- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; if ([self isViewLoaded] == NO) { // release the model, will be recreated in viewDidLoad [_brain release], self.brain = nil; } } - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; if ([self isViewLoaded] == NO) { // will be recreated in viewDidLoad, only exists in vcSub1 [self.zoomBrain release], [self setZoomBrain:nil]; _button = nil; // autoreleased, created programmatically } } - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning { [super didReceiveMemoryWarning]; if ([self isViewLoaded] == NO) { // nothing in here (yet) } } Received simulated memory warning. -[AppDelegate applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning:] [Line 81] -[vcSub2 didReceiveMemoryWarning] [Line 102] -[vcMain didReceiveMemoryWarning] [Line 73] -[vcSub2 viewDidUnload] [Line 112] -[vcMain viewDidUnload] [Line 65] -[vcSub1 didReceiveMemoryWarning] [Line 150] -[vcMain didReceiveMemoryWarning] [Line 73] -[vcSub1 viewDidUnload] [Line 143] -[vcMain viewDidUnload] [Line 65] Received simulated memory warning. -[AppDelegate applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning:] [Line 81] -[vcSub2 didReceiveMemoryWarning] [Line 102] -[vcMain didReceiveMemoryWarning] [Line 73] -[vcSub1 didReceiveMemoryWarning] [Line 150] -[vcMain didReceiveMemoryWarning] [Line 73] -[vcSub1 viewDidUnload] [Line 143] -[vcMain viewDidUnload] [Line 65] *** -[vcSub1 isViewLoaded]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x614de80 Alloc: Block address: 0x0614de80 length: 192 Stack - pthread: 0xa0425540 number of frames: 21 0: 0x93f7f0a3 in malloc_zone_calloc 1: 0x93f7effa in calloc 2: 0x154a2d4 in class_createInstance 3: 0x13165d8 in +[NSObject(NSObject) allocWithZone:] 4: 0x13163da in +[NSObject(NSObject) alloc] 5: 0x2bf0 in -[AppDelegate application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:] at AppDelegate.m:47 6: 0x8dec89 in -[UIApplication _callInitializationDelegatesForURL:payload:suspended:] 7: 0x8e0d88 in -[UIApplication _runWithURL:payload:launchOrientation:statusBarStyle:statusBarHidden:] 8: 0x8eb617 in -[UIApplication handleEvent:withNewEvent:] 9: 0x8e3abf in -[UIApplication sendEvent:] 10: 0x8e8f2e in _UIApplicationHandleEvent 11: 0x30b9992 in PurpleEventCallback 12: 0x13d3944 in __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE1_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ 13: 0x1333cf7 in __CFRunLoopDoSource1 14: 0x1330f83 in __CFRunLoopRun 15: 0x1330840 in CFRunLoopRunSpecific 16: 0x1330761 in CFRunLoopRunInMode 17: 0x8e07d2 in -[UIApplication _run] 18: 0x8ecc93 in UIApplicationMain 19: 0x28f9 in main at main.m:14 20: 0x2875 in start [self.zoomBrain release] [self setZoomBrain:nil]; [_brain release]; self.brain = nil; self.brain = nil;