20 Mar, 02:28 Game finished. 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 20 tokens. 20 Mar, 02:28 Alpar received 20 tokens. 20 Mar, 02:28 TheBasicsOfCQC received 17 tokens. 20 Mar, 02:28 Nale received 20 tokens. 20 Mar, 02:28 Samine received 14 tokens. 20 Mar, 02:28 ment received 17 tokens. 20 Mar, 02:28 Nale has been defeated by Aboithagameboi. 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi won the game. 20 Mar, 02:28 Alpar lost 20 points. 20 Mar, 02:28 TheBasicsOfCQC lost 20 points. 20 Mar, 02:28 Nale lost 19 points. 20 Mar, 02:28 Samine lost 20 points. 20 Mar, 02:28 ment lost 20 points. 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 99 points. 20 Mar, 02:28 Alaska (Aboithagameboi) attacks BC (British Columbia) (Nale) conquering it, killing 6 troops, losing 6. 20 Mar, 02:28 Alaska (Aboithagameboi) attacks YT (Yukon Territory) (Nale) conquering it, killing 5 troops, losing 6. 20 Mar, 02:28 Alaska was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 50 troops. 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Russia 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central Asia 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding North Africa 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Central Africa 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding East Canada 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi received 20 troops for 61 territories. 20 Mar, 02:28 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:28 ment has resigned from the game. 20 Mar, 02:28 ment ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:28 Round 20 starting. 20 Mar, 02:27 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 02:27 ment received 4 troops for holding Indonesia 20 Mar, 02:27 ment received 1 troops for holding Western SA 20 Mar, 02:27 ment received 2 troops for holding Brazilian District 20 Mar, 02:27 ment received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 02:27 ment received 3 troops for holding Central America 20 Mar, 02:27 ment received 9 troops for 28 territories. 20 Mar, 02:27 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:26 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:26 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 02:26 BC (British Columbia) (Nale) sent 4 reinforcements to YT (Yukon Territory) (Nale) 20 Mar, 02:26 YT (Yukon Territory) (Nale) attacks BC (British Columbia) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:26 YT (Yukon Territory) was reinforced by Nale with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 02:26 Nale received 3 troops for 1 territories. 20 Mar, 02:26 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:26 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:26 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 02:26 Kamchatka (Aboithagameboi) attacks Yakutsk (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:25 Japan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kamchatka (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:25 Alaska (Aboithagameboi) attacks YT (Yukon Territory) (Nale) killing 59 troops, losing 58. 20 Mar, 02:25 BC (British Columbia) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Alaska (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:25 NW. T (Northwest Territory) (Aboithagameboi) attacks BC (British Columbia) (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:25 Nunavut (Aboithagameboi) attacks NW. T (Northwest Territory) (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:25 Greenland (Aboithagameboi) attacks Nunavut (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:25 Greenland was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 62 troops. 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops on SA (Saudi Arabia) 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops on Mozambique 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops on Ontario 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central Asia 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding North Africa 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Central Africa 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 20 troops for turning in cards SA (Saudi Arabia), Mozambique, and Ontario 20 Mar, 02:25 Aboithagameboi received 18 troops for 56 territories. 20 Mar, 02:24 ment missed the turn. 20 Mar, 02:24 Round 19 starting. 20 Mar, 02:24 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:21 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:21 Alaska (Nale) sent 66 reinforcements to YT (Yukon Territory) (Nale) 20 Mar, 02:21 Alaska was reinforced by Nale with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 02:21 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 02:21 Nale received 3 troops for 7 territories. 20 Mar, 02:21 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:21 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:21 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 02:21 Somalia (Aboithagameboi) sent 4 reinforcements to Japan (Aboithagameboi) 20 Mar, 02:20 Kenya (Aboithagameboi) attacks Somalia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:20 DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kenya (ment) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:20 DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Sudan (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:20 Cameroon (Aboithagameboi) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:20 Nigeria (Aboithagameboi) attacks Cameroon (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:20 Niger (Aboithagameboi) attacks Nigeria (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:20 Algeria (Aboithagameboi) attacks Niger (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:20 Mali (Aboithagameboi) attacks Algeria (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:20 Ghana (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mali (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:20 Guinea (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ghana (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:20 Mauritania (Aboithagameboi) attacks Guinea (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:19 Morocco (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mauritania (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:19 Spain (Aboithagameboi) attacks Morocco (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:19 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Spain (ment) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:19 UK (United Kingdom) (Aboithagameboi) attacks FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (ment) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 02:19 Iceland (Aboithagameboi) attacks UK (United Kingdom) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:19 Iceland was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 27 troops. 20 Mar, 02:19 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central Asia 20 Mar, 02:19 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 02:19 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 02:19 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 02:19 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 02:19 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 02:19 Aboithagameboi received 13 troops for 40 territories. 20 Mar, 02:19 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:19 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 02:19 ment ran out of time. 20 Mar, 02:19 Round 18 starting. 20 Mar, 02:19 Ethiopia (ment) attacks Sudan (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:19 Somalia (ment) attacks Ethiopia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:18 Kenya (ment) attacks Somalia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:18 DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (ment) attacks Kenya (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:18 Cameroon (ment) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:18 Nigeria (ment) attacks Cameroon (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:18 Niger (ment) attacks Nigeria (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:18 Ghana (ment) attacks Niger (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 4. 20 Mar, 02:17 Mali (ment) attacks Ghana (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:17 Algeria (ment) attacks Mali (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:17 Morocco (ment) attacks Algeria (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:17 Mauritania (ment) attacks Morocco (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:17 Guinea (ment) attacks Mauritania (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:17 N. Central Brazil (ment) attacks Guinea (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:17 Suriname (ment) attacks N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:17 Mexico was reinforced by ment with 6 troops. 20 Mar, 02:16 Suriname was reinforced by ment with 37 troops. 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 2 troops on Philippines 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 2 troops on Sumatra 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 4 troops for holding Indonesia 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 1 troops for holding Western SA 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 3 troops for holding Central America 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 20 troops for turning in cards Philippines, S. USA, and Sumatra 20 Mar, 02:16 ment received 9 troops for 29 territories. 20 Mar, 02:16 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:16 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:16 Alaska was reinforced by Nale with 25 troops. 20 Mar, 02:16 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 02:16 Nale received 20 troops for turning in cards Yemen, Panama, and SE. USA 20 Mar, 02:16 Nale received 3 troops for 7 territories. 20 Mar, 02:16 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:16 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:15 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 02:15 Chad (Aboithagameboi) sent 3 reinforcements to Japan (Aboithagameboi) 20 Mar, 02:15 Sudan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Chad (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:15 Kenya (Aboithagameboi) attacks Sudan (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:15 Kenya (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ethiopia (ment) conquering it, killing 5 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 02:15 Kenya (Aboithagameboi) attacks Somalia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:15 Mozambique (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kenya (ment) conquering it, killing 18 troops, losing 14. 20 Mar, 02:14 Mozambique (Aboithagameboi) attacks Madagascar (ment) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:14 Mozambique was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 30 troops. 20 Mar, 02:14 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central Asia 20 Mar, 02:14 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 02:14 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 02:14 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 02:14 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding North Africa 20 Mar, 02:14 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 02:14 Aboithagameboi received 16 troops for 49 territories. 20 Mar, 02:14 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:14 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 02:14 ment ran out of time. 20 Mar, 02:14 Round 17 starting. 20 Mar, 02:14 Mexico (ment) attacks Cuba (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:14 Panama (ment) attacks Mexico (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:13 Caribbean (ment) attacks Panama (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:13 Spain (ment) attacks Caribbean (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:13 Amazonia (ment) attacks N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 02:13 Bolivia (ment) attacks Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:12 Columbia (ment) attacks Peru (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 02:12 Kenya was reinforced by ment with 9 troops. 