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Our command is made up of over 40 Army Reserve units across 30 states and Puerto Rico. With headquarters at Fort Bragg, N.C., USACAPOC(A) strives to support out nation's objectives overseas by sword, deed, and word. ==================================================== All folders / files from FTP webserver ==================================================== ==================================================== [Home Folder] ==================================================== (folder) Air Drop Warrior 2010 (folder) GAF-B Ohio (folder) SpryAssets (folder) Units (folder) family-programs (folder) images (folder) news (folder) operation-toy-drop (folder) pdf (folder) professional-writing (folder) releases (file) OTD.html (12 KB) (file) OTDFAQ.html (14 KB) (file) OTDhistory.html (16 KB) (file) OTDparticipate.html (12 KB) (file) command-cg.html (15 KB) (file) command-cos.html (9 KB) (file) command-csm.html (13 KB) (file) command-dcg.html (12 KB) (file) command.html (12 KB) (file) contact.html (17 KB) (file) facts-ca.html (14 KB) (file) facts-capoc.html (15 KB) (file) 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==================================================== (file) 20090709-gothard.html (9 KB) ---------------------------------------------------- ==[ Finish ==[ Thanks, TinKode @ InSecurity.Ro ==[ Romania ----------------------------------------------------