Chiptune Collective A moderated worldwide chiptune release log, and classic VGM collective (32 bits and under with sound chips) Under New Administration FAQ: What's this place for? Having a moderated back catalog with easy access Why chiptune alongside classic vgm? Same music chips Can I submit? Submissions are by moderators only Are there any files stored here? No, content is embedded How can I play music while I browse the collective? Open another tab I hate clicking, where's the playlist? Check the sidebar, plays collective in full Shuffle available in "options" (bandcamp content doesn't work) How can I see past the most recent 1000 posts? Use the search box, You must know what you're looking for, Have "limit my search" checked Broken links? Means files were deleted from their original location What happened to Chipcon? Shut down 2014 What happened to Pause? Shut down 2013 What happened to 8BitCollective? Shut down 2012 What happened to Blipfestival? Shut down 2012 What happened to TrueChipTillDeath? Shut down 2012 888888888888888888888 s 88 ooooooooooooooo 88 s 8888888888888888888888888888HI AXL88888 S 88 8888 miss 88888 88 SS 888888888888888888888888888888888888888 SS 88 8888 u 8BC 8888 88 SSS 8888 - --+ 8888 SS 88 ooooooooooooooo 88 sSSS 8888 o8888888o | 8888 sSS 88 888888888888888 88 SSSSS 8888 o88888888888o 8888 SSS 88 888888888888888 88 SSSSS 8888 8888 88888 8888 | 8888 SSS 88 ooooooooooooooo 88 SSSSS 8888 o888 888 888o 8888 SSS 88 888888888888888 88 SSSSS 8888 8888 888 8888 8888 SSS 88 888888888888888 88 SSSSS 8888 8888 888 8888 8888 SSS 88 oooooooooo 88 SSSSS 8888 8888o o888o o8888 8888 SSS 88 8888888888 .::. 88 SSSSS 8888 988 8o88888o8 88P 8888 SSS 88 oooooooooo :::: 88 SSSSS 8888 8oo 9888889 oo8 8888 SSS 88 8888888888 `' 88 SSSSS 8888 988o o88P 8888 SSS 88ooooooooooooooooo88 SSSS 8888 98888888P 8888 SSS 888888888888888888888__SSSS 8888 8888_____ SSS | * * * )8c8888 SSSS 888888888888888888888888888888888888888 SSS 888888888888888888888. SSS 888888888888888888888888888888888888888 SSS 888888888888888888888 \_ SSsssss oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ssss SSS 888888888888888888888 \\ __SS 88+-8+-88============8-8==88 S SSS 888888888888888888888-. \\ \ S 8888888888888888888888888888 SSS 888888888888888888888 \\\ \\ `.__________.' ` . SSS 88O8O chiptune 8O8O88 \\. \\______________________________`_. SSS 8808 collective O8O8O \\ '. \|________________________________| SS 88O8O8O8O8o8O8O8O8O88 \\ '-.___ S 888888888888888888888 /~ ~~~~~-----~~~~---.__ .---------------------------------------------------. ~--. \ \______\ __________________________________________\-------^.-----------. :' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ `\ \ ::\ ,\_\,\_\_\_\_\\_\_\_\_\\_\_\_\_\,\_\_\_\ \ o '8o 8o . |::\ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-___ -_-_-_ _ _ _ _ \ 8o 88 88 \ |_::\ ,\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\___\,\_\_\_\,\_\_\_\_\ \ 88 \ `:\ ,\__\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\ \,\_\_\_\,\_\_\_\ \ \ 88 . `:\ ,\__\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\____\ _ ,\_\_\_\_\ \ 88o .| :\ ,\____\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\____\ ,\_\ _,\_\_\_\ \ \ 'ooooo' :\ ,\__\\__\_______________\__\\__\,\_\_\_\,\___\_\_\ \ `\ -- -- --------------- -- -- - - - --- - - )____________ `--------------------------------------------------'