20 Mar, 02:12 Spain was reinforced by ment with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 02:12 Columbia was reinforced by ment with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 02:11 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 02:11 ment received 4 troops for holding Indonesia 20 Mar, 02:11 ment received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 02:11 ment received 2 troops for holding East Africa 20 Mar, 02:11 ment received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 02:11 ment received 9 troops for 29 territories. 20 Mar, 02:11 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:11 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:11 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 02:11 Kamchatka (Nale) sent 34 reinforcements to Alaska (Nale) 20 Mar, 02:11 Alaska (Nale) attacks BC (British Columbia) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:11 Alaska was reinforced by Nale with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 02:11 Nale received 3 troops for 7 territories. 20 Mar, 02:11 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:10 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:10 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 02:10 Pakistan (Aboithagameboi) sent 2 reinforcements to Japan (Aboithagameboi) 20 Mar, 02:10 Pakistan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Iran (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:10 Ghana (Aboithagameboi) attacks Niger (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:10 Libya (Aboithagameboi) attacks Niger (ment) killing 1 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 02:10 Egypt (Aboithagameboi) attacks Libya (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 02:10 Turkey (Aboithagameboi) attacks Egypt (ment) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:10 SA (Saudi Arabia) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Yemen (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:09 SA (Saudi Arabia) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Oman (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 02:09 Turkey (Aboithagameboi) attacks SA (Saudi Arabia) (ment) conquering it, killing 9 troops, losing 8. 20 Mar, 02:09 Turkey was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 22 troops. 20 Mar, 02:09 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 02:09 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 02:09 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 02:09 Aboithagameboi received 16 troops for 48 territories. 20 Mar, 02:09 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:09 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 02:09 ment ran out of time. 20 Mar, 02:09 Round 16 starting. 20 Mar, 02:09 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (ment) attacks UK (United Kingdom) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:09 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (ment) attacks Spain (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:08 Sumatra (ment) attacks Thailand (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:08 W. Australia (ment) attacks Madagascar (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 02:08 NT (Northern Territory) (ment) attacks W. Australia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:08 S. Australia (ment) attacks NT (Northern Territory) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:08 NSW (New South Wales) (ment) attacks S. Australia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 02:07 Queensland (ment) attacks NSW (New South Wales) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 02:07 PNG (Papua New Guinea) (ment) attacks Queensland (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:07 Irian Jaya (ment) attacks PNG (Papua New Guinea) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:07 Borneo (ment) attacks Irian Jaya (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 02:07 Java (ment) attacks Borneo (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:07 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) was reinforced by ment with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 02:06 Bolivia was reinforced by ment with 1 troops. 20 Mar, 02:06 Kenya was reinforced by ment with 8 troops. 20 Mar, 02:06 ment received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 02:06 ment received 2 troops for holding East Africa 20 Mar, 02:06 ment received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 02:06 ment received 8 troops for 24 territories. 20 Mar, 02:06 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:06 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:06 Alaska (Nale) sent 3 reinforcements to Kamchatka (Nale) 20 Mar, 02:06 Kamchatka was reinforced by Nale with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 02:06 Nale received 3 troops for 7 territories. 20 Mar, 02:06 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:06 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:06 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 02:05 Nigeria (Aboithagameboi) attacks Niger (ment) killing 1 troops, losing 4. 20 Mar, 02:05 Cameroon (Aboithagameboi) attacks Nigeria (ment) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:05 DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Cameroon (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:05 Angola (Aboithagameboi) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:05 Namibia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Angola (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:05 S. Africa (Aboithagameboi) attacks Namibia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:05 Botswana (Aboithagameboi) attacks S. Africa (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:05 Mozambique (Aboithagameboi) attacks Botswana (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:05 Madagascar (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mozambique (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:05 W. Australia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Madagascar (ment) conquering it, killing 5 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:05 NT (Northern Territory) (Aboithagameboi) attacks W. Australia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:05 S. Australia (Aboithagameboi) attacks NT (Northern Territory) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:04 NSW (New South Wales) (Aboithagameboi) attacks S. Australia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:04 Queensland (Aboithagameboi) attacks NSW (New South Wales) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:04 PNG (Papua New Guinea) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Queensland (ment) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:04 Irian Jaya (Aboithagameboi) attacks PNG (Papua New Guinea) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:04 Borneo (Aboithagameboi) attacks Irian Jaya (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:04 Vietnam (Aboithagameboi) attacks Borneo (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:04 China (Aboithagameboi) attacks Vietnam (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:04 Mongolia (Aboithagameboi) attacks China (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:04 Siberia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mongolia (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:04 Ural (Aboithagameboi) attacks Siberia (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:04 Moscovia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ural (Nale) conquering it, killing 6 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 02:04 BP (Baltic/Poland) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Moscovia (ment) conquering it, killing 7 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 02:03 BP (Baltic/Poland) was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 38 troops. 20 Mar, 02:03 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops on Ghana 20 Mar, 02:03 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 02:03 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 02:03 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 02:03 Aboithagameboi received 20 troops for turning in cards Madagascar, Ghana, and S. Australia 20 Mar, 02:03 Aboithagameboi received 12 troops for 37 territories. 20 Mar, 02:03 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 02:03 ment ran out of time. 20 Mar, 02:03 Round 15 starting. 20 Mar, 02:03 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:03 SA (Saudi Arabia) (ment) attacks Iran (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:03 W. Australia (ment) attacks Madagascar (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:03 Java (ment) attacks W. Australia (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:03 Chad (ment) attacks Niger (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:02 Nigeria (ment) attacks Chad (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 4. 20 Mar, 02:02 Cameroon (ment) attacks Nigeria (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:02 DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (ment) attacks Cameroon (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:02 Sudan (ment) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:02 Egypt (ment) attacks Sudan (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:02 Ethiopia (ment) attacks Kenya (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:01 Ethiopia (ment) attacks Somalia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:01 Yemen (ment) attacks Ethiopia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:01 Yemen was reinforced by ment with 6 troops. 20 Mar, 02:01 Columbia was reinforced by ment with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 02:00 ment received 4 troops for holding Indonesia 20 Mar, 02:00 ment received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 02:00 ment received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 02:00 ment received 9 troops for 29 territories. 20 Mar, 02:00 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:00 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:00 Yakutsk (Nale) sent 6 reinforcements to Kamchatka (Nale) 20 Mar, 02:00 Kamchatka was reinforced by Nale with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 02:00 Nale received 5 troops for 15 territories. 20 Mar, 02:00 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 02:00 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 02:00 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 02:00 Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Suriname (ment) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 02:00 Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Peru (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 02:00 N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) attacks Amazonia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:59 Guinea (Aboithagameboi) attacks N. Central Brazil (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:59 Ghana (Aboithagameboi) attacks Guinea (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:59 Nigeria (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ghana (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:59 Cameroon (Aboithagameboi) attacks Nigeria (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:59 DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Cameroon (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:59 Kenya (Aboithagameboi) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:59 Ethiopia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kenya (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:59 Somalia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ethiopia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:59 India (Aboithagameboi) attacks Somalia (ment) conquering it, killing 6 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:59 India was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 21 troops. 20 Mar, 01:58 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central Asia 20 Mar, 01:58 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 01:58 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 01:58 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 01:58 Aboithagameboi received 12 troops for 36 territories. 20 Mar, 01:58 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 01:58 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:58 ment ran out of time. 20 Mar, 01:58 Round 14 starting. 