# Maintainer: sfabius pkgname=spideroak pkgver=3.7.9710 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Secure and consolidated free online backup, storage, access, sharing & sync tool for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux." url="https://spideroak.com/" arch=('i686' 'x86_64') depends=(openssl) optdepends=('qt: if you want to run the GUI') makedepends=() license=('custom') conflicts=() replaces=() options=(!strip) install=spideroak.install if [ "${CARCH}" == "x86_64" ]; then _source_arch="x86_64" md5sums=('ef8920539607b301e65accd9661339e8') else _source_arch="i386" md5sums=('585002f6671d9027b5e8df7d74cd9233') fi source=("spideroak_${pkgver}_${_source_arch}.deb::https://spideroak.com/directdownload?platform=ubuntulucid&arch=${_source_arch}") build() { cd ${srcdir} msg2 "Extracting debian package ..." bsdtar -xf spideroak_${pkgver}_${_source_arch}.deb data.tar.gz bsdtar -xf data.tar.gz rm -f data.tar.gz msg2 "Install files ..." rm -rf ${srcdir}/etc/apt mv ${srcdir}/{usr,etc} ${pkgdir} msg2 "Done" }