me: how is your boy in cali? her: good! and hes doing well. its an interesting relationship. we're just so different, maybe too different. haha me: what do you mean? her: hes always wanting attention / wanting to hang out. and i need alone time. and just about everything about us is 100% opposite. me: im sure he just really cares deeply about you haha. but does he not want any space of his own? her: i think i give him a lot of space by taking my alone time when i do but im used to even more me: yeah, i know what you mean. her: and hes used to girls like dropping everything for him and now hes the one that tries too hard haha me: well im sure he's a nice guy. most guys just like that validation they get from women so it's not a bad idea to settle on the one who has the most other good things going on her: haha yeah. nah hes a good guy its just so different from [my ex-boyfriend]. he tries so hard and my [ex-boyfriend] didnt try at all haha me: well people like a challenge. same reason why i wont go for a girl who throws herself at me. too easy her: yeah def. but im worried im feeling that way about this. its too easy >_> haha me: understandable. it's rare when a guy doesn't need a woman to pat him on the back for him to feel better about himself. men who generate their own happiness from within themselves are the most attractive. so your boyfriend genuinely is a nice guy like 95% of the guys out there and like 95% of the guys out there, he seeks your approval to feel better about himself her: yeah its true. and im not really that type of person me: basic laws of attraction. just the way it is her: haha yeah truth. sad face. we'll see me: yea best of luck with that her: hahaha i mean lucks got nothing to do with it either my whole outlook on what i can give in a relationship changes or this wont last long me: well you can only go with how it feels in your gut if it's not a good fit, it's not a good fit. no sense in pushing something that isn't there her: yeah very true me: i must go now. have a good night and ill ttyl