20 Mar, 01:58 Sumatra (ment) attacks Java (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:57 Borneo (ment) attacks Philippines (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:57 Irian Jaya (ment) attacks Borneo (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:57 Columbia (ment) attacks Venezuela (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:57 Ecuador (ment) attacks Columbia (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:57 Peru (ment) attacks Ecuador (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 4. 20 Mar, 01:57 Amazonia (ment) attacks Peru (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:56 Suriname (ment) attacks Amazonia (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:56 N. Central Brazil (ment) attacks Suriname (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:56 S. Central Brazil (ment) attacks N. Central Brazil (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:56 Egypt was reinforced by ment with 16 troops. 20 Mar, 01:56 S. Central Brazil was reinforced by ment with 15 troops. 20 Mar, 01:55 ment received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 01:55 ment received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 01:55 ment received 20 troops for turning in cards Java, Alberta, and Mali 20 Mar, 01:55 ment received 8 troops for 24 territories. 20 Mar, 01:55 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:55 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:55 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 01:55 Mongolia (Nale) sent 4 reinforcements to Kamchatka (Nale) 20 Mar, 01:55 China (Nale) attacks Mongolia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:55 Vietnam (Nale) attacks China (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:55 Borneo (Nale) attacks Vietnam (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:55 Java (Nale) attacks Borneo (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:55 W. Australia (Nale) attacks Java (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:55 Madagascar (Nale) attacks W. Australia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:55 Kenya (Nale) attacks Madagascar (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:55 Botswana (Nale) attacks Kenya (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:54 DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Nale) attacks Botswana (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:54 Cameroon (Nale) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:54 Nigeria (Nale) attacks Cameroon (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:54 Ghana (Nale) attacks Nigeria (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:54 Guinea (Nale) attacks Ghana (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:54 N. Central Brazil (Nale) attacks Guinea (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:54 N. Central Brazil was reinforced by Nale with 8 troops. 20 Mar, 01:53 Nale received 1 troops for holding Western SA 20 Mar, 01:53 Nale received 2 troops for holding Brazilian District 20 Mar, 01:53 Nale received 5 troops for 16 territories. 20 Mar, 01:53 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 01:53 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:53 Aboithagameboi ran out of time. 20 Mar, 01:53 UK (United Kingdom) (Aboithagameboi) attacks FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (ment) killing 0 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 01:53 Iceland (Aboithagameboi) attacks UK (United Kingdom) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:53 Scandinavia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Iceland (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:53 BP (Baltic/Poland) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Scandinavia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:53 UG (Ukraine/Greece) (Aboithagameboi) attacks BP (Baltic/Poland) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:53 Turkey (Aboithagameboi) attacks UG (Ukraine/Greece) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:53 Iran (Aboithagameboi) attacks Turkey (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:53 Afghanistan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Iran (ment) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:53 Turkmenistan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Afghanistan (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:53 Kazakhstan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Turkmenistan (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:52 China (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kazakhstan (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:52 Greenland (Aboithagameboi) attacks Nunavut (Nale) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:52 Quebec (Aboithagameboi) attacks Greenland (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:52 Ontario (Aboithagameboi) attacks Quebec (Nale) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:52 Alberta (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ontario (Nale) conquering it, killing 7 troops, losing 7. 20 Mar, 01:52 BC (British Columbia) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Alberta (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:52 W. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks BC (British Columbia) (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:52 Midwest USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks W. USA (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:52 NE. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks Midwest USA (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:52 SE. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks NE. USA (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:52 S. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks SE. USA (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:51 Mexico (Aboithagameboi) attacks S. USA (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:51 Cuba (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mexico (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:51 Caribbean (Aboithagameboi) attacks Cuba (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:51 Spain (Aboithagameboi) attacks Caribbean (Nale) conquering it, killing 6 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:51 Spain was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 34 troops. 20 Mar, 01:50 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops on Chad 20 Mar, 01:50 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding East Asia 20 Mar, 01:50 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding North Africa 20 Mar, 01:50 Aboithagameboi received 20 troops for turning in cards Chad, Moscovia, and Botswana 20 Mar, 01:50 Aboithagameboi received 6 troops for 19 territories. 20 Mar, 01:50 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:50 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 01:50 ment ran out of time. 20 Mar, 01:50 Round 13 starting. 20 Mar, 01:50 SA (Saudi Arabia) (ment) attacks Turkey (Nale) conquering it, killing 11 troops, losing 8. 20 Mar, 01:50 Moscovia (ment) attacks Ural (Nale) killing 1 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 01:50 BP (Baltic/Poland) (ment) attacks Moscovia (Nale) conquering it, killing 8 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 01:49 BP (Baltic/Poland) (ment) attacks Scandinavia (Nale) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 01:49 BP (Baltic/Poland) (ment) attacks UG (Ukraine/Greece) (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:49 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (ment) attacks BP (Baltic/Poland) (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:49 UK (United Kingdom) (ment) attacks FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (Nale) conquering it, killing 7 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 01:48 UK (United Kingdom) (ment) attacks Iceland (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:48 SA (Saudi Arabia) was reinforced by ment with 6 troops. 20 Mar, 01:48 UK (United Kingdom) was reinforced by ment with 17 troops. 20 Mar, 01:47 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 01:47 ment received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 01:47 ment received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 01:47 ment received 2 troops for holding East Africa 20 Mar, 01:47 ment received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 01:47 ment received 12 troops for 36 territories. 20 Mar, 01:47 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:47 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 01:47 Nale ran out of time. 20 Mar, 01:47 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (Nale) attacks Spain (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:47 BP (Baltic/Poland) (Nale) attacks FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:47 BP (Baltic/Poland) (Nale) attacks Scandinavia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 01:47 UG (Ukraine/Greece) (Nale) attacks BP (Baltic/Poland) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:47 Suriname (Nale) attacks N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:47 Venezuela (Nale) attacks Suriname (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:47 Amazonia (Nale) attacks Venezuela (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:46 Peru (Nale) attacks Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:46 Ecuador (Nale) attacks Peru (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:46 Columbia (Nale) attacks Ecuador (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:46 Panama (Nale) attacks Columbia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:46 Caribbean (Nale) attacks Panama (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:46 Cuba (Nale) attacks Caribbean (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:46 S. USA (Nale) attacks Mexico (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:46 W. USA (Nale) attacks Mexico (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 01:45 SE. USA (Nale) attacks Cuba (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:45 Midwest USA (Nale) attacks S. USA (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:45 Quebec (Nale) attacks Greenland (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:45 NE. USA (Nale) attacks SE. USA (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:45 Moscovia was reinforced by Nale with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 01:45 NE. USA was reinforced by Nale with 26 troops. 20 Mar, 01:45 Nale received 3 troops for holding Russia 20 Mar, 01:45 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 01:45 Nale received 20 troops for turning in cards Argentina, S. Africa, and Iceland 20 Mar, 01:45 Nale received 6 troops for 18 territories. 20 Mar, 01:44 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:44 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:44 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 01:44 Thailand (Aboithagameboi) sent 16 reinforcements to China (Aboithagameboi) 20 Mar, 01:44 Iceland (Aboithagameboi) attacks Greenland (Nale) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 7. 20 Mar, 01:44 Scandinavia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Iceland (Nale) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:44 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Scandinavia (Nale) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:44 Sudan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ethiopia (ment) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:43 Chad (Aboithagameboi) attacks Sudan (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 01:43 Niger (Aboithagameboi) attacks Chad (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 01:43 Ghana (Aboithagameboi) attacks Niger (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:43 Mali (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ghana (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:43 Algeria (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mali (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:43 Morocco (Aboithagameboi) attacks Algeria (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:43 Mauritania (Aboithagameboi) attacks Morocco (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:43 Guinea (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mauritania (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:43 N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) attacks Guinea (ment) conquering it, killing 6 troops, losing 4. 20 Mar, 01:43 BP (Baltic/Poland) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Scandinavia (Nale) killing 1 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 01:42 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (Aboithagameboi) attacks BP (Baltic/Poland) (Nale) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 4. 20 Mar, 01:42 Spain (Aboithagameboi) attacks FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:42 Caribbean (Aboithagameboi) attacks Spain (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:42 N. Central Brazil was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 8 troops. 20 Mar, 01:42 Caribbean was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 9 troops. 20 Mar, 01:42 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding East Asia 20 Mar, 01:42 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Western SA 20 Mar, 01:42 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Brazilian District 20 Mar, 01:42 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central America 20 Mar, 01:42 Aboithagameboi received 7 troops for 22 territories. 20 Mar, 01:42 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 01:42 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:42 ment ran out of time. 20 Mar, 01:42 Round 12 starting. 20 Mar, 01:42 Irian Jaya (ment) attacks PNG (Papua New Guinea) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:41 Bolivia (ment) attacks Chile (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:41 S. Central Brazil (ment) attacks Bolivia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:41 S. Central Brazil (ment) attacks Argentina (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:41 S. Africa (ment) attacks S. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:41 Namibia (ment) attacks S. Africa (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:41 Angola (ment) attacks Namibia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:41 Botswana (ment) attacks Angola (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 8. 20 Mar, 01:40 Mozambique (ment) attacks Botswana (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:40 Madagascar (ment) attacks Mozambique (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:40 Kenya (ment) attacks Madagascar (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:40 Sumatra was reinforced by ment with 19 troops. 20 Mar, 01:40 Kenya was reinforced by ment with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 01:40 Kenya was reinforced by ment with 25 troops. 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 2 troops on Guinea 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 2 troops on Irian Jaya 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 20 troops for turning in cards Guinea, Irian Jaya, and NW. T (Northwest Territory) 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 4 troops for holding North Africa 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 2 troops for holding East Africa 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 4 troops for holding Central Africa 20 Mar, 01:39 ment received 12 troops for 36 territories. 20 Mar, 01:39 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:39 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:39 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 01:39 Midwest USA (Nale) sent 3 reinforcements to W. USA (Nale) 20 Mar, 01:38 Alberta (Nale) attacks NE. USA (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 10 troops, losing 7. 20 Mar, 01:37 W. USA (Nale) attacks Midwest USA (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:37 BC (British Columbia) (Nale) attacks W. USA (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:37 Alberta was reinforced by Nale with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:37 Ontario was reinforced by Nale with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:37 Quebec was reinforced by Nale with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 01:37 BC (British Columbia) was reinforced by Nale with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:36 Nale received 3 troops for holding Russia 20 Mar, 01:36 Nale received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 01:36 Nale received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 01:36 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 01:36 Nale received 3 troops for holding East Canada 20 Mar, 01:36 Nale received 6 troops for 19 territories. 20 Mar, 01:36 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 01:36 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:36 Aboithagameboi ran out of time. 20 Mar, 01:36 NE. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ontario (Nale) killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:36 Midwest USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks NE. USA (Nale) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:36 Midwest USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks W. USA (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:36 India (Aboithagameboi) attacks Pakistan (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:36 Madagascar (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kenya (ment) killing 1 troops, losing 9. 20 Mar, 01:35 Mozambique (Aboithagameboi) attacks Madagascar (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:35 Botswana (Aboithagameboi) attacks Angola (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:35 Botswana (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mozambique (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:35 Namibia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Botswana (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:35 S. Africa (Aboithagameboi) attacks Namibia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:35 S. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) attacks S. Africa (ment) conquering it, killing 5 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:35 N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) attacks Guinea (ment) killing 2 troops, losing 8. 20 Mar, 01:35 Thailand was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 16 troops. 20 Mar, 01:34 S. Central Brazil was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 01:34 N. Central Brazil was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 15 troops. 20 Mar, 01:34 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding East Asia 20 Mar, 01:34 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Western SA 20 Mar, 01:34 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Brazilian District 20 Mar, 01:34 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 01:34 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central America 20 Mar, 01:34 Aboithagameboi received 20 troops for turning in cards Alaska, Angola, and Kenya 20 Mar, 01:34 Aboithagameboi received 9 troops for 27 territories. 20 Mar, 01:33 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:33 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 01:33 ment ran out of time. 20 Mar, 01:33 Round 11 starting. 20 Mar, 01:33 Borneo (ment) attacks Irian Jaya (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:33 Sumatra (ment) attacks Borneo (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:33 Java (ment) attacks Sumatra (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:33 W. Australia (ment) attacks Java (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:33 Kenya (ment) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:32 Somalia (ment) attacks Kenya (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:32 Ethiopia (ment) attacks Somalia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:32 W. Australia was reinforced by ment with 19 troops. 20 Mar, 01:32 S. Africa was reinforced by ment with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:31 Guinea was reinforced by ment with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 01:31 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 01:31 ment received 3 troops for holding Central Asia 20 Mar, 01:31 ment received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 01:31 ment received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 01:31 ment received 4 troops for holding North Africa 20 Mar, 01:31 ment received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 01:31 ment received 12 troops for 36 territories. 20 Mar, 01:30 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:30 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:30 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 01:30 Nunavut (Nale) sent 1 reinforcements to Alberta (Nale) 20 Mar, 01:29 Ontario (Nale) attacks NE. USA (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 6 troops, losing 4. 20 Mar, 01:29 Greenland (Nale) attacks Quebec (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:29 BC (British Columbia) (Nale) attacks W. USA (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 15 troops, losing 15. 20 Mar, 01:28 Kamchatka was reinforced by Nale with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 01:28 BC (British Columbia) was reinforced by Nale with 9 troops. 20 Mar, 01:28 Nale received 3 troops for holding Russia 20 Mar, 01:28 Nale received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 01:28 Nale received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 01:28 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 01:28 Nale received 6 troops for 18 territories. 20 Mar, 01:28 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:28 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:28 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 01:28 Thailand (Aboithagameboi) sent 5 reinforcements to India (Aboithagameboi) 20 Mar, 01:27 NE. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks Quebec (Nale) conquering it, killing 7 troops, losing 9. 20 Mar, 01:26 Japan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kamchatka (Nale) killing 1 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 01:26 Vietnam (Aboithagameboi) attacks Thailand (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:26 China (Aboithagameboi) attacks India (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:26 China (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mongolia (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:26 Korea (Aboithagameboi) attacks China (Nale) conquering it, killing 5 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:26 Japan was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 11 troops. 20 Mar, 01:26 Vietnam was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 7 troops. 20 Mar, 01:26 Korea was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 7 troops. 20 Mar, 01:25 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Indonesia 20 Mar, 01:25 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Western SA 20 Mar, 01:25 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Brazilian District 20 Mar, 01:25 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 01:25 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central America 20 Mar, 01:25 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 01:25 Aboithagameboi received 10 troops for 32 territories. 20 Mar, 01:25 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:25 ment ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:25 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 01:25 Round 10 starting. 20 Mar, 01:25 SA (Saudi Arabia) (ment) sent 11 reinforcements to Ethiopia (ment) 20 Mar, 01:25 Angola (ment) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:24 Cameroon (ment) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:24 Nigeria (ment) attacks Cameroon (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:24 Chad (ment) attacks Nigeria (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:24 Sudan (ment) attacks Chad (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:24 Egypt (ment) attacks Sudan (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:24 Libya (ment) attacks Egypt (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:24 Niger (ment) attacks Libya (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:23 Algeria (ment) attacks Niger (Neutral) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 9. 20 Mar, 01:23 Algeria was reinforced by ment with 21 troops. 