in an animation [XmlArray("Frames"), XmlArrayItem("Frame", typeof(Frame))] public Frame[] Frames; } // The Sprite Texture stores the Sprite Sheet public class SpriteTexture { // The Sprite Sheet texture file path [XmlAttribute("Path")] public string Path; } // Aniamtion Set contains the Sprite Texture and Animaitons. [XmlRoot("Animations")] public class AnimationSet { // The sprite texture object [XmlElement("Texture", typeof(SpriteTexture))] public SpriteTexture SpriteTexture; // The animation array in the Animation Set [XmlElement("Animation", typeof(Animation))] public Animation[] Animations; } // Sprite Animation Manager class public static class SpriteAnimationManager { public static int AnimationCount; // Read the Sprite Sheet Description information from the description xml file public static AnimationSet Read(string Filename) { AnimationSet animationSet = new AnimationSet(); // Create a XML reader for the sprite sheet animaiton description file using (System.Xml.XmlReader reader = System.Xml.XmlReader.Create(Filename)) { // Create a XMLSerializer for the AnimationSet XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(AnimationSet)); // Deserialize the Animation Set from the XmlReader to the animation set object animationSet = (AnimationSet)serializer.Deserialize(reader); } // Count the animations to Animation Count AnimationCount = animationSet.Animations.Length; return animationSet; } } }