// Gallerific Custom Settings jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var gallery = $('#thumbs').galleriffic({ delay: 1000, // in milliseconds numThumbs: 25, // The number of thumbnails to show page preloadAhead: 40, // Set to -1 to preload all images enableTopPager: true, enableBottomPager: false, maxPagesToShow: 7, // The maximum number of pages to display in either the top or bottom pager imageContainerSel: '#screen', // The CSS selector for the element within which the main slideshow image should be rendered controlsContainerSel: '#controls', // The CSS selector for the element within which the slideshow controls should be rendered captionContainerSel: '#captions', // The CSS selector for the element within which the captions should be rendered loadingContainerSel: '#loading', // The CSS selector for the element within which should be shown when an image is loading renderSSControls: false, // Specifies whether the slideshow's Play and Pause links should be rendered renderNavControls: false, // Specifies whether the slideshow's Next and Previous links should be rendered playLinkText: 'Play', pauseLinkText: 'Pause', prevLinkText: 'Previous', nextLinkText: 'Next', nextPageLinkText: 'Next ›', prevPageLinkText: '‹ Prev', enableHistory: false, // Specifies whether the url's hash and the browser's history cache should update when the current slideshow image changes enableKeyboardNavigation: true, // Specifies whether keyboard navigation is enabled autoStart: false, // Specifies whether the slideshow should be playing or paused when the page first loads syncTransitions: false, // Specifies whether the out and in transitions occur simultaneously or distinctly defaultTransitionDuration: 500, // If using the default transitions, specifies the duration of the transitions onSlideChange: undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(prevIndex, nextIndex) { ... } onTransitionOut: undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(slide, caption, isSync, callback) { ... } onTransitionIn: undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(slide, caption, isSync) { ... } onPageTransitionOut: undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(callback) { ... } onPageTransitionIn: undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function() { ... } onImageAdded: undefined, // accepts a delegate like such: function(imageData, $li) { ... } onImageRemoved: undefined // accepts a delegate like such: function(imageData, $li) { ... } }); }); // toggleSlider function for the displaying/hiding of the doll menu (function($) { $(document).ready(function() { function toggleSlider() { if ($("#doll-menu").is(":visible")) { $("#fade").animate( { opacity: "0" }, 300, function(){ $("#doll-menu").slideUp(300); } ); } else { $("#doll-menu").slideDown(300, function(){ $("#fade").animate( { opacity: "1" }, 300 ); }); } } // Click event to run toggleSlider $('a[title="dolls"]').click(toggleSlider); }); })(jQuery);