20 Mar, 01:23 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 01:23 ment received 3 troops for holding Central Asia 20 Mar, 01:23 ment received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 01:23 ment received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 01:23 ment received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 01:23 ment received 9 troops for 29 territories. 20 Mar, 01:23 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:23 Samine was kicked for missing too many turns. 20 Mar, 01:23 Samine missed the turn. 20 Mar, 01:20 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:20 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 01:20 YT (Yukon Territory) (Nale) sent 2 reinforcements to BC (British Columbia) (Nale) 20 Mar, 01:19 India (Nale) attacks Thailand (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:19 China (Nale) attacks India (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 6. 20 Mar, 01:19 Mongolia (Nale) attacks China (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:19 Siberia (Nale) attacks Mongolia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:18 Siberia was reinforced by Nale with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 01:18 Ontario was reinforced by Nale with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:18 Alberta was reinforced by Nale with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:18 BC (British Columbia) was reinforced by Nale with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:17 Nale received 3 troops for holding Russia 20 Mar, 01:17 Nale received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 01:17 Nale received 2 troops for holding Eastern Europe 20 Mar, 01:17 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 01:17 Nale received 3 troops for holding East Canada 20 Mar, 01:17 Nale received 6 troops for 19 territories. 20 Mar, 01:17 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:17 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:17 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 01:17 PNG (Papua New Guinea) (Aboithagameboi) sent 2 reinforcements to India (Aboithagameboi) 20 Mar, 01:17 Somalia (Aboithagameboi) attacks India (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:16 Kenya (Aboithagameboi) attacks Somalia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:16 DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kenya (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:16 W. USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:16 Midwest USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:16 NE. USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 01:15 Caribbean was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 01:15 S. Central Brazil was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 01:15 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Indonesia 20 Mar, 01:15 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Central Africa 20 Mar, 01:15 Aboithagameboi received 1 troops for holding Western SA 20 Mar, 01:15 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding Brazilian District 20 Mar, 01:15 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 01:15 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central America 20 Mar, 01:15 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 01:15 Aboithagameboi received 13 troops for 39 territories. 20 Mar, 01:15 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:15 ment ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:15 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 01:15 Round 9 starting. 20 Mar, 01:15 India (ment) sent 2 reinforcements to SA (Saudi Arabia) (ment) 20 Mar, 01:15 Mali (ment) attacks Niger (Samine) killing 3 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:14 Ghana (ment) attacks Niger (Samine) killing 1 troops, losing 8. 20 Mar, 01:14 Guinea (ment) attacks Ghana (Samine) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:14 Mauritania (ment) attacks Guinea (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:14 Morocco (ment) attacks Mauritania (Samine) conquering it, killing 8 troops, losing 16. 20 Mar, 01:13 Algeria (ment) attacks Mali (Samine) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:13 UK (United Kingdom) was reinforced by ment with 9 troops. 20 Mar, 01:13 Algeria was reinforced by ment with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 01:13 SA (Saudi Arabia) was reinforced by ment with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 01:13 Morocco was reinforced by ment with 22 troops. 20 Mar, 01:12 ment received 2 troops on Morocco 20 Mar, 01:12 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 01:12 ment received 3 troops for holding Central Asia 20 Mar, 01:12 ment received 1 troops for holding Middle East 20 Mar, 01:12 ment received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 01:12 ment received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 01:12 ment received 2 troops for holding East Africa 20 Mar, 01:12 ment received 20 troops for turning in cards Morocco, Greenland, and Bolivia 20 Mar, 01:12 ment received 9 troops for 28 territories. 20 Mar, 01:12 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:12 Samine missed the turn. 20 Mar, 01:09 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:09 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 01:09 UG (Ukraine/Greece) (Nale) sent 3 reinforcements to BP (Baltic/Poland) (Nale) 20 Mar, 01:09 Scandinavia (Nale) attacks Iceland (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:08 BP (Baltic/Poland) (Nale) attacks Scandinavia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:08 Moscovia (Nale) attacks BP (Baltic/Poland) (ment) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:08 BC (British Columbia) was reinforced by Nale with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 01:08 Yakutsk was reinforced by Nale with 6 troops. 20 Mar, 01:08 Siberia was reinforced by Nale with 11 troops. 20 Mar, 01:07 Ural was reinforced by Nale with 6 troops. 20 Mar, 01:07 Moscovia was reinforced by Nale with 7 troops. 20 Mar, 01:07 Nale received 3 troops for holding Russia 20 Mar, 01:07 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 01:07 Nale received 3 troops for holding East Canada 20 Mar, 01:07 Nale received 20 troops for turning in cards Turkmenistan, Oman, and Mongolia 20 Mar, 01:07 Nale received 5 troops for 16 territories. 20 Mar, 01:07 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:07 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:06 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 01:06 Venezuela (Aboithagameboi) sent 7 reinforcements to Caribbean (Aboithagameboi) 20 Mar, 01:06 China (Aboithagameboi) attacks Mongolia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:06 Korea (Aboithagameboi) attacks Japan (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:06 China (Aboithagameboi) attacks Korea (ment) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 01:06 Thailand (Aboithagameboi) attacks China (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:06 W. USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 01:05 Midwest USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 01:05 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops on Ecuador 20 Mar, 01:05 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops on Thailand 20 Mar, 01:05 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops on Nigeria 20 Mar, 01:05 Aboithagameboi received 20 troops for turning in cards Ecuador, Thailand, and Nigeria 20 Mar, 01:05 Alpar has been defeated by Aboithagameboi. 20 Mar, 01:05 Vietnam (Aboithagameboi) attacks Thailand (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:05 Borneo (Aboithagameboi) attacks Vietnam (Alpar) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:05 Ecuador (Aboithagameboi) attacks Peru (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:05 Columbia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ecuador (Nale) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:05 Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) attacks N. Central Brazil (Samine) conquering it, killing 5 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:05 NE. USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 11 troops. 20 Mar, 01:04 Columbia was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 01:04 Amazonia was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 01:04 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Indonesia 20 Mar, 01:04 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Central Africa 20 Mar, 01:04 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 01:04 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central America 20 Mar, 01:04 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 01:04 Aboithagameboi received 10 troops for 30 territories. 20 Mar, 01:04 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:04 ment ended the turn. 20 Mar, 01:04 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 01:04 Round 8 starting. 20 Mar, 01:04 China (ment) sent 3 reinforcements to SA (Saudi Arabia) (ment) 20 Mar, 01:03 Morocco (ment) attacks Algeria (Samine) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:03 Spain (ment) attacks Morocco (Samine) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 6. 20 Mar, 01:03 SA (Saudi Arabia) (ment) attacks Yemen (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:02 SA (Saudi Arabia) (ment) attacks Oman (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:02 Iran (ment) attacks SA (Saudi Arabia) (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:02 Spain was reinforced by ment with 15 troops. 20 Mar, 01:02 Iran was reinforced by ment with 9 troops. 20 Mar, 01:01 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 01:01 ment received 3 troops for holding Central Asia 20 Mar, 01:01 ment received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 01:01 ment received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 01:01 ment received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 01:01 ment received 2 troops for holding East Africa 20 Mar, 01:01 ment received 10 troops for 30 territories. 20 Mar, 01:01 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 01:01 Samine received a card. 20 Mar, 01:01 Samine ran out of time. 20 Mar, 01:01 Guinea (Samine) attacks N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:00 Niger (Samine) attacks Chad (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 01:00 Niger (Samine) attacks Ghana (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 01:00 Mali (Samine) attacks Algeria (Nale) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:59 Mauritania (Samine) attacks Morocco (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:59 Mali was reinforced by Samine with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:59 Niger was reinforced by Samine with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:59 Mauritania was reinforced by Samine with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 00:59 Guinea was reinforced by Samine with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 00:59 Niger was reinforced by Samine with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 00:58 Samine received 20 troops for turning in cards Egypt, Chile, and W. USA 20 Mar, 00:58 Samine received 3 troops for 4 territories. 20 Mar, 00:58 Samine started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:58 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:58 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 00:58 SA (Saudi Arabia) (Nale) sent 2 reinforcements to Turkey (Nale) 20 Mar, 00:58 Peru (Nale) attacks Ecuador (Samine) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:58 SA (Saudi Arabia) (Nale) attacks Yemen (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:58 Moscovia was reinforced by Nale with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:57 Quebec was reinforced by Nale with 6 troops. 20 Mar, 00:57 Ontario was reinforced by Nale with 6 troops. 20 Mar, 00:57 Alberta was reinforced by Nale with 6 troops. 20 Mar, 00:57 Nale received 2 troops on YT (Yukon Territory) 20 Mar, 00:57 Nale received 20 troops for turning in cards Columbia, Kazakhstan, and YT (Yukon Territory) 20 Mar, 00:57 TheBasicsOfCQC has been defeated by Nale. 20 Mar, 00:57 SA (Saudi Arabia) (Nale) attacks Oman (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:57 BC (British Columbia) was reinforced by Nale with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:56 SA (Saudi Arabia) was reinforced by Nale with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:56 UG (Ukraine/Greece) was reinforced by Nale with 9 troops. 20 Mar, 00:56 Nale received 3 troops for holding Russia 20 Mar, 00:56 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 00:56 Nale received 3 troops for holding East Canada 20 Mar, 00:56 Nale received 6 troops for 19 territories. 20 Mar, 00:56 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:56 TheBasicsOfCQC ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:54 Oman (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Yemen (Samine) killing 0 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 00:54 Oman was reinforced by TheBasicsOfCQC with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:54 TheBasicsOfCQC received 3 troops for 1 territories. 20 Mar, 00:54 TheBasicsOfCQC started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:54 Alpar ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:54 Alpar received a card. 20 Mar, 00:54 Thailand (Alpar) attacks Sumatra (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:54 Vietnam (Alpar) attacks Thailand (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:53 Vietnam was reinforced by Alpar with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:53 Alpar received 3 troops for 1 territories. 20 Mar, 00:53 Alpar started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:53 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:53 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 00:53 Philippines (Aboithagameboi) sent 13 reinforcements to Borneo (Aboithagameboi) 20 Mar, 00:52 Sudan (Aboithagameboi) attacks DRC (Dem Rep of the Congo) (Nale) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:52 Sudan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Egypt (ment) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:52 Ghana (Aboithagameboi) attacks Guinea (Samine) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:52 Nigeria (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ghana (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:52 Cameroon (Aboithagameboi) attacks Nigeria (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:52 Suriname (Aboithagameboi) attacks Venezuela (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:52 N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) attacks Suriname (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:52 Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) attacks N. Central Brazil (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:51 Columbia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Amazonia (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:51 Panama (Aboithagameboi) attacks Columbia (Alpar) conquering it, killing 7 troops, losing 6. 20 Mar, 00:51 Cameroon was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 7 troops. 20 Mar, 00:51 Sudan was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 8 troops. 20 Mar, 00:51 Philippines was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 00:50 Panama was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 14 troops. 20 Mar, 00:50 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops on PNG (Papua New Guinea) 20 Mar, 00:50 Aboithagameboi received 4 troops for holding Indonesia 20 Mar, 00:50 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 00:50 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central America 20 Mar, 00:50 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 00:50 Aboithagameboi received 20 troops for turning in cards PNG (Papua New Guinea), Ural, and N. Central Brazil 20 Mar, 00:50 Aboithagameboi received 7 troops for 23 territories. 20 Mar, 00:50 ment ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:50 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:50 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 00:50 Round 7 starting. 20 Mar, 00:50 Mongolia (ment) sent 3 reinforcements to China (ment) 20 Mar, 00:50 Thailand (ment) attacks Vietnam (Alpar) killing 2 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:50 China (ment) attacks Thailand (Alpar) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:50 Ethiopia (ment) attacks Yemen (Samine) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:49 Kenya (ment) attacks Ethiopia (Samine) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:49 Pakistan (ment) attacks Iran (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:49 China (ment) attacks Kazakhstan (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:49 Afghanistan (ment) attacks Turkmenistan (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 00:49 China (ment) attacks Afghanistan (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:48 India (ment) attacks Pakistan (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:48 China was reinforced by ment with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:48 China was reinforced by ment with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:48 India was reinforced by ment with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 00:47 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 00:47 ment received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 00:47 ment received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 00:47 ment received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 00:47 ment received 8 troops for 26 territories. 20 Mar, 00:47 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:47 Samine received a card. 20 Mar, 00:47 Samine ran out of time. 20 Mar, 00:47 Afghanistan (Samine) attacks Iran (Nale) killing 2 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 00:46 Afghanistan (Samine) attacks Pakistan (ment) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:46 Guinea (Samine) attacks Ghana (Alpar) killing 0 troops, losing 4. 20 Mar, 00:46 Mauritania (Samine) attacks Morocco (ment) killing 2 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:45 Mali (Samine) attacks Niger (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:45 Mauritania (Samine) attacks Guinea (Alpar) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:45 Mauritania (Samine) attacks Mali (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:45 Afghanistan was reinforced by Samine with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:45 Mauritania was reinforced by Samine with 15 troops. 20 Mar, 00:44 Samine received 15 troops for turning in cards Algeria, Peru, and Iran 20 Mar, 00:44 Samine received 3 troops for 7 territories. 20 Mar, 00:44 Samine started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:44 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:44 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 00:44 Turkey (Nale) sent 6 reinforcements to UG (Ukraine/Greece) (Nale) 20 Mar, 00:44 UG (Ukraine/Greece) (Nale) attacks Turkey (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:44 Moscovia (Nale) attacks UG (Ukraine/Greece) (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 00:43 Ural (Nale) attacks Moscovia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:43 Siberia (Nale) attacks Ural (Neutral) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:43 Yakutsk (Nale) attacks Siberia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:42 Yakutsk was reinforced by Nale with 22 troops. 20 Mar, 00:42 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 00:42 Nale received 3 troops for holding East Canada 20 Mar, 00:42 Nale received 12 troops for turning in cards UK (United Kingdom), NSW (New South Wales), and Spain 20 Mar, 00:42 Nale received 5 troops for 16 territories. 20 Mar, 00:42 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:42 TheBasicsOfCQC missed the turn. 20 Mar, 00:39 Alpar ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:39 Alpar received a card. 20 Mar, 00:39 Niger (Alpar) sent 1 reinforcements to Guinea (Alpar) 20 Mar, 00:38 Guinea (Alpar) attacks N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:38 Columbia (Alpar) attacks Amazonia (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:38 Ghana (Alpar) attacks Guinea (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:38 Ghana was reinforced by Alpar with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:37 Alpar received 3 troops for 7 territories. 20 Mar, 00:37 Alpar started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:37 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:37 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 00:37 Mexico (Aboithagameboi) sent 4 reinforcements to Panama (Aboithagameboi) 20 Mar, 00:37 Borneo (Aboithagameboi) attacks Philippines (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:37 Siberia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kazakhstan (Samine) killing 2 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 00:36 Sudan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Egypt (ment) killing 1 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 00:36 Sudan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Libya (Nale) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:36 Chad (Aboithagameboi) attacks Libya (Nale) killing 0 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 00:36 Chad (Aboithagameboi) attacks Cameroon (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:36 Sudan was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:36 Chad was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:36 Siberia was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:35 Borneo was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:35 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 00:35 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding Central America 20 Mar, 00:35 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 00:35 Aboithagameboi received 7 troops for 22 territories. 20 Mar, 00:35 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:35 ment ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:35 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 00:35 Round 6 starting. 20 Mar, 00:35 Botswana (ment) sent 4 reinforcements to Kenya (ment) 20 Mar, 00:35 Moscovia (ment) attacks UG (Ukraine/Greece) (TheBasicsOfCQC) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:35 Spain (ment) attacks Morocco (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:34 Korea (ment) attacks Japan (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:34 China (ment) attacks Korea (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:34 Mongolia (ment) attacks China (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 4. 20 Mar, 00:33 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (ment) attacks Spain (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:33 UK (United Kingdom) (ment) attacks FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (Samine) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:33 Iceland (ment) attacks UK (United Kingdom) (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:33 Scandinavia (ment) attacks Iceland (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:33 Mongolia was reinforced by ment with 14 troops. 20 Mar, 00:33 Scandinavia was reinforced by ment with 9 troops. 20 Mar, 00:32 ment received 2 troops on W. Australia 20 Mar, 00:32 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 00:32 ment received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 00:32 ment received 10 troops for turning in cards Quebec, S. Central Brazil, and W. Australia 20 Mar, 00:32 ment received 7 troops for 21 territories. 20 Mar, 00:32 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:32 Samine ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:32 Samine received a card. 20 Mar, 00:32 Yemen (Samine) sent 1 reinforcements to Ethiopia (Samine) 20 Mar, 00:32 Mauritania (Samine) attacks Mali (Alpar) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:31 Yemen (Samine) attacks Ethiopia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:30 Kazakhstan (Samine) attacks Turkmenistan (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:30 Kazakhstan (Samine) attacks Afghanistan (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:29 Kazakhstan was reinforced by Samine with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 00:29 Samine received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 00:29 Samine received 3 troops for 10 territories. 20 Mar, 00:29 Samine started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:29 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:29 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 00:29 Japan (Nale) sent 3 reinforcements to Kamchatka (Nale) 20 Mar, 00:29 Kamchatka (Nale) attacks Japan (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:28 Alaska (Nale) attacks Kamchatka (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:28 Alaska was reinforced by Nale with 10 troops. 20 Mar, 00:28 Nale received 2 troops for holding West Canada 20 Mar, 00:28 Nale received 3 troops for holding East Canada 20 Mar, 00:28 Nale received 5 troops for 16 territories. 20 Mar, 00:28 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:28 TheBasicsOfCQC received a card. 20 Mar, 00:28 TheBasicsOfCQC ran out of time. 20 Mar, 00:28 China (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Philippines (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:28 Korea (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks China (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:27 UG (Ukraine/Greece) (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Turkey (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:26 Suriname (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:26 Kamchatka (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Yakutsk (Nale) killing 2 troops, losing 6. 20 Mar, 00:25 Kamchatka was reinforced by TheBasicsOfCQC with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:25 TheBasicsOfCQC received 3 troops for 9 territories. 20 Mar, 00:25 TheBasicsOfCQC started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:25 Alpar ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:25 Alpar received a card. 20 Mar, 00:25 Nigeria (Alpar) attacks Ghana (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:24 Vietnam (Alpar) attacks Thailand (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:24 Vietnam was reinforced by Alpar with 6 troops. 20 Mar, 00:24 Columbia was reinforced by Alpar with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 00:23 Alpar received 8 troops for turning in cards Ethiopia, Cuba, and UG (Ukraine/Greece) 20 Mar, 00:23 Alpar received 3 troops for 5 territories. 20 Mar, 00:22 Alpar started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:22 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 00:22 Aboithagameboi ran out of time. 20 Mar, 00:22 Chad (Aboithagameboi) attacks Libya (Nale) killing 0 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 00:22 Sudan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Chad (Alpar) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:21 Sudan (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ethiopia (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:21 Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Columbia (Alpar) killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:21 Panama (Aboithagameboi) attacks Columbia (Alpar) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:21 N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) attacks Amazonia (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:21 Borneo (Aboithagameboi) attacks Philippines (ment) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:20 Caribbean (Aboithagameboi) attacks Panama (Nale) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:20 Cuba (Aboithagameboi) attacks Caribbean (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:20 Sudan was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:20 Borneo was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:20 N. Central Brazil was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:20 Mexico was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:20 Cuba was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:20 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 00:20 Aboithagameboi received 3 troops for holding United States 20 Mar, 00:20 Aboithagameboi received 6 troops for turning in cards FGI (France/Germany/Italy), Libya, and NT (Northern Territory) 20 Mar, 00:20 Aboithagameboi received 6 troops for 20 territories. 20 Mar, 00:19 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:19 ment ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:19 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 00:19 Round 5 starting. 20 Mar, 00:19 S. Africa (ment) sent 4 reinforcements to Botswana (ment) 20 Mar, 00:19 BP (Baltic/Poland) (ment) attacks Scandinavia (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:19 Moscovia (ment) attacks BP (Baltic/Poland) (Samine) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 5. 20 Mar, 00:18 Mongolia (ment) attacks China (Nale) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 7. 20 Mar, 00:18 Thailand (ment) attacks Vietnam (Alpar) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:18 Philippines (ment) attacks China (Nale) killing 1 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:18 Moscovia was reinforced by ment with 8 troops. 20 Mar, 00:17 Mongolia was reinforced by ment with 7 troops. 20 Mar, 00:17 ment received 2 troops for holding Australia 20 Mar, 00:17 ment received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 00:17 ment received 2 troops for holding East Africa 20 Mar, 00:17 ment received 7 troops for 22 territories. 20 Mar, 00:17 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:17 Samine ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:17 Samine received a card. 20 Mar, 00:16 Ghana (Samine) attacks Mali (Alpar) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:16 Mauritania (Samine) attacks Morocco (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:15 Scandinavia (Samine) attacks BP (Baltic/Poland) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:15 Ghana was reinforced by Samine with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:15 Mauritania was reinforced by Samine with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:15 Scandinavia was reinforced by Samine with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:14 Samine received 1 troops for holding Northern Europe 20 Mar, 00:14 Samine received 2 troops for holding Western Europe 20 Mar, 00:14 Samine received 4 troops for 12 territories. 20 Mar, 00:14 Samine started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:14 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:14 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 00:14 BC (British Columbia) (Nale) sent 2 reinforcements to Alaska (Nale) 20 Mar, 00:14 YT (Yukon Territory) (Nale) attacks Alaska (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:14 NW. T (Northwest Territory) (Nale) attacks YT (Yukon Territory) (Samine) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:14 NW. T (Northwest Territory) was reinforced by Nale with 8 troops. 20 Mar, 00:13 Nale received 3 troops for holding East Canada 20 Mar, 00:13 Nale received 5 troops for 16 territories. 20 Mar, 00:13 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:13 TheBasicsOfCQC received a card. 20 Mar, 00:13 TheBasicsOfCQC ran out of time. 20 Mar, 00:13 Japan (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Korea (Alpar) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:13 Kamchatka (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Japan (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:13 Kamchatka was reinforced by TheBasicsOfCQC with 7 troops. 20 Mar, 00:12 TheBasicsOfCQC received 2 troops on Kamchatka 20 Mar, 00:12 TheBasicsOfCQC received 4 troops for turning in cards Japan, Sudan, and Kamchatka 20 Mar, 00:12 TheBasicsOfCQC received 3 troops for 8 territories. 20 Mar, 00:12 TheBasicsOfCQC started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:10 Alpar ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:10 Alpar received a card. 20 Mar, 00:10 Columbia (Alpar) attacks Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:09 Niger (Alpar) attacks Nigeria (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:09 Niger was reinforced by Alpar with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:09 Alpar received 3 troops for 8 territories. 20 Mar, 00:09 Alpar started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:09 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:09 Aboithagameboi received a card. 20 Mar, 00:08 Borneo (Aboithagameboi) attacks Philippines (ment) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 20 Mar, 00:08 Irian Jaya (Aboithagameboi) attacks Borneo (Samine) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:08 PNG (Papua New Guinea) (Aboithagameboi) attacks Irian Jaya (Nale) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:08 Amazonia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Suriname (TheBasicsOfCQC) killing 1 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 00:08 N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) attacks Amazonia (Nale) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:07 Cuba (Aboithagameboi) attacks Caribbean (Samine) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:07 SE. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks Cuba (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:07 NE. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks SE. USA (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:07 PNG (Papua New Guinea) was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:07 N. Central Brazil was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:07 NE. USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:07 Aboithagameboi received 2 troops for holding SA Cone 20 Mar, 00:07 Aboithagameboi received 5 troops for 17 territories. 20 Mar, 00:07 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:07 ment received a card. 20 Mar, 00:06 ment ran out of time. 20 Mar, 00:06 Round 4 starting. 20 Mar, 00:06 India (ment) attacks Thailand (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:06 NSW (New South Wales) (ment) attacks Queensland (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:06 Somalia (ment) attacks India (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:05 Somalia (ment) attacks Ethiopia (Samine) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:05 Kenya (ment) attacks Somalia (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 3. 20 Mar, 00:05 Kenya was reinforced by ment with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:04 Kenya was reinforced by ment with 5 troops. 20 Mar, 00:04 NSW (New South Wales) was reinforced by ment with 3 troops. 20 Mar, 00:04 ment received 4 troops for holding Southern Africa 20 Mar, 00:04 ment received 6 troops for 18 territories. 20 Mar, 00:04 ment started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:04 Samine ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:03 Samine received a card. 20 Mar, 00:03 Iceland (Samine) sent 1 reinforcements to Scandinavia (Samine) 20 Mar, 00:03 UK (United Kingdom) (Samine) attacks Scandinavia (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:03 Guinea (Samine) attacks Mauritania (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:03 Spain (Samine) attacks Caribbean (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:02 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (Samine) attacks Spain (ment) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:02 Cuba (Samine) attacks Caribbean (Alpar) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 20 Mar, 00:02 SE. USA (Samine) attacks Cuba (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:02 Guinea was reinforced by Samine with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:02 FGI (France/Germany/Italy) was reinforced by Samine with 2 troops. 20 Mar, 00:01 Samine received 4 troops for 12 territories. 20 Mar, 00:01 Samine started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:01 Nale ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:01 Nale received a card. 20 Mar, 00:01 Ontario (Nale) sent 1 reinforcements to Nunavut (Nale) 20 Mar, 00:01 Alberta (Nale) attacks BC (British Columbia) (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 20 Mar, 00:00 Alberta was reinforced by Nale with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:00 Greenland was reinforced by Nale with 4 troops. 20 Mar, 00:00 Nale received 3 troops for holding East Canada 20 Mar, 00:00 Nale received 5 troops for 17 territories. 20 Mar, 00:00 Nale started the turn. 20 Mar, 00:00 TheBasicsOfCQC ended the turn. 20 Mar, 00:00 TheBasicsOfCQC received a card. 20 Mar, 00:00 Alaska (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks BC (British Columbia) (Alpar) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:59 Afghanistan (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Pakistan (ment) killing 1 troops, losing 3. 