/* *This is my first jQuery PlugIn and it is based on the following tutorial: *http://www.queness.com/post/112/a-really-simple-jquery-plugin-tutorial * */ //You need an anonymous function to wrap around your function to avoid conflict (function($){ //Attach this new method to jQuery $.fn.extend({ //This is where you write your plugin's name: //Simple jQuery Notification sjn: function(options) { //construktor var defaults ={ 'fadeInTime':1000, 'fadeOutTime':1000, 'maxOpacity':0.85 } var options = $.extend(defaults, options); //Public Functions this.show = function(){ console.log(options.fadeInTime); //var obj = $(this); /* $(this).animate( { opacity: options.maxOpacity }, options.fadeInTime, function(){ console.log("FadinIn Complete..."); } );*/ } this.hide = function(){ $(this).animate( { opacity: 0 }, options.fadeOutTime, function(){ console.log("FadinOut Complete..."); } ); } return this; } } ); //pass jQuery to the function, //So that we will able to use any valid Javascript variable name //to replace "$" SIGN. But, we'll stick to $ (I like dollar sign: ) ) })(jQuery);