TCO 8) Which of the following did Robert Sternberg emphasize in his triarchic theory of intelligence? (Points : 5) process rather than product application of mental abilities to real-life situations kinesthetic abilities both a and b 2. (TCO 9) Low levels of arousal lead to _____ and high levels of arousal lead to _____. (Points : 5) reduced behavior efficiency; reduced behavior efficiency increased behavior efficiency; reduced behavior efficiency increased behavior efficiency; increased behavior efficiency reduced behavior efficiency; increased behavior efficiency 3. (TCO 9) According to the text, there is a significant correlation between industrial accomplishment of various countries and _______. (Points : 5) graduation rates infant mortality percent high school graduates achievement themes in children's literature 4. (TCO 10) The depression and anxiety that may result during menopause is primarily the result of _________. (Points : 5) Ahormonal changes cultural standards of beauty both a and b Dgenetic changes 5. (TCO 10) When a child learns that a truck is different from a car, even though both have four wheels and a metal body, _____ has occurred. (Points : 5) an adaptation accommodation an association Dassimilation 6. (TCO 10) What conclusions can be drawn from infant-attachment and adult relationship studies? (Points : 5) Poor attachment in infancy causes poor adult relationships. Early attachment is likely to predict adult relationship styles. Infant attachment determines adult relationship patterns. Attachment is unlikely to predict adult relationship styles. 7. (TCO 10) Jules never had the inclination to identify his basic beliefs, and finds himself adrift in the adult world, still engaging in delinquent behavior and making only superficial contact with others. It appears that the outcome of Jules' adolescent crisis was _____. (Points : 5) role confusion despair stagnation mistrust 8. (TCO 11) Eric is very hungry, but instead of cutting the line in the cafeteria, he decides to wait in line to get food. Which part of his personality is dominating his behavior at the present moment? (Points : 5) id ego superego preconscious 9. (TCO 11) Toland is angry with his mother. His mother tells him, "Nice boys don't hate their mothers." In Rogerian terms, this is an example of _____. (Points : 5) incongruence between self-concept and life experiences unconditional negative regard how to condition appropriate emotional responses a phenomenological process 10. (TCO 12) This is a complication of panic disorder, which results in anxiety about being in a place where escape is difficult or embarrassing. (Points : 5) social phobia specific phobia agoraphobia acrophobia 11. (TCO 12) Morris is having trouble sleeping, has lost his appetite, is too tired to go to work, and cannot concentrate on simple television shows. It is MOST likely that Morris is experiencing a _____. (Points : 5) generalized depressive disorder generalized anxiety disorder major depression bipolar disorder 12. (TCO 12) Ellis' therapy emphasizes ________ irrational beliefs, which cause changes in maladaptive emotions. (Points : 5) identifying uncovering disputing revealing 13. (TCO 12) A client tells her therapist that she has a great fear of flying. Her therapist responds," Me too. I don't like flying in planes, especially when there is a lot of turbulence." This is an example of _________________. (Points : 5) active listening unconditional positive regard sympathy empathy 14. (TCO 13) Dr. Mitchell is a brilliant lecturer who strongly prefers reading to the company of others. Despite being an introvert, however, she is VERY outgoing while she lectures. She is so outgoing during lecturing that her students commit the _______ in labeling her an extrovert. (Points : 5) saliency bias self-serving error faulty judgment error fundamental attribution error 15. (TCO 13) Cognitive dissonance theory predicts that after Lamar bought a Yugo instead of a Ford, he would _____. (Points : 5) regret his decision complain about the Ford features he couldn't get with his Yugo notice the problems with his Yugo that he ignored before focus on the positive features of his Yugo Page: 1 2 3 Time Remaining: