// ==UserScript== // @name JAVASCRIPT LIbrary for E4X // @namespace decembre // @include * // @version 1 // @grant none // ==/UserScript== /* * e4x.js * * A JavaScript library that implements the optional E4X features described in * ECMA-357 2nd Edition Annex A if they are not already implemented. * * 2010-06-30 * * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com * License: The X11/MIT license (see LICENSE.md) */ /*global document, XML, XMLList, XMLSerializer, XPathResult */ /*jslint undef: true, nomen: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true, maxerr: 1000, maxlen: 90 */ // Solution given by Paul Sweatte (StackOverflow): //Paul Sweatte //In How to convert this script which use deprecadted E4X ? : //The JavaScript implementation uses XMLSerializer, which is unsafe in Greasemonkey. //As a workaround, copy and paste the code into your script, //then replace XMLSerializer with unsafeWindow.XMLSerializer to access that API via the target page. //Be aware that it is possible for scripts on the target page to follow unsafeWindow usage back to the Greasemonkey script reference and thus gain elevated privileges /*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/e4x.js/blob/master/e4x.js*/ "use strict"; (function (XML) { var hostDoc = document, unsafeWindow.XMLSerializer = new unsafeWindow.XMLSerializer, piName = /^[\w\-]+\s*/, NULL = null, createDoc = function (docElem) { var domDoc = hostDoc.implementation.createDocument(NULL, NULL, NULL); if (docElem) { domDoc.appendChild(docElem); } return domDoc; }, xmlDoc = createDoc(), xmlToDomNode = function (xml) { var node; switch (xml.nodeKind()) { case "element": var attributes = xml.attributes(), children = xml.children(), childLen = children.length(), attLen = attributes.length(), i, attribute; node = xmlDoc.createElementNS( xml.namespace().uri, xml.localName() ); if (attLen !== 0) { for (i = 0; i < attLen; i++) { attribute = attributes[i]; node.setAttributeNS( attribute.namespace().uri, attribute.localName(), attribute.toString() ); } } if (childLen !== 0) { for (i = 0; i < childLen; i++) { node.appendChild(xmlToDomNode(children[i])); } } return node; case "text": return xmlDoc.createTextNode(xml.toString()); case "comment": return xmlDoc.createComment(xml.toString().slice(4, -3)); case "processing-instruction": return xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction( xml.localName(), xml.toString().slice(2, -2).replace(piName, "") ); case "attribute": (node = xmlDoc.createAttributeNS( xml.namespace().uri, xml.localName() )).nodeValue = xml.toString(); return node; } }, xmlMethods = { domNode: function () { if (this.length() === 1) { return hostDoc.adoptNode(xmlToDomNode(this)); } }, domNodeList: function () { var fragment = hostDoc.createDocumentFragment(); for (var i = 0, len = this.length(); i < len; i++) { fragment.appendChild(this[i].domNode()); } return hostDoc.adoptNode(fragment).childNodes; }, xpath: function (xpathExp) { var res = new XMLList, len = this.length(); if (len !== 1) { for (var i = 0, len = len; i < len; i++) { res += this[i].xpath(xpathExp); } return res; } var domDoc = createDoc(this.domNode()), xpr = domDoc.evaluate( xpathExp, domDoc.documentElement, domDoc.createNSResolver(domDoc.documentElement), XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, NULL ), node; while (node = xpr.iterateNext()) { // Unfortunately, there's no efficient native XML.fromDomNode(node) method res += new XML(unsafeWindow.XMLSerializer.serializeToString(node)); } return res; } }, method; for (method in xmlMethods) { if (xmlMethods.hasOwnProperty(method) && !XML.prototype.function::[method]) { XML.prototype.function::[method] = xmlMethods[method]; } } }(XML));