19 Mar, 23:59 India (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Pakistan (ment) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:59 Turkmenistan (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Afghanistan (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:59 Turkmenistan was reinforced by TheBasicsOfCQC with 3 troops. 19 Mar, 23:58 TheBasicsOfCQC received 3 troops for 9 territories. 19 Mar, 23:58 TheBasicsOfCQC started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:57 Alpar ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:57 Alpar received a card. 19 Mar, 23:57 Japan (Alpar) sent 1 reinforcements to Korea (Alpar) 19 Mar, 23:57 Thailand (Alpar) attacks Sumatra (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:57 Vietnam (Alpar) attacks Thailand (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:56 Mauritania (Alpar) attacks Mali (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:56 Morocco (Alpar) attacks Mauritania (Samine) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:56 Chad (Alpar) attacks Niger (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:55 Caribbean (Alpar) attacks Cuba (ment) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:55 Columbia was reinforced by Alpar with 3 troops. 19 Mar, 23:55 Alpar received 3 troops for 8 territories. 19 Mar, 23:55 Alpar started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:55 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:55 Aboithagameboi received a card. 19 Mar, 23:55 Chile (Aboithagameboi) sent 2 reinforcements to N. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) 19 Mar, 23:54 Turkey (Aboithagameboi) attacks UG (Ukraine/Greece) (TheBasicsOfCQC) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:54 Scandinavia (Aboithagameboi) attacks BP (Baltic/Poland) (Nale) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:54 Bolivia (Aboithagameboi) attacks Amazonia (Nale) killing 0 troops, losing 3. 19 Mar, 23:53 S. Central Brazil (Aboithagameboi) attacks N. Central Brazil (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:53 Argentina (Aboithagameboi) attacks S. Central Brazil (ment) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:53 Midwest USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks NE. USA (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:53 Midwest USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 1 troops. 19 Mar, 23:53 Midwest USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 2 troops. 19 Mar, 23:53 Argentina was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 1 troops. 19 Mar, 23:53 Bolivia was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 1 troops. 19 Mar, 23:52 Aboithagameboi received 5 troops for 15 territories. 19 Mar, 23:52 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:52 ment ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:52 ment received a card. 19 Mar, 23:52 Round 3 starting. 19 Mar, 23:52 S. Central Brazil (ment) sent 4 reinforcements to S. Africa (ment) 19 Mar, 23:52 Cameroon (ment) attacks Nigeria (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:52 NT (Northern Territory) (ment) attacks Queensland (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:51 S. Australia (ment) attacks NT (Northern Territory) (Nale) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:51 Madagascar (ment) attacks W. Australia (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 4 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:51 Kenya (ment) attacks Madagascar (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:51 S. Australia was reinforced by ment with 2 troops. 19 Mar, 23:50 Kenya was reinforced by ment with 4 troops. 19 Mar, 23:50 ment received 6 troops for 19 territories. 19 Mar, 23:50 ment started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:50 Samine ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:50 Samine received a card. 19 Mar, 23:50 Guinea (Samine) sent 1 reinforcements to Mauritania (Samine) 19 Mar, 23:49 Ghana (Samine) attacks Niger (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:48 Mali (Samine) attacks Niger (Alpar) killing 1 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:48 Nigeria (Samine) attacks Niger (Alpar) killing 1 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:48 Mauritania (Samine) attacks Guinea (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:48 Ghana (Samine) attacks Guinea (Alpar) killing 2 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:47 Ghana (Samine) attacks Mali (Alpar) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:47 Ghana was reinforced by Samine with 4 troops. 19 Mar, 23:47 Samine received 4 troops for 14 territories. 19 Mar, 23:47 Samine started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:47 Nale ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:47 Nale received a card. 19 Mar, 23:46 Alberta (Nale) attacks Nunavut (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 3. 19 Mar, 23:46 NW. T (Northwest Territory) (Nale) attacks Alberta (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:46 NW. T (Northwest Territory) was reinforced by Nale with 5 troops. 19 Mar, 23:46 Nale received 5 troops for 17 territories. 19 Mar, 23:46 Nale started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:46 TheBasicsOfCQC received a card. 19 Mar, 23:46 TheBasicsOfCQC ran out of time. 19 Mar, 23:46 Kamchatka (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Alaska (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:45 W. Australia (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks NT (Northern Territory) (Nale) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:45 W. Australia was reinforced by TheBasicsOfCQC with 1 troops. 19 Mar, 23:45 Kamchatka was reinforced by TheBasicsOfCQC with 2 troops. 19 Mar, 23:45 TheBasicsOfCQC received 3 troops for 10 territories. 19 Mar, 23:45 TheBasicsOfCQC started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:43 Alpar received a card. 19 Mar, 23:43 Alpar ran out of time. 19 Mar, 23:42 BC (British Columbia) (Alpar) attacks YT (Yukon Territory) (Samine) killing 0 troops, losing 3. 19 Mar, 23:41 Alberta (Alpar) attacks BC (British Columbia) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:40 Nunavut (Alpar) attacks Greenland (Nale) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:40 Alberta was reinforced by Alpar with 4 troops. 19 Mar, 23:40 Alpar received 4 troops for 12 territories. 19 Mar, 23:40 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:40 Alpar started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:40 Aboithagameboi received a card. 19 Mar, 23:40 BC (British Columbia) (Aboithagameboi) sent 1 reinforcements to Midwest USA (Aboithagameboi) 19 Mar, 23:40 Madagascar (Aboithagameboi) attacks Kenya (ment) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:39 Alaska (Aboithagameboi) attacks BC (British Columbia) (Samine) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:39 Sumatra (Aboithagameboi) attacks Java (Alpar) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 5. 19 Mar, 23:39 Sumatra was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 5 troops. 19 Mar, 23:38 Aboithagameboi received 5 troops for 16 territories. 19 Mar, 23:38 Aboithagameboi started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:37 ment ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:37 ment received a card. 19 Mar, 23:37 Round 2 starting. 19 Mar, 23:37 N. Central Brazil (ment) sent 2 reinforcements to S. Central Brazil (ment) 19 Mar, 23:37 Cuba (ment) attacks Mexico (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:36 Afghanistan (ment) attacks Turkmenistan (TheBasicsOfCQC) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:36 NSW (New South Wales) (ment) attacks S. Australia (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:36 Botswana (ment) attacks Mozambique (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 3. 19 Mar, 23:36 Namibia (ment) attacks Botswana (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:36 Kenya (ment) attacks Botswana (Alpar) killing 1 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:35 Angola (ment) attacks Botswana (Alpar) killing 1 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:35 S. Africa (ment) attacks Namibia (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:35 S. Africa was reinforced by ment with 5 troops. 19 Mar, 23:35 ment received 5 troops for 15 territories. 19 Mar, 23:34 ment started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:34 Samine received a card. 19 Mar, 23:34 Samine ran out of time. 19 Mar, 23:34 UK (United Kingdom) (Samine) attacks FGI (France/Germany/Italy) (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:33 Thailand (Samine) attacks Vietnam (Alpar) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:33 BC (British Columbia) (Samine) attacks NW. T (Northwest Territory) (Nale) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:33 YT (Yukon Territory) (Samine) attacks NW. T (Northwest Territory) (Nale) killing 1 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:33 Iceland (Samine) attacks Greenland (Nale) killing 0 troops, losing 1. 19 Mar, 23:32 BC (British Columbia) (Samine) attacks Alberta (Alpar) killing 1 troops, losing 3. 19 Mar, 23:32 UK (United Kingdom) was reinforced by Samine with 2 troops. 19 Mar, 23:32 BC (British Columbia) was reinforced by Samine with 2 troops. 19 Mar, 23:32 Samine received 4 troops for 14 territories. 19 Mar, 23:32 Samine started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:31 Nale ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:31 Nale received a card. 19 Mar, 23:30 Quebec (Nale) attacks Ontario (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:30 Greenland (Nale) attacks Quebec (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:30 NT (Northern Territory) (Nale) attacks S. Australia (TheBasicsOfCQC) killing 2 troops, losing 3. 19 Mar, 23:30 NT (Northern Territory) (Nale) attacks W. Australia (TheBasicsOfCQC) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:30 Greenland was reinforced by Nale with 2 troops. 19 Mar, 23:30 NT (Northern Territory) was reinforced by Nale with 3 troops. 19 Mar, 23:30 Nale received 5 troops for 15 territories. 19 Mar, 23:30 Nale started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:30 TheBasicsOfCQC ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:30 TheBasicsOfCQC received a card. 19 Mar, 23:30 NE. USA (TheBasicsOfCQC) sent 1 reinforcements to Ontario (TheBasicsOfCQC) 19 Mar, 23:29 Ontario (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Quebec (Aboithagameboi) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:28 S. Australia (TheBasicsOfCQC) attacks Queensland (Aboithagameboi) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:27 W. Australia was reinforced by TheBasicsOfCQC with 2 troops. 19 Mar, 23:27 S. Australia was reinforced by TheBasicsOfCQC with 2 troops. 19 Mar, 23:27 TheBasicsOfCQC received 4 troops for 14 territories. 19 Mar, 23:27 TheBasicsOfCQC started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:27 Alpar ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:27 Alpar received a card. 19 Mar, 23:26 Japan (Alpar) attacks Korea (Samine) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:26 Japan was reinforced by Alpar with 4 troops. 19 Mar, 23:25 Alpar received 4 troops for 13 territories. 19 Mar, 23:25 Alpar started the turn. 19 Mar, 23:25 Aboithagameboi ended the turn. 19 Mar, 23:25 Aboithagameboi received a card. 19 Mar, 23:25 Queensland (Aboithagameboi) attacks PNG (Papua New Guinea) (TheBasicsOfCQC) conquering it, killing 3 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:24 Quebec (Aboithagameboi) attacks Ontario (TheBasicsOfCQC) killing 0 troops, losing 2. 19 Mar, 23:24 S. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks Midwest USA (Alpar) conquering it, killing 1 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:24 Mexico (Aboithagameboi) attacks S. USA (Alpar) conquering it, killing 2 troops, losing 0. 19 Mar, 23:24 W. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks S. USA (Alpar) killing 1 troops, losing 4. 19 Mar, 23:24 W. USA (Aboithagameboi) attacks Midwest USA (Alpar) killing 2 troops, losing 3. 19 Mar, 23:24 W. USA was reinforced by Aboithagameboi with 5 troops. 19 Mar, 23:23 Aboithagameboi received 5 troops for 15 territories. 19 Mar, 23:23 Game has started. 19 Mar, 23:23 Aboithagameboi started